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Question for those who have ever had to put a dog down

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Do you ever get over it?

    FOr those of you who don't know or remember, about 1 mo ago I had to put Samantha down b/c she had cirrhosis of the liver and kidney disease.

    I still feel guilty. I think maybe there was more that I could have done. I still cry everyday for her. And I don't know what to do with the puppy. He is OK but I hate for him to be alone but I am so not ready to get another dog. I just wish I had known sooner she was sick. I had always thought she was just a weird dog.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You will. IT just takes time. Keep reminding yourself that it wasn't your fault. you would have felt 100times worse had you not helped ease her suffering.... She was very much loved and she knows that.

    As for the puppy, do whats best for all of you. Getting another dog could help. But if your not 100% up to it, then I would say wait.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I agree with Sam it just takes time, you will feel better, and you will remember your happy times with her and it wont be sad anymore. please dont beat yourself up, there was nothing you could have done. And think that if you could have it would probaby have been a long illness/recovery that would have been too hard on her. It is harder because she wasnt that old, and her illness was unexpected.

    ((((bug hugs)))

    Did you get a puppy recently??

  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I had to put my pony and best friend down 7 years ago when I went to college because he was 30 something and COULD not keep weight on... Wyoming winters are tough and especially on pasture animals. To this day I feel like maybe if I'd splurged on a stable he'd still be here (one old pony eh?) but when I think about the winter he'd have had to live through EVEN in a stable I am thankfull we did it when we did. It was one of the worst winters to date with wind chills down to -50 degrees... He was one of three horses and couldn't get into the barn with the big brats....along with not being able to keep weight on...he would have likely frozen to death and had a painfull death...

    That's my mom and I's only consolation and his passing still gets to me at times. Truly it was the best for your girl and remembering good times as well as her suffering will help with that little guilt feeling... Sometimes you just CAN'T do as much as you think you could... Even for people.
  5. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I tried out a puppy yesterday but it just made me so upset I took her back. I feel bad for doing that but I couldn't stop crying which is not the reaction you should have to getting a new puppy.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    It will take time... You have a current puppy right??? Just comfort eachother for now and time will heal you... It took me 7 years to buy another horse and I'm bonding with him now like I did my pony...not that my other horse wasn't good enough but I wasn't able to let myself do that...

    It will all work out with time.
  7. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Aw, I am so sorry to hear about this :cry:
    It's like any other death, it will get more bearable with time. Remember, guilt is one of the stages of grief, so what you are feeling is perfectly normal. Hang in there....I know your new puppy loves you and will make you very happy!
  8. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    The puppy I talked about in my first post is the dog I have had for about a year. I just refer to him as the puppy.

    I know it will get easier. I just feel so bad like there was something else I could have done. She was such a good dog. Too good for this world. I know that I will never find a dog as good as her. I don't think that is possible. The puppy is a good dog but he is nothing like she was. SHe was a saint for a dog.
  9. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    The good thing is she isnt suffering anymore. You did the right thing, and i'm sure she loves you still for it. As she looks down on you, she's saying dont cry for me we had a great time and i will see you again sometime. I know it's hard it's hard to lose anything or one. remember the good times.
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I haven't ever had to PTS any animals, but I probably should have with my last dog, because she was very bad off, but I kept hoping she would get better. I know I still think of her everyday (that was 3 years ago almost 4) It is difficult, I still break down and cry over her. I did get a dog right after, because I thought when I saw his picture online that my dog was "telling" me to get him, but I felt resentment towards him and I felt like I didn't love him, he just wasn't her. But now I have come to grips with ok I have a dog, he is my dog now, I do love him. I think everyone heals diffrently. I am sure she wll always have plenty of space in your heart.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It will get better with time. There is nothing you could have done for her to make her better. You did the right thing.

    Do you have any friends with compatible dogs? You could set up play dates for your puppy.
  12. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    I'm 49 now, and have had dogs, cats and horses for most of my life, so I've had to put many to sleep over the years. It never gets any easier, no matter how many times you go through it. It always hurts just as much. I still feel guilty about some of them, and question myself about if I did enough, and what if this, and what if that. Don't force yourself to get another puppy if you aren't ready. You'll KNOW when you're ready. Some people are ready right away and others take years. Some people NEVER replace a pet. Let your heart tell you when you are ready to love another puppy.

    Even after many years, I still occasionally cry about this or that dog, or cat that had cancer that was too far gone to be treated, or was just very, very old, and it was just TIME. Its natural, and its good to grieve, because it helps us to heal. Sometimes I think about the pain of losing pets, and think that I don't ever want to go through that again. But then I think about all the joy and happiness they give me in the short time they have here in this life, and I know I'll never be without my wonderful pets. I'd be totally lost.

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