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Question for my sister

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CockatielCrazy87, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    OK i don't know if anyone remembers how my sister adopted a really cute female Boxer/Dalmation mix named Jamie from the pound a couple months back. But anyways Jamie has been great your typical dog. She goes everywhere with Eva and is great with the kids and an absolutly no problem dog. Well that was until up about two weeks ago. My sister did her first full blown rescue of a dog when she was with Jamie at the dog park ( Jamie is wonderful with other dogs) and she saw a man get so angry at his Tibetan Spaniel/ Chi mix that he actually picked up them tiny puppy in one hand and threw it as hard as he could at the ground. When others at the dog park went after the guy my sister says he was ready to fist fight and simply screamed he's good as dead!!!!!!!!!!!My sister took him in when no one else could and took him to the vet to have his tiny broken leg and cracked rib check out. My sister was unsure about keeping the tiny fragile dog considering she had two hyper little boys to deal with along with Jamie. But she did end up keeping the little guy and claming him as her own since Jamie was more of the family pet anyways. They named the little guy Bartock (the the bat) because he is white with a pink/brown nose, Chihuaha ears and body, a tail, face and coat like a TBS though he is wierd looking. Anyways so now back to Jamie. This dog has never tried to runnaway or anything before well last weekend Jamie dissappeared from the backyard only to be found a few miles down the road teasing a neigbors group of fenced in dogs. My sister and her husband had no idea how Jamie could have gotten out there were no holes dug. the fence was high, and the gate was shut. Well thursday my sisters oldest son Christian witnessed Jamie climb right over the fence like a ladder!!! Now we hav e had dogs do this before at the rescue but it was unbeleivable I mean Ev'a fence is just too high its made os the deer can't get in the back and eat from her garden. Well A couple days I ago I was out there with Shy and we were all in the kitchen while Jamie, Bartock, and Shy were all in the back yard playing next thing I know my sisters screaming OH MY GOD LOOK AT JAMIE!!!!!! Jamie was racing up the fenceing like she was being timed while the other two dogs watched from the ground. My sister continued to yell to her husband to go get her down she going to hurt herself but Jamie was already leaping from the top of the fencing to the ground and standing on the other side looking in at Bartock and Shy like hahaha "see told you I could do it" lol. Needless to say this is unsafe and scary of Jamie to do and not a thing to be teaching Bartock and so now Jamie is being tied up in the back yard when no one can with with her while Bartock roams free. My sister agrees it is unfair but she doesent know what to do.

    Question's being what else could my sister do other then tieing Jamie to teach her not to climb the fence? And also do you think the reason she is runnin off is because she's feeling jealouse of the new puppy?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I do think its because of the other dog, for whatever reason Jamies probably now feels misplaced. As for jumping, I have heard its very hard to cure jumping once it starts, the problem is you are not alwasy around to correct Jamie.

    I had a neighbor who had a dalmation that jumped the 6 foot fence all of the time. they finally got one fo those electric perimeter fences and put in inside the perimeter of the fence. It did work

    I have this works well too
    An anti-climbing top can be as simple as PVC plastic piping or large rubber tubes (at least 5-6" in diameter) cut lengthwise down the center, and placed all along the top of all of your fence. This makes a curved, slippery surface that a dog - or cat - can't get a grip on to get over the top of the fence. Another option is buying rolls of garden fence, the metal mesh kind that you can bend, sometimes called rabbit fencing. Get the 3' aprox height one, enough to go along the top of your entire fence. If your fence is wooden, you unroll the fencing and can staple gun it onto the wood (a helper is necessary). You can use wire to attach it to an iron fence. Then bend it in half to make a 90 degree angle. Your dog will not be able to climb the wobbly wire hanging over his head. Pet supply stores also sell "cat" fencing which should work for a dog as well.

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Oh do you have pics of the new one yet? maybe it is a long haired chi?? I think those semm like really good suggestions, that is the same stuff I have heard before. Good Luck!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've had problems like that in the past. On top of my kennels I have a roof. One dog actualy pried a corner of the chainlink roof off!!
    So I ran an electric fence all the way across the top of it.

    Along the top of my yard, I have an electric fence. One to keep the horses from crushing it, from sticking their heads over it and trying to eat the grass on the other side, and two, the dogs don't dare try and scale it anymore.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She could put Jamie in a kennel with a top. There are anti-jump harnesses, but I wouldn't leave a dog alone with one on. Or, the best solution of all - don't leave Jamie outside unattended! You can't train a dog to not do something if you're not there to correct it.

    I'm glad your sister rescued that poor little guy. I hope someday that cruel man gets what's coming to him.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hmmm... Askari has a habit of jumping on top of their dog houses and then standing over the top of our dog run...we put chicken wire over it but it seems they've pulled it back so they can reach around it... I'm thinking the electric fence around the top is a good idea... HOW do you fasten it??? without electrifying the whole kennel? I have done it on the bottom and the poor girl never figured it out so I'm not sure if putting it up top would be a good idea either... I could just see her falling off the dog house screeming about the fence and breaking a leg or something... Thoughts?

    Maybe I'll just fortify the Chicken wire...it's some STRONG stuff... That ACD Next door taunts her till she can't stand it any longer and HAS to get her front end up over that dog run... She'd never jump but...sheesh...
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    They make plastic insulators for it. TSC and just about any feed store carries them. I use a 10 guage wire and a solar powerd "constant current" box. If you get the pulsating, it will not work as well. They can be touching it between pulses and it won't hurt them. The constant current has imediate effect, and doesn't pulsate.
    I like the solar powered one, because one, I dont' have a thousand extention cords everywhere, two, doesn't use electricity, and three, I can put it anywhere!
  8. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions I will tell my sister. Bartock is definatly a Tibet Terrier/ Chi because thats what his owner said he was and that he was the offspring of his mothers two dogs. He does look alot like a long haired Chi though if not for the smooshy face and curly tail. Im hoping to get some new pics of Jamie and Bartock from my sister soon.

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