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Help with Venus and her pregnancy

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by CockatielCrazy87, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Our vet came by today to check out the two new rescues two TB's and our usuals. Well Venus has just been looking heavy pregnant and has just been getting different. Our vet took a look at her and said this foal could come at anytime from this weekend to next month. He assumes Venus and Aragorn's original owner truly did not know in fact when Venus was impregnated and just assumed it had happened later then it did.So im thinking oh great here's what i have on my plate right now Two ex race horses/ ex carriage horses rescued and very nervouse, a Mustang gelding in training, a pregnant Mustang mare ready to have her baby at anytime, a three week old colt being raised by myself, a dog, a pony, and a horse. Its shall be fun.

    Anyways this will be my first birthing process where im in charge ( usually its my dad but i am guardian to this horse so its my job to make sure she's healthy and safe) and i am nervouse. Yes i have watched my dad but it has only happened twice here that we have had mare give birth. I know the basics but any info or advice I would greatly appreiciatte. She's already on a special diet has been for a while. Since its so cold and we don't know exactly when the foal will arrive we have decided to keep VEnus, Abby, and Sunny on the north end of the indoor arena for their normal pasture time just in case. Yeah but help would be nice.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jsut remember to keep watch but stay away unless there are evident problems that need assistance. Keep with her normal routine as much as possible. She will stop eating a become standoffish before she is ready to foal. SO that will give you a clue as to when she's ready. Though there are exceptions like Sassy who dropped her milk, layed down and had the baby in about 5 minutes flat....

    Stay calm, and out of it as much as you can until the baby is up and walking. If it becomes evident that problems are arising, call your vet immideately. THough you've watched your faterh your very unexperianced and though you may think your helping, you could be causing more problems. SO have him standing by just in case.

    After the baby is up and nursing imprint him. If you need information on how to imprint, email or PM me. YOu can also always call me. There are several good books out on it and vidoe's as well....
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    My girlfriend just told me the same stuff...LOL... If you make too much fuss it'll stress her out so stay distant but keep an eye... They've been doing this on their own out in the wild for QUITE some time...so...just be there in case and don't fuss much...LOL.... You going to post some baby pics???? YAHHHH!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You do know that posting baby photos is manditory right??? LOL!!! 8)
  5. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Thanks for the info Venus is doing pretty well so far.

    I will definatly be posting baby pics lol im so excited to see how the foal turns out :D

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