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I'm soooooo mad!!! Flo...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Was given to a man by the Rosenberg Animal Shelter today! I filled out all my paperwork and was going to go pay for everything, and they called to tell me no bother coming in. She was adopted out!!!

    I can't believe that!!! They wouldn't tell me who, or if he knew hounds, or any info on him. Confidential information, i know...but still!!! How could they do that!!! How in the hell am I going to know if she's going to be ok or not???

    I'm soo pissed off right now I could blow a fuse.
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Maybe you could leave your infor with them in case she would be returned for some reason. I'm sorry Sams, that sucks. But, maybe she went to someone who will love her and be a family for her.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I guess thats all I can hope for. That she'll be loved and shown the respect she deserves.

    They already know how pissed off I am. But they can't just go and take her back. They know darn good and well if she returns..She will be coming directly with me!!!
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    That's terrible and after everything you did to try and find a good hound rescue for her.

    I agree with Sarge'smom about leaving your info. There's always a chance thing won't work out and she'll be returned.

    How does you shelter handle adoptions? Is it first come first serve or do they just pick the best one out of the applicants. If it's the best one I can't think of anyone better than you and if it's firt come forst serve then I doubt he filled out a application before you did or they would have probably told you before you went to do the paperwork.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Basically they'll jsut give the dog to first come first serve. I already had my papers in on her. Just hadn't paid for the shots and spay.....I was going to do that today!!! ugh... I was just there yesterday afternoon too.. They knew I was serious. So if anyone asked, they should have said, I'm sorry but she's found a rescue, and gave them MY contact info!!!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree! You were there every day and they KNEW you were going to adopt her. I hope she went to a nice person. With her acting all scared, I doubt anyone mean would have wanted her. You'd think an employee could have called you and told you to get down there FAST and you could have got to her first.
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    In Sams post with the pics she said the shelter worker was suprised that Flo show some affection towards Sams. You'd think with her being timid they'd want her to go with someone she already knew than with a total stranger.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    That's really crappy.... First option around here goes to the person who brought the dog in and they'd not even have had her up for adoption till a rescue was exhausted etc...

    Had she already been spayed and everything???
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    NO! They vet checked her to find out if she was spayed. She wasn't and the vet could tell she's had litters in the past, Key word here LITTERS with the "S" so multiple. She was only 3 1/2 yrs old at max. He said her uterus was stretched out and that indicated that she's had at least 2-3.
    Poor girl....

    I know. Thats what gets me. They were sooo suprised and excited that she showed me affection, and I took off sooo much work time to go be with her and help socialize her. Not to meantion the $150 I spent on her!!!
    They gave the new owner all her stuff to go with her....instead of asking meif I wanted it back. SO the new owner got all this stuff:

    New bed - $49 DrFoster&Smith special
    New Harness - $25
    New Leash (matching to the harness) - $ 16.00
    Large smoked Meaty bone - $8.00
    LG Kong - $12.00
    Bag of beggin strips (5lbs) - $ 7.50
    Soft Brush- $6.00
    Denta bone - $4.00
    food and water combo bowl - $23.00
    and new collar - $15

    You'd think they would have returned all the stuff to me or at least asked me if the new owners could have it!!! NOT give it away!!!

    Had it been el cheapo wal-mart stuff it wouldn't have been so bad. But I oredered it all Overnight from Dr. Foster & Smith......ugh..... I wouldn't have bought all that if I knew I wasn't bringing her home. I might have made a donation to her care, but dam dam dam!!! They left this "small" detail out until I showed up to get all my stuff!!!!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I got all that stuff to let her get used to it all before bringing her to a new home, with new stuff. At least she would get used to it there, then when I brought her home, the transaction would be easier. she would recognize her stuff and say, OK this is mine!
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, your shelter let dogs go wihout being spayed?? ours doesnt thank god, I just cant believe what happened. lets just pray someone didnt se as another baby machine and she wnet ot a nice loving home.

  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, also you said she was positve for heartworm which very extensive and can be expensive treatment. maybe they let her go by mistake.

    I would check on that

  13. nern

    nern New Member

    That was really crappy of them. :x
    I hope her new owner is kind to her.
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Their policy is that they won't have her spayed until she's adopted. Once they fill out the paperwork, and pay the adoption fee, then THEY take her to the vets office and then the new owner picks the dog up after the spay and rabies shot is givien.

    Heart worm treatment is on the adopter. If its at an advanced stage they jsut put the animal down.
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'd think about taking them to small claims court, Sams. They shouldn't have given away all your stuff like that. I thought you had already filled out all the paperwork and stuff?! And someone who grabbed her out of there so fast - I'd be worried about their motives.
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I spoke to one of the "volunteers" she said it was wierd how they didn't enven think about me when he came in. Supposively they had listed her on E rescue or something..... Said the guy came in with his dog, a hound, met her and filled out the paperwork, paid his dues, and they took her to the vet right then.....

    She said that after I called and raised such a stink, that the comments were made that I donated those things to her. Therefor they went with her...
    So I called the shelter back, and told them, I did not donate the stuff, it was mine, I made that very clear when I brought it in, that it was to be used so that when she came home with me she'd know her stuff and it would help to "settle her in".

    I would take it to small claims. But then I'd look like a monster for fighting a rescue organization...and get laughed out of court for a mere $150.... But still its the principal.

    She did however console me and tell me that I was the only one Flo paid attention to, and reacted too. That the man and woman that took her lived out in the country and had a Blue Tick hound. Said they looked and seemed to be a really nice middle aged couple, had no kids, and had cattle and horses....

    SOooooo I don't know what further I can do....I guess if I want to continue to work with them, I better just let it pass. But if it ever happens again....I'll be on it like white on rice!!!

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