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POST CLOSED he IS getting declawed

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KellyMichBarrelRacer, Dec 11, 2004.

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  1. you all can leave me alone ive talked to the vet and hes going to get neutered AND declawed after christmas.feel free to call the humain society on me but they cant do anything.you can say i dont care but you dont know me so you have not right to say that i dont care about any of my animals.
    merry christmas and good night
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I just got my 5 month old (ish) cat fixed. They kept her overnight. It cost about $100. I think my vet it a little more expense than others. I also know there are low cost clinics out there too if you happen to be worried about money.

    About the declawing... it's a controversial topic here. I have no idea on cost. I just wanted to say - please do research before you decide to declaw your cat. There are other, less painful options out there. There was a declawing thread here a while ago with some info.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    please reconsider the declawing - once it's done it can'be be undone. you need to view http://www.lisaviolet.com and see her anti-declawing section and educate yourself regarding this procedure before committing to a declaw - and please please educate yourself prior to making this decision for your cat...you need to know what it involves before having your cat mutilated. They also have many suggestions regarding clawing issues and how to change them.
    When I had Zeus neutered (2 years ago this week actually) I think my total was $75 but he didn't have to spend the night.
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    just get your phone book (we have yellow pages here) and go through calling the local vets. anywhere u are willing to drive and get price quotes. thats the best way to do it.

    and it's what i always do. :D

    i agree, educate yourself first about the declawing... it's a pretty drastic measure. :?
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    There is a Spay USA deal in February. I don't know if it's all over the US or not. You go through the Humane Society and pay them but take the animal to your vet. I paid $25 dollars.
  6. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Re: how much will it cost??

    That's probably because he needs to scratch in order to remove the layer of old nail growths that grow over his claws. That's what all cats need to do, or they will eventually be in pain. What you need to do is provide your kitty with appropriate places to scratch... like scratching posts and scratching pads. Get a couple of each kind and put them near the places that he likes to scratch already. My cat doesn't like the upright post type of scratchers, but she absolutely loves that flat corrugated cardboard type. PetSmart sells them in 2 packs for $7.99, and they're double sided so when one side wears out, just flip them over. Most of the cardboard types can do that. These things literally saved my carpets and sofa. Before we got them, she wouldn't use the post and would only scratch the sofa and the carpet. After we got them, I mean IMMEDIATELY after we got them, the inappropriate scratching stopped. When he scratches in the right place, praise him with your "happy voice". When he scratches in the wrong place, say no in your stern voice. He'll eventually get the message, and those scratching pads are far superior to carpets or fabric by most cats' standards anyway. They just work better.

    Please do not declaw. It's a type of amputation, and there are other options to explore first.

    Good luck.
  7. you guys need to think about how you say think im not stupid i know what is good for my cat he gets his nails trimed every week and he still does ive had other cats declawed you may think its a bad thing but i dont and i find it insulting when you say about quote"YOU NEED TO EDUCATE YOURSELF"i know what im doing and he has three scratching posts throught the house and he uses them he just scratches on every thing else.Also if you would like to know hes a rescue and hes better off getting declawed than being in the pound,on the street, or dead.
  8. you guys arent much help becuz all i wanted was an idea of how much it would cost,instead i got responses that made it sound think i dont know anything,i probebly will just look for a site that will help me.
  9. thank you coppersmom
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    There is also a sticky with low cost spay/neuter clinics listed at the top of the forum if you are interested.

    I don't think anyone who responded intended to insult you. Many people who opt for declawing are unaware of what the procedure involves. Since many of the members here are aware of this they just wanted to make sure that you knew what was invloved and what the alternatives were.

    Prices will vary by State and as well as by indivudual vets. I would call a few vets in your area to get quotes. My aunt recently had her kitten neutered and declawed and I believe it cost her around $350.00.
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    exactly nern..most of us here know declawing is a painful proceedure for cats..they are born w/ claws for a reason...they sell kitty caps for claws..they also sell clear plastic or double sided tape to keep your kitties from scratching your furniture..

    i have 2 brand new couches ..and 2 7 month old kittens..they have about 10 scratchin posts..and still scratch my couches..but i value my kitties company more than i value a piece of furniture...

    as for spaying and neutering..i paid $150 per cat..but i have an expensive vet.
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    perhaps they are trying to get someone to insult them. sounds like a troll post to me.

    anyway, i dont know the cost of declawing. want to know why? because it is banned in my country, and rightly so. youd expect a fine if you declawed your cat and was caught. if you have needed to have other cats declawed you are not doing a very good job at training any of them. 1 cat in your care who scratches everything? yeah i can believe that. several cats who scratch everything? now i think youre just lazy. i dont know how you can say it needs to be done, let alone thinking its a 'good thing'. [-(
  13. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I don't think anyone here means to insult you. It's just that a lot of people don't understand what a declawing really is, and everybody here wants to make sure they do before they consider declawing. I don't understand that you would want to declaw your cat when you know what it involves. But it is your decision, and it seems like you have made up your mind.

