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my kittens wont sleep

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by rcrgal31, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Okay well they do sleep a whole lot during the day..and i know they are nocturnal..but omg..i am having some real issues getting to bed..these boys will sleep the whole time i am watching tv or on the computer..but the second i turn out the lights to go to bed..they are chasing each other and playing non stop..which usually means several trips for me out of bed to see what they are getting into..is there anything i can do to help them calm down so i can get some much needed sleep...and yes i have tried playing with them to tire them out...it doesn't work..lol...as i type this now..it is 3:46 am..and i have to get up for work in about 2 hrs...please help..any suggestions would be great!!... :D
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I remember, so well, going through this with Zeus. That or he'd keep after me to get up and refill his dish.

    Have you tried playing with them before you go to bed? Get out a wand toy or something and get them all riled up and tired?
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i never had a choice with Razberry. i HAD to get up with him in the beginning for the first week and a half- almost 2 weeks to help him find his food, not fall down stairs, and find the litter box.

    but during the day whenever i saw him sleeping i'd go over and gently try to wake him up and get him playing.

    the kittens have to sleep sometime. if u play with them during the day, they are bound to sleep at night hehe good luck!
  4. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Hehe, I had this same problem with Vianne and Kodak when they were babies. Sleep all day while i was at work and play all night. I mentioned in a post awhile back that Vianne likes to play ball in the bathtub. at night I would have to hide her toys or i would wake up with this loud banging around in the bathroom! Or sometimes those 2 would chase each other at 3am and go bounding across my bed or diving under my pillow! They seemed to grow out of it a bit as they got older, and now I just have Vianne and she doesn't have access to my bedroom anymore since i moved in with my husband. But now that I'm not working I get to be home alot during the day and we play together and she doesn't sleep as much in the afternoon. Not totally sure about her nocturnal habits since she's in her room at night, but everymoring i walk in and there she is asleep on the bed and she gets up and stretches with a big yawn like she's been passed out all night, so who knows? Sorry, I guess that doesn't help much, but maybe you could just confine them to a "kitty proof" area at night, where they still have water and a litter box and bed. Then continue trying to play with them during the day. Good luck...maybe someone here can whip out a great link on the subject :)
  5. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    I am going through the same thing. With Addy'd 6 kittens now up and moving around turning into real kittens and three rescue kittens we rescued from that Amish farm. The kittens go nuts at night now and I notice Addy just gets fed up and comes downstairs and sleeps on the couch while the kittens play. Mine are crazy little hellions and every once in a while you''l here a thump thump and run out to find a kitten holding on for dear life onto the second to top step and so I go up there put al of Addy's kittens back in the bathroom and the rescues in their pen but they break out as soon as I reach my room. Its tiring very much so lol. I can't really help all i can say is I feel your pain lol.
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    yeah that is what my jazzy does..she sleeps on the couch while the boys terrorize the house..i had been putting them in the bathroom at night when i am really fed up and need sleep...they have no toys in there so they have no choice but to sleep or knock down all my stuff in the shower..lol...thanks for the ideas guys..i will let ya know how it goes.
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    *holds water pistol to your kitties heads* 'SLEEP!!!!'

    lol, i wish it were that simple. pepe has a new trick he does in the middle of the night. hop on the kitchen bench [which is BIG no no] and knock everything over :D i sleep through all the antics.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I had a rommate once, and she got a kitten (I didn't like this girl she was stupid) she had 2 full time jobs and got a kitten, at the time I had 2 cats and a dog. The kitten would be locked inside of her bedroom all day I never saw a litter box or food in there!! And so at night, the girl would come home and be tired, but the kitten wouldn't be. So, some nights she would put the kitten in the bathroom, which then in the morning I would find diarhea all over the bathroom floor! or she would just let it have the run of the house keeping me up all night long!! I could never decide which was worse all four of them running around all night or diarhea on the floor and by having the bathroom shut all night that meant my cats couldn'T go if they needed.
    So I started letting the kitten out during the day and feeding it and making it play, it chased me and the cats and the dog, it was an absolute terror- uh i mean a normal kitten- but after a few days of this it started to sleep through the night.
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    lol i wish it were that easy too...they both just figured out how to get on my kitchen counters too..so im either gonna have to put em in the bathroom til they learn night time is sleep time..or just remove everything in my home they can play with..lmao :qm4:

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