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what kind of manner does your cat(s) have?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Missy is a dear sweet little thing. She's polite and only sticks her head into someone's plate when they are done eating :roll: Missy is a very unassuming cat unless she wants someone's lap.

    Tilly is also rather polite. The only time she's rude is when she is "kneading dough" on my juglar vein cause she drools at the same time. This is the only time I'm glad her former person had her declawed.

    Then there's Zeus...fart boy, he who leaves little pebbles in front of the litterbox, he who like to take food out of the dish and eat it on the dining room table, he who thinks it's amusing to sneak up behind me when I'm preparing dinner and steal meat and run down the hallway with it :0010: but he's so squishy soft - he's like a roll of Charmin (his preferred brand to carry around in his mouth and shred into confetti throughout the house).

    But all in all my furkids are polite and well-mannered. 'cuse me Missy is demanding attention :kiss_heart: :bow_now:
  2. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Lex is the well behaved one usually... he knows whats acceptable and whats not. except when it comes to sneaking Raz's kitten food. He's learned i know he's in it when i hear his bell jingle on the bowl...so now the little bugger will lay there, and quietly reach out, scoop out a kibble and eat it. course i've honed my hearing to know what Raz sounds like eating and what Lex sounds like. yes i'm weird that way. gotta be. kitten chow is pricey lol Lex is the mad drooler... he spits over everything. thats his only real bad quality. other then that he's a very tollerant, large cat, who will let me do pretty much anything to him and can usually be found in my lap or in my face.

    Razberry, well, he's only a baby yet so it's hard to tell what he's really gonna turn out to be like. Right now he's an independant little man who needs to be in the same room with me- but not ON me.
    (which is sad coz i want him on me lol) for being blind he's extreemly well behaved, will come when called etc.
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pheobe - shes a beautiful but demanding princess. she knows if she wants something, she will get it from moi! quite often i find a paw reaching from the back of my head into my food. pheobe thinks she has a right to eat my food when its heading straight for my mouth. change that, she DOES have a right :lol: . weebles is also very cautious not to knock things over or make alot of noise/fuss. she gets easily excited over wet food. she lets out tiny squeaks when she sees me picking up their wet food bowl. pheobe loves to snuggle in winter.

    pepe - big clumsy boofhead. he just recently broke an expensive glass xmas decoration but i forgive him :x pepe is not polite and intrudes alot on pheobe. he is rough! he gets into loud meow moods, especially when i go to the loo [sorry for too much info!]. its like he wants to talk to me because no one else is around so i talk back and he will make trilling noises back. hes very curious. he wants to know what everyone and everything smells like every hour. pepe will not snuggle and will only accept pats that dont go for longer than 15 seconds.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Dale is very friendly, people have told me her personality is more of a typical dog than a typical cat. She loves to give hugs, no matter when, whether I am alone reading, watching tv, typing on the computer (which she also loves to lay on the monitor and the keyboard). She is sort of spoiled though, I used to blame it on her being clumsy, but no she does it on puropse, she will walk over to a glass of water (or a picture frame or vases alot of stuff falls into this category) and knock it off of whereever it is, then run to her food dish or to the water faucet for something to eat or drink, but then she has a more playful knock things off too, she likes to knock off pencils, plastic bottles to play with, and she gets a different look in her eyes when she does either! She loves her stomach rubbed!
  5. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie has the manners of a terbilbe 2yr old(i work wiv children and the simularties r mad!) he wantes everythin i have even if he dont like it he sees EVERTHING as a toy inclding my mobile phone which he thinks is a football!! then once he is calm he will want to sit n cuddle me then an hour it start over again!! he is a spoilt kitty he nos how to get hes way. food he wants it now he will circle round me n meow high pitched till he gets it. he is shy round ppl he dont no but hes still intested in them hes polite wont growel hiss or try n bite them.

    all the other stories r great!!
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Well Jazz is my scaredy cat..she is terrified of everything..specially people..she wasnt exposed to a lot of people at my old home..and now if she even hears someone knock at the door..she runs and hides..but she is a sweet heart w/ a mean streak..things are done her way or not at all..you can pet her when she wants..and when she is done she will let ya know..i have the scars to prove it..lol

    Romeo is my little luv bug..he has to be on me at all times.and purrs like you wouldnt belive..he is also the one who doesnt listen to a thing i say..(what cat does) but i can remove him from the table 25 times in a row..and he will jump right back on it..but he is a sweetie.