    Have you tried the soft paws btw? It doesn't bother the cat, it saves your funiture and it has no side effects :y_the_best:
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    also declawing never ensures a forever home. My shelter had a 2 year old purebred DECLAWED siamese dumped off the other day. One of my Siamese was declawed by her former owner. Usually they are taken to the shelter due to the possible behavior issues they develop after being declawed.

    If you have your heart set on declawing I'm sure nothing anyone of us say will change your mind - my logic is it's just a sofa...material thing - an item - a thing. Your cat's claws belong to a living creature - something that feels, something that was born with claws for a reason.

    Yes furniture is expensive (this is why my sofas are from consignement shops rather than bought new)...but your cat's claws are priceless to him.

    Me thinks you get defensive cause you know it's not a nice thing to do to cats
  15. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i dont belive any1 wants to insult u but i no most the ppl here no wot they are talking about and i think it is cruel as u would not like ur finger nails ripped off i think there r other ways u think that ppl here dont ave the same issue wiv scrating well they do ppl ave mutiple cats n they dont need to declaw so pls dont do it i would neva put my cat through something that could be so cruel
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Declawing is needless amputation. There is no nice way to say it or call it. If you feel insulted because people are telling you this then you must know that you are planning on mutilating a defenseless animal to suit your own convience. :0021:

    Even if I knew how much a butcher would charge for the procedure, I certainly wouldn't aid you.

    Feel insulted if you want, but that is the simple truth.

  17. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh! i think we hit a nerve. marys right, you KNOW its wrong. by the way, can you please state where we have used the word stupid? im having trouble finding it!
  18. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Re: how much will it cost??

    There is nothing wrong with needlessly amputating 10 joints/bones from a perfectly healthy and normal cat? Is that what you are saying? You would rather mutilate your cat than have him/her scratch your furniture because it's too inconvient to have to clip or cap her claws? ::shudder::

    As stated by others above, you have alternatives. clawcaps or claw clipping are both viable alternatives to butchering. If her claws are clipped about every two or three weeks (it's easy to do), he/she will appear to be scratching objects but won't be causing damage. Claw clipping is considered normal and routine pet maintence and is part of the responsibility of owning a pet if the scratching is bothersome to you. I'm sorry, but hacking off multiple appendages isn't a solution that I would consider much less encourage on any level.

    And no one called you "stupid". People just urged you to learn exactly what is involved in the declaw proceedure. Because most people aren't aware of the extent and horrors of the surgery and behavioral ramifications afterward.

    I had my cat front-paw declawed many years ago and had no idea what I was doing to my baby and to this day, I feel just awful and guilty now that I know what it actually is.

    But nonetheless, don't feel put off by the responses on the topic. I doubt you'll find many folks here acceptant of the declaw thing. We tend to get a bit heavy when we feel we see someone abusing or neglecting a pet in any form weather the owner realises it or not. Simply put, we try to help and educate each other. That doesn't imply that any poster is "stupid", just perhaps unaware.

    EDITED TO ADD: this pic. I'm posting it as a url because it's quite graphic. Don't click if you don't want to see what is actually done. The nail isn't simply 'removed', but rather, the last joint of the digit is amputated.

    taken from this page http://declaw.lisaviolet.com/
  19. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member


    i cant begin to imagine how much pain that cat is in. anyone who looks at that picture, knows what its about and says that perfectly ok, even good, does not have any kind of heart. i am honestly feeling physically sick looking at that.
  20. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    kyles, and the amputation is repeated 10-20 times (front and back claws). It's just horrific. It's no wonder that the poor babies are traumatized by the time they get home.

    Calling it 'declaw' is a benign title. It literally is multiple amputation.

    When my son was a baby, his nails were thin but sharp...he cut both me and himself several times. Mabe I should have had his fingertip bones amputated to make my life easier. That way I wouldn't have to hassel with trimming his nails. Sheesh

    I'm disgusted that it's still legal in the US...but then, Theres a lot of things going on in the US that disgust me lately. But that's another whole can of worms...Do we have a worm forum? LOL
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