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In memory of Pinky

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by GinaH, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hey guys I just wanted to let you all know that I lost Pinky this morning. During the night Monday night she woke me up crying out and whimpering. She had lost all control of her bowels and was barely able to walk. I called her vet at 3 am and ended up taking her into his office at 5 am after running several tests we knew right away that she had kidney and liver failure. My family and I spent most of the day yesterday with her praying and hoping for a miracle. But sadly Pinky's condition worsened and I had to make the decision to have her PTS. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. But I know in my heart that Pinky was happy and she knew how much she was loved. My last and final gesture to her was hand to cheek which mean kiss. She kissed me and my husband good-bye and silently drifted away. For those of you who read this and didn't know of Pinky she was deaf but even with her disability she was still an amazing smart, sweet & loving dog. Pinky was a true ambassador of the breed. My heart is broken and I am finding Pinky's passing very hard to handle. I believe strongly in God and I know all things happen for a reason but how do you explain to three heart broken children how or why God took Pinky so soon after losing Izzy? I can't stop crying even my husband needed time alone today to cry and grieve for Pinky. Most of you all know how special Pinky was to me she was a very special dog. We buried Pinky in our yard this afternoon next to Izzy. Thankfully it was a bright sun shiny day. Pinkys bells which she wore around her neck when she was a baby (used to locate her if she were to wonder off) are now hanging on my office door as a constant reminder of the love and happiness she brought into my life. Every year my husband and I make a donation to the "Tree of Life Foundation" a charity which caters to underprivileged children in our area so this year we are making the donation in Pinky's name. Pinky was dearly loved and will be greatly missed.

  2. someday

    someday New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss Gina..I know Pinky was a very special dog. I'm sure she's still with you. You gave her a wonderful loving home and I'm sure she was happy and greatful because she gave so much back to you and your family. You are in my thoughts.
  3. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Gina, Im sorry to hear about this. It made me so sad but Pinky will always be in our hearts. She was a beautiul dog and Im sure you all made her life as happy as it could be. I know it was a hard decision for you to make but Im sure Pinky will always remember how much you all love her and how you took her pain away when sick.
  4. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    good luck with everything, i can't imagine how you feel......i am so sorry.
  5. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    My heart goes out to you and your family during you time of greif. Pinky will be missed but more importantly Remembered. God Bless you and yours....
  6. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Gina, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers...
  7. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    Im sorry to hear about you lost Gina... my condolences to your family..
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Gina I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, I know Pinky was a very special dog and how hard it is too loose one. I was fighting back tears reading about her loss and pray that God will help ease the pain of losing her.
  9. goob

    goob New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss Gina :( I remember when you first posted here, and she was only a tiny pup. It's horrible that you had to lose her at such a young age, but both of you were lucky to have had each other for the short time you did. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Oh I am sooo sorry for your loss. I was reading your post at work last night and began crying. I could not type a reply at that time. I totally understand your pain now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Pinky reminds me of my gal Annabelle.
    Copy and paste url to share AnnaBelle:

    You can post a lovely rememberence about Pinky on The Pet Prayer Line.
    Gina, Take care and remember all the GOOD YOU do. Pinky had a WONDERFUL LIFE!!!
    Love Sue
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Thank you all for your sweet and caring words. You all are a wonderful bunch of people. Everyone in my household seem to be in a state of depression even the other dogs. Bluebelle, Fancy and even Punkin seem to know something is not right everytime they are let out to potty they run to the outdoor kennels as if they are looking for Pinky. It's so heartbreaking.
  12. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    How old was Pinky?
    I am just curious because 3 1/2 years ago, I lost my dog Jasmine at the young age 0f 3 1/2 years old due to kidney failure. The vet said she had a condition called glomerionephritis which was actually caused by lyme disease. It was so sad. I still miss her daily.
    Do you know what caused Pinky's conditon?
    Again, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  13. Meg04

    Meg04 New Member

    Gina- Im so sorry for your loss. Im ashamed to say that I have neglected this board for a while. Today is the first time I've visited in a while, and I was shocked to hear of your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts.

    Megan :cry:
  14. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'm soooo sorry for your losss... Took me a bit to respond due to my own sadness (I hate to think about this stuff) but today I'm good... Pinky's in a better place and will always be with you in memories etc... Your family is in my thoughts.
  15. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    :cry: Oh Gina I am sooo sorry. I'm tryin to blink back tears right now!! Just remmember she's playing at the bridge right now as a healthy puppy, just waitin for you to come and walk her across. From what I've heard about her she was such an amazing dog. And you were an amazing mommy to her, I know how hard this is. But it's true time heals, the sadness will never truly go away but it will fade. Also remmember you have so much more good to do and lots of lives, doggie and otherwise, to touch!! *Hugs*

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