    Caesar now he is my little deaf boy...he is the bestest kitty i have ever owned..as most of ya know i got him free bc the woman at the shelter didnt want to separate him from his brother..and he is the best present i have ever gotten...he is soo sweet..an floppy...he certainly knows how to relax..and the pics prove it..lol...he is an easy going cat and is not afraid to do anything..he is also the quicker to learn out of my two boys..very independant....

    and both my boys have follow me into the kitchen even if im only turning off a light..they expect food 24/7 lol
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe is a little angel. The only thing she demands is treats (several times a day - in fact, whenever I'm in the kitchen) and going outside. She waits on the porch for me to put her leash on before she goes off the steps. She doesn't eat any sort of people food. The only 'bad' things she does is scratch my dining room chairs and ocassionally sleep in a sunbeam that found it's way to my kitchen counter. She purrs at the drop of a hat.

    Artemis is a little monster. If it moves, it get's pounced on. He climbs up my legs when I'm in the kitchen - which is very painful. But, he also likes to give wet kisses and curl up under my chin. He does get a little less hyper every day, so there's still hope for him.
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Well, where do I start with Kyrre...? He is not so active now, as he was when he was younger, but he still got his moments... He will do ANYTHING to get my attention when he is in the "hyper-mood". He runs arount the apartment so fast that all we see of him is a grey shadow.
    And if we even try to walk across the room he will hunt down and "catch" our feet (I have gotten pretty good at avoiding bite marks now. I've learned exactly when to stop, so that he'll miss on my legs and fly right in to the wall! hehehe...). Sometimes he'll even hide behind things half his size, believing I can't see him :mrgreen:

    But he is also a mommy's boy, and he loves to cuddle with me, especially in the mornings when I'm still in bed. If I'm not home he will cuddle with my boyfriend, but as long as I am home my boyfriend is only used as a play partner... Sadly he has become more independent as he has gotten older, and sometimes he prefers to lay by himself... But as long as he's not antisocial I won't complain :)

    Kyrre might be tough around me and my boyfriend, but as soon as the doorbell rings, he run and hide under the couch... Hopefully he'll get braver as the kitty-years goes by :p
  9. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Anna (who is 14 years old) just kinda hangs around and doesn't want to be bothered other than by Daddy....she likes to play sometimes and listens to exactly what you say or ask her to do.

    Hunter...Hunter....Hunter....well he is quite the boy, he jumps up on things (doors, fridge....window ledges, on my back, heck he just likes to jump) Hunter believes everything in the house is his. He sticks his face in your face, he gets in the shower with me, he follows me to the bathroom, Hunter is a cat that HAS no manners...and respects no one's privacy!!!

    But he sure is a cutie pie!! And I love him even though sometimes I wanna make him into some nice mittens!!!
  10. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I love reading about everyone's cats...it's soo funny how they all have such different manners about them, and should I even say, Pesonalities????
  11. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    Ruby is a little furry diva! She LOVES to be carried upside-down!?!? But she HATES it when I sing to her. I'll start singing "Ruby Tuesday" to her, 'cause that's her name, and her pupils get big and she starts to howl.......doesn't boost my moral I tell ya! She's actually quite polite, she never begs for food from my dinner, but I'll share with her little bits off my plate. She loves her dry food, which is out all the time, and she gets wet food before I leave for work in the morning, but she just licks the gravy.

    Ruby just LOVES being chased, and she loves kicking and scratching the livin' poo out of her kitty condo! She fetches and I'm trying to teach her to put her little toys that she fetches into a small upright paper bag. She's done it twice, and I was sooooo elated, I thought I had a genius living in my house. But alas she hasn't repeated it lately.

