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New puppy socialization with older dog, etc?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by enhpad, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. enhpad

    enhpad New Member

    Hello - new here and loving this site so far! I have tons and tons of questions, I know, but I'll try to start slow. I'm also very, very excited, so it's going to be hard to not drive you all crazy with questions, etc!

    I'm picking up our new toy poodle in 6 days! The breeder seems awesome, good environment, met both parent dogs, etc. and all seems well there. The puppy (probably Molly, if when the kids meet her (surprise) we can agree on that as a name!), is absolutely adorable and I can't wait to bring her home. However, it's been awhile since I've had a new puppy and even longer since I've had one at 7 weeks of age, and never have I had the situation I will have this time: we also have a 6 1/2 year old Maltipoo (Missy). Missy is very sociable and laid back and I don't feel like there will be huge problems bringing in a new "little sister", however I know that with anything new situation like this it will cause some stress, Any suggestions on how best to socialize them?

    Also, ways to incorporate the new baby into Missy's already organized life?

    1. Missy freefeeds - what can I do with the puppy?
    2. Missy goes outside to potty when we are home, and has pads available in "her room" when we are gone. I don't think I want to take the puppy outside yet, but rather train to the pad. Currently there is only 1 pad in the master bath, not really near where we spend the bulk of our time - what should I do about this?
    3. Missy sleeps in bed us. Should I crate the new puppy at night and put her near the bed to prevent accidents? I wouldn't mind her sleeping on the bed, and will probably be anxious for the time when she can, but wouldn't she probably have accidents if left out at this young age?

    As I said, lots of questions.... and even more, I'm sure..... sorry to be so long, but any information you can provide, or any words of wisdom will be very much appreciated! Thank you for reading!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I have a new toy poodle myself. You will need to start giving Missy two feedings a day instead of free feeding, the puppy WILL eat her food. Mine tries and I have to crate her while my other two eat. I also have to watch my toy poo's food like a hawk, its either watch it of pick it up after she is done. Pups need to eat at least 4 times a day. Being so small they need to keep their sugar levels up.
    I think having the pee pad in a part of the house where you don't frequent won't work. Unless you will be spending alot of time there all of a sudden. I keep mine right by the front door. Mine still has accidents, But she's getting when I tell her to go poopee. Some say if you want a dog to go outside don't use them at all. Lately Lilly has been missing the pads altogether. She has at least a few accidents a day. If you can bring pup outside every hour that would be great, but not always will you catch it. Mine gives herself away every time by trying to fluff up the carpet. I tried keeping Lilly in my kitchen to sleep in her crate, but she climbes up and over the 4 foot doubled up gates. Poodles are wonderful climbers. I opted yo let her sleep with me, right next to me, so she is fine. She was three months when I got her , as of today she is 4 months old. Make sure you introduce them like at the park or down the stret on neutral territory. Also try to keep giving as much love to Missy as before. So's there are no jeolousy issues. It takes time to adjust possibly a few weeks or more.
  3. enhpad

    enhpad New Member

    Thanks for replying! Lots of good advise! I'm looking so forward to bringing home this new little bundle of "energy", and I want to try to do things as smoothly as possible for both she and Missy.

    Your babies are so cute in the pic! Thanks again!

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