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Do you talk to and for your kittie?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    This is something my husband and I do often.

    Not only do we talk to our kitties like they are people but we have them answer us back.

    For instance, I'll say - Socks, stop pawing at the Christmas bulb on the tree. Then I'll say - Socks says - I'm just a little cute kittie who doesn't know better. Don't be mad at me. I'll just go down in my room and pout for awhile.

    We think it is a cute thing to do. Is it normal? Do you do this, too.

    Mittens says - I would like to know that, too. I think mommy and daddy are a little bit off.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Yes! A big, big YES :mrgreen:

    My boyfriend and I talk to Kyrre all the time, with the most childish voice you can ever imagine... :oops:
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member


    I do it all the time. My husband and I call each other mom and dad in front of the cats. If a cat wants something and I don't want to do it, I say (in front of my husband), go ask your dad... my husband gets the point and takes care of it.

    We also have the 'cater' rule in our house. If a cat is on one of us, the other has to take care of whatever needs done. For example if the phone is ringing and a cat is on my husband, he'll say, 'cater, cater' and I have to go get the phone. After all, we don't want to disturb our poor little darlings!

    -Sorry, I got off topic for a sec!
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Of course. :mrgreen: I even talk to them when friends and relatives come over. They are family! I really don't care what people think of me when I talk to them. 8)
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i talk to the boyz all the time. especially Raz. i treat him like a real baby, talking to him :oops: hub thinks i'm insane. i counter with, well, he cant SEE me... so i have to talk extra to him to help him familiarise better.

    as for me talking for them... they make enough noises to cover that area themselves hehehe
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    HAHA! I talk to all my critters :eek: But Vianne I don't have to make up answers for, she gives em to me herself. It's really funny. She's a big talker. I don't mean that she whines ad cries for no reason, but for instance, when i come to get her up in the morning, she gives me her "good morning" mew mew. If i ask her a question, or i say"hey you're in my seat" ,she kindly respond with a mew. Translation=so? If i am playing with my rats in the kids room with the door shut, she will run to the door and stretch her paws up to the door handle, look at me and mew. If she's up on some furniture or somewhere she's not supposed to be, I say "Kitty! Get Down!" and she replies with a grunt, before responding to my command. If i can't see her and i hear something, i say "KITTY! are you being naughty?" She comes running around the corner, stops and cocks her at me and mew mew. Translation=Who, me?
    LOL, i love it when she talks!
  7. Tasha

    Tasha New Member

    I talk to my cats all of the time... my roomie and his dad sometimes think im a bit odd but i dont care. lol The way i see it, even if they are animals... they arent stupid and when you talk to them, the ramdom meows cant just be spasms. :lol:
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I talk to my cats all the time. I ask Moe questions and tell her how pretty she is. She just stares at me, but I don't care. :lol: I can tell she appreciates the attention!
  9. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i do it all the time :oops: my boyf thinks im mad wen i got to work i say bye to him n say "mommy loves u lots" lol im mad i no i always tel him how cute he is and in the moring ill tell him its time to get up i get up he follows. he meows at me in the moring a let me in meow and a hello meow and of course wen he wants hes food n is be demarding and he wants it now meow!
  10. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I think you're all NUTS...who would ever possibly talk to their kitty or for that matter talk for their kitty...

    Oh, wait a minute....I do that, OH MY GOSH!!! None of you are nuts....I am not nuts we are all normal folk who treat our kitties like they are part of the family and sometimes we need to imagine what they might say because they don't have voice boxes to talk like we do!!!!
    But I know what Hunter would say if he could talk!!!!

    "Mommy, you put up this silly tree with all the fun things hanging off it, what do you expect me to do???"

  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I talk to mine and also my dog.

    There are many times when I'm in the puter room I'll be talking to a various pet and my husband is in the living room saying "what what...who are you talking too?" it's funny

    and having 2 siamese they are more than willing to talk back :roll: I think they are telling me to quiet down
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    I talk to my cat and dogs all the time...many times the cats will meow at me when I say their names as if they are saying "What?". I talk to them, sing to them and ask them questions. LOL. :mrgreen:
  13. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Actually, I talk to them all the time when I'm alone with them, but having them talk back usually only happens when my husband and I are both in the room with them. I'll talk to Socks and my husband will answer for her or visa versa.

    I think my husband started this many years ago and I liked him talking for the kitties so I got into it, too.

    Also, thinking about it, my Vet talks for Socks and Mittens, too. When she is examining them she says things like - go ahead and poke at me, how indignant, or - what are you doing to me. Stuff like that. :)

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