    I can only pet her when she wants..........which drives me nuts 'cause she is sooooooo soft and squishy I just want to eat her up. I'm constantly grabbing at her or mushing her or lovin' her up, but she's more of a loner and she lets me know when she's had it with me by a swipe of her paw! BUT, she gives the best kisses!!! I say "Gimme kisses" and she juts her head towards me and I give her a wet one on her nose, she's a great kisser!

    She doesn't talk a lot.......but one thing that's quite funny is that every time I pet her, she licks herself clean where I've touched her! It's like "Oh how ghaaaaastly, she's soiled me! Now I have to clean myself!" Again, not good for my moral !!!
  12. Tasha

    Tasha New Member

    Cali is my mean yet calm cat. She doesnt like strangers (has a bad habit of biting them) but if she liked you, she is very lovable. Cali is also very independent, she just does her own thing for the most part until she wants some attention. She is a really good cat in almost all areas except her recent fascination with scratching the trim on my doorways. :| Cali is now 6 1/2 yrs old
    Charlie is a bit complicated at times... He is a very good cat and hes also very friendly if he knows you but if you are unknown to him.. he will dip like no other. Charlie actually has an issue with being alone (seriously, he seems to freak out) When im home, its guarenteed he will be with me (he even comes in the shower). He is also a really big "talker" If i start talking to him, he meows and moans back every time. Charlie is now 1.4 yrs old. :)
  13. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Tash - He wants what he wants when he wants it. He will claw and paw at bare flesh until his point is well made. However, he is scared of strangers so many people think of him as the lock-ness monster. They've seen the rare picture, but that's it. Also, when he's done being pet, he'll tell you with a 'quit it' swipe (with no warning before that)

    Boris- He's neurotic. He stares at me and the ceiling fan all the time. He loves attention and used to be scared of strangers. However, ever since he came home from emergency surgery, he has liked the attention of strangers.

    Chloe - She's a dog. She is very push and has to be right with all the action. She likes to jump on the table and sniff out food and she's addicted to laps. She will bed down on my lap for hours every night.

    Zoe - She's the tramatized one. She had a horrible incident with a dog and has been very shy ever since. She loves me and her dad, but is scared to death of anyone else. She is also a talker who loves to hold long, interesting conversations with me. She is also addicted to tuna flakes and will beg for them any time I'm near the kitchen.

    Kitters - She's the personality one. She's only 6 months old so she loves to play. She only wants petted when she's ready. Otherwise, good luck getting a feel of her velvet fur. She loves sink water and wants any human food possible. She tried mustard from a Chinese place yesterday. I think that will be the last time for her. Her sinuses were cleared up for the night!
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Monty- Our best behaved kitty, but a scaredy cat. Watch out though come wet food time. He will devour other kitties' food. :mrgreen: Otherwise, he's very loving, never wakes us up or bother us.

    Milo- He will let you know what he wants by scratching anything to get our attention. :shock: To wake us up, he will take a running start and stomp on us. I say he is too smart for his own good. :roll: But, he's super cute and along with Rene is our official house greeter. He's definitely a people person.

    Pumpkin- Sweet, but possessive. She has no table manners if she smells fresh shrimp and fish fry. :p She will claw us hard to wake us up for fresh food and water. She loves to be petted 24/7 and purr and drool. :eek:

    Rene- Our wonderful lap cat who's obssessed with any running water, toddler's toys, house guests, fetching toy mice. She can smell fresh water from a mile away. If her water fountain is contaminated with even a drop of food or fur, she will knock the entire fountain onto the kitchen floor. :shock: :x She enjoys tormenting all other cats cause she knows she can get away with it when no one is looking. :roll: Otherwise, she's sweet as pie- when she's sleeping. :mrgreen:

    I think Monty boy is the only one with manners. LOL's.
  15. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    :m39: Booger does that too! When she's in that 'mood', I carefully walk across the room just waiting for the pounce if I can't see her and even if she's in plain view, she'll stalk like she's hidden LOL

    I hate to say this, but Booger has no manners at all. When I'm trying to sleep in bed, if she wants to get on the other side of me, she'll just nonchalently walk across me. And for some reason she weighs a ton and she always manages to walk across my boobs! OUCH. Nasty way to wake up :lol:

    If she want's to be pet, she'll rub her chin on my feet and if I don't respond, she'll rub her TEETH on my feet! She does this when I'm sleeping as well. Isn't this a form of rape? Doesn't 'no' mean 'no'? LOL

    Then there's the verbal blackmail. The "I'll sit at your feet and meow and mew at you until you pay attention to me". And the jumping up on the arm of my chair and swatting me in the face with her tail.

