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cat losing hair badly, scabs

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Kristy, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Kristy

    Kristy New Member

    There is an outdoor cat who is wild but comes around often. He's always looked very healthy and we were even able to use a humane group trap to get him fixed two years ago. The last week or so he appears to be getting much thinner and his hair is also getting very thin on his hips. You can see the skin underneath and it is very red and raw and irritated. We are trying to catch him again to take him to a vet. But in the meantime, I'm worried and if you have any advice on what the problem could be, I would appreciate it so much. Thank you!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    could be mange...or allergies. or disease....hard to tell. needs a vet consult...poor guy.... :(
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome. Good luck catching your little one. I've heard that once the cat is trapped and released, they learn not to be retraped. They are very smart! I hope he feels better soon!
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Sounds like it could be mange. Did his ears look all thick and scabby too? I saw several stray cats come into the clinic shelter that you could tell had had sarcoptic mange for a long time. Nearly all of their fur had fallen off and thier skin was so thick and dry and wrinkly, they were pitiful to look at. I didn't feel so bad when those cats were PTS cuz they were so miserable.
  6. Kristy

    Kristy New Member

    cat skin problem, raw

    Thank you for your replies, and to answer the last comment... his head is fine. It is only his hip area, but it is in large spots. At first we were afraid he'd been in a horrible fight or hit by a car. But after another look, I don't think those are the case. It actually sort of looks like harsh rug burns. I am checking out your suggestions about skin diseases, but I think it looks more serious than a problem with fleas, etc. And I sure hope the comment about cats being harder to catch a second time isn't true!!! Thank you, again.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Me too. But that's what the people at Ten Lives Club and the feral focus group, and another cat trapper told me. I am feeding 2 strays or feral cats right now and had hoped to catch them. But no one can take care of them. The feral focus only do catch and release. The no kill shelter won't take in unfriendly cats, and the stray cat lady is taking care of 60-80 feral cats right now so I have to wait until next year for help. I cannot trap them and take care of them in my basement with 4 cats and a toddler. I was told that cats older than 4-5 months are extremely hard to socialize and they need to be caged for months. I feel really bad. At least they have a shelter outdoors I put out and food and water daily. I was told to think real hard about capturing them.

    I wish you and the kitty the best. Good luck catching him. :m10:

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