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what will you do with your pet(s) if anything happens to you

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    this is a subject I think about a lot (well not a lot lot but enough)

    I have a pet will made up and had it notarized (I'm a notary but can't notarize myself - had a coworker do it).

    Missy goes to my parents as she is comfortable with them. Problem being my parents do travel a lot in the summer and Missy is so people-oriented I don't think she'd be happy being alone as much as their cat is (they have a red Maine Coon I believe - he was saved from life under a McDonald's dumpster by my niece).

    Tilly stays with my son Geoff (he in turn stays with my 27 year old son, Kevin and they in turn get my house along with the mortgage payment :shock: ). Tilly and Geoff are buds...Geoff is the only one who can get Tilly to talk back at him.

    Zeus was going to move to South Dakota upon my husband and my demise (not planning on this happening anytime soon - but one never knows). But Zeus is so fearful that I hate to have him go anywhere...but someone on another board (a confirmed cat person) offered to take Zeus if anything did happen to us. That's in my pet will but I left it open that if my sons did choose to keep Zeus they get priority. And that's what'll happen. Zeus, who is fearful of anyone other than his meowmy :p , likes my oldest son whom he sees little of. Kevin can pet Zeus where my husband and Geoff can't. He really likes Zeus and he said he'll keep him.

    Sadie goes with me. Sad as that may be I cannot trust anyone to care for my old girl like I have and at her age, in her health condition, I've stated that if Sadie is still with us then she's to be humanely PTS and cremated with me. Then I know the old girl is with me and will continue to be watched over. Her health is so fragile and I don't know if she'll make a long cold winter that I would rest easily knowing where she is.

    What are your plans?
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    To be honest, I really don't think about that a lot. Our family are all cat lovers so I guess I would think someone in the family would take them in.

    You pose an interesting topic, though. Maybe it is something to be thought about more thoroughly.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Wow, that's really something to think about. And I have to admit that I haven't...

    I've thought about what we are going to do if we are going on a vacation, then I will offer my brother and his girlfriend to stay in our apartment for that week or two, and take care of Kyrre. They are both responsible 17 year olds, that we trust, and that probably would love to get a "vacation" from home. (I wouldn't want to move Kyrre, I think that would be too stressful for him)

    But if something were to happen to me and my boyfriend, I think I would like for the family upstairs to take care of him. They take great care of Kyrre's mom, and he wouldn't have to move too far. The two cats also get along well, or... she tolerates him as long as he is not too pushy :mrgreen: And they know eachother, so that wouldn't be too much of an adjustment for either of them.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Upon my demise, Kendrick would obviously keep the babies. But should something happen to both of us, Moe and Artemis would most likely go to my brother. He loves them both to death and they are comfortable with him.
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm certain that my mother in law would take Booger because she's so fond of her and absolutely loves cats.
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    It's a good question. I have enough family that loves cats that I'm sure my kitties would find a home. However, what can be stressful about that is... my family already all has cats.

    What if they can't get the cats to get along? After all, I have 5 of them! It would be a burden. Sunset05 (my mom) and I had problems a few years ago when we tried to take in my sister's cats - we each took one (my sister's new hubby was HIGHLY allergic) - but none of the cats got along (AT ALL). So, both my mom and I had to find suitible homes for my sister's cats.

    Would any one else have that problem? There may be people who would take the cats in, but what if it just wouldn't work - then what?
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Plan A, my kitties go to my in-laws. My parents do not like cats. My mom is expecially afraid of them. :roll:

    Plan B, kitties go to Ten Lives Club to be adopted out to good, loving homes.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    This is something I worry about because I have so many. My mother told me not to worry that she would make sure they were taken care of if anything suddenly happened to me...she says other family members would help out too.
  9. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Gosh, ya know, I'm not sure. Never much thought about it either. Now that i am, i really don't know. Luckily i only have one to worry about, but my dad's allergic, my sister's husband is highly allergic, my other sister-well let's just say it'd be my last pick(not crazy bout how she keeps her animals), my brother is in the airforce, but after he gets out, I think he'd take her if he could. There is one friend i can think of that would probably take her if i died, but she already has a couple cats, not sure how that would go. Hmmm....

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