    Yep, Booger is definitely rude.
  16. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Miss Brina is a dainty, polite lady. Hence the name change from Sabrina to Miss Brina because well, this is the South. And that is how a lady is addressed. She barely meows, just a whisper (except when she faced off with my 2 year old nephew--lol) but does chatter some at night. She will gently appear on my bed at night only when it's cold and never wakes me. She had never been found on the counter or table and easily winds through knick-knacks without ever breaking anything. She always on guard looking out the front window and has earned her keep in kills of vermin that dare to venture in my--er um I mean OUR house.

    Copper is a big, bad, baby. He is scared of his own shadow and has only killed one mouse probably by rolling on it. He thinks he's a dachshund. He thunders up and down the hall and chortles when he wants to wake me. If I don't wake, he starts on the dogs. If that doesn't work, he starts knocking things off of shelves--one at a time. But he is also a big sweet baby. He follows us around and is very concerned when I'm sick.
  17. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Hmm, what can I say about Vianne? Well she is the sweetest kitty ever, she the biggest purrbox i ever met. When i wake her up in the morning, shes purring, when i pick her up, she purrs, when i feed her treats, she purrs, when she gets anywhere near the dog or the rats, she purrs :shock: when i brush her teeth or give her a bath, she purrs. When i clip her nails she sorta purrs and whines at the same time, sorta like "i'm glad your holding me, but i don't like you messing w/ my nails, so hurry it up already!" A sweet as she is, she does get some attitude with me sometimes. She will sass me when she gets in a mood. Like if she gets up on the window sill and she's got her face in my plants, i tell her "get down!" and before she does, she will give me this look and a grunt like "party pooper!" And sometimes when she is wandering lazily around the living room and i call her name she makes this funny trilling sound. She also has some doggyness about her. I've mentioned before that i'm working with her on some commands. She already knows "sit" "up" almost got "paw" down, and she walks on a leash. She loves strangers that come over and will bother the crap outta them to be petted and give her attention, but she doesn't care for my step kids to much when they are making too much noise in "her" room. She just doesn't do well with too much commotion. I think she is still just a big kitten. She loves to lick my eyebrows for some reason, but she will turn up her nose at most wet cat food. She never scratches the furniture, but sometimes she takes a liking to the trunk of a fake tree thats in the corner of my living room. Oh and i almost forgot. she's very rude when it comes to TV. She will sit right in front of it so you can't see! Just plops herself right up front to get the best view and ignores everyone else. And she LOVES to stare at herself in the mirror. She could be running across a room at super top speed, but will hault dead in her tracks if she spots a mirror, LOL! :mrgreen: She's one crazy kitty sometimes, but she's awesome!
  18. Chloesdad

    Chloesdad New Member

    I am blessed with 2 of the most well-adjusted cats I've seen.
    Chloe is a very sweet cat. She was a wild child for awhile, but at 14 months has settled into just being a loving lap cat. Her only wierd trait that I see is that she HAS to know where everyone is in the house at all times. If there are two of us in different rooms, she will find a midpoint in the house between us, just to monitor us and make sure we are ok. She will cry if she knows someone is home and can't find them. But, just call her name and she comes running up to you and plops down. If no one is home, shw lays at the top of the steps so she can see through the window for anyone who comes in. She loves people, especially ones that she meets for the first time. She must want to be loved by everyone. She rarely begs for attention or play-time. So when she does, I know she really wants it.

    Sammie is still a kitten(4 months) and currently is trying to do her best Chloe imitation. She does everything the same as Chloe, even down to the way sleeps on the bed. She is a bit more aggressive than Chloe, but that's probably because she was fostered in a house with a German Shephard, 3 adult cats and her brother. She is the official taste tester of the two, as she is always first in line for everything. I think she will grow up to be a lot like Chloe. I really got lucky with these two.

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