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I had a scare this morning

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Dec 18, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Remember one of my cats has a heart problem? Well, he is always on the kitchen table in the morning when I get up, but he wasn't there this morning. I didn't think much of it and I went about my business feeding the dogs. Then I got his medicine out and went to look for him. I couldn't find him. Anywhere. My husband had gone back to sleep after he took his shower, so I stuck my head in the bedroom and asked if he had seen Patches this morning and he said no. So I went back to looking. I looked in all his favorite hiding places. I started to panic. I was running around the house shaking a box of treats, calling his name. By this time I was crying. My husband was still lying in bed. By now I was sure Patches had found somewhere small to crawl into and die. I finally stuck my head back in the bedrom and sobbed, "WILL YOU HELP ME FIND HIM?!?!?" My husband got up to help.

    We finally found Patches in the basement. He must have been hiding so he didn't have to take his medicine. By then I could barely breathe. He is my oldest baby. He's 14 and I got him within a week of moving to KC right after I graduated from college, before I got married or had kids. He is an awesome cat.

    I thought for sure I was next on the list to lose someone. Thank God it seems I still have some time left with him.
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Oh Jamiya! How awful for you! But, I'm happy you and Patches were not next on the list!!!!
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    That must have been just terrifying for you! I'm glad that you found him and that he's ok.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH Jami, I'm sorry he gave you a scare....guess he just wasn't filling up to taking his pill this morning.....
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks, everyone. I had to lie down after I found him. I could barely breathe and sweat was pouring off me. My husband just doesn't get it. He has never felt that way about anything in his life. I told him about Sarge and he doesn't seem to think Sargesmom's ex was at fault. I know my husband wouldn't put enough priority on an animal to remember to do everything to keep them safe. The things he does now is only because he knows I would fall to pieces if anything happened to one of my crew. I honestly think if he did something stupid and one of them got killed, we would end in divorce fairly quickly.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I hate to admit it, but Granvel is the same damn way!! It kills me that I can't get through to him, how precious my animals are to me.

    I've been taking pieces of him though, and he's VERY slowly figuring it out.

    He didn't chain the gate the other morning, and the horses know how to push a gate open...DUH thats why there's a chain!! And they bolted out. He freeked out, called me all hystaric and couldn't catch his breath. He was "Sassy and SA are out!!! What do I do, they won't come to me!!!!"
    I told him. If anything happens to those horses, because of your stupidity, you can kiss youra$$ good bye!!! Needless to say, he ran around and up town chasing them all day!!! Finally my MIL gets a bucket of feed and they follow her all the way home, and back to their stalls! LOL....

    He won't leave the gate undone anymore......lesson learned, and no harm done other than the girls got a goood Exersize!
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Andy's the opposite... He doesn't KNOW how my dogs are my kids but he sure doesn't make big mistakes leaving gates open...and he gets attatched too...I think he'd be up in seconds if I was looking for anyone... Although I could totally picture him thinking I was freaking for no reason and that the cat was fine...he's got that ideal thing going.... Seems like he doesn't care but I guess SOMEONE has to keep a clear head right? He KNOWS how much my pets mean to me...if he didn't we wouldn't have three of the five we have now...LOL...
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well thank goodness he is ok and he was just playing hide and seek. My 11 year old cat Molly has scared me like that before. She just has selective hearing though....lol
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "I honestly think if he did something stupid and one of them got killed, we would end in divorce fairly quickly."

    Jimiya, my husband does know this, but sometimes stioll does stupid things, I can relate.

    We had just moved into our house 3 years ago and we back up to 300 acres, My husband decided to go on a walk walk with jake and Wylie, at the time Wylie was not fully trained to be off leash without a lot of supervision. My husband is just clueless on this, because he grew wandering the hills with his dog off leash.

    I realized he had left and went after him and he is walking and not looking back, calling Wylie or anything, just letting go, well I freaked, so we are walking and i was keeping Wylie under close watch and my husband is just walking la de da not looking to see where the dogs are.

    I bent down to tie my shoe and instantly Wylie was gone. You talk about hear attack. i was calling her, crying , yelling at my husband how much I hated him. (this was also on Christmas day) and that he lost my dog After a few mintues of calling here comes Wylie. I was seriously hyperventilating

    And then last year I came home to Wylie in the fornt yeard by herself no husband or jake around, about 10 minutes later here comes my husband from the trail paniing is Wylie here!! she had taken off while they were hiking and found her way home arrrgghhh men!

  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have had scares like that, I know that feeling of oh my goodness something bad has happened and taking a day to be able to calm down. My husband knows I love my animals more than him! We joke about it all the time! He knows he better be very careful about them or he is in big trouble! And through that he has gotten way better.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I really thought I had developed asthma or something this morning. And I am prepared for this cat to die....well, not prepared, but it wouldn't be a total surprise. They say he could still make it for years and he seems totally fine, but it's always there in the back of my head that he could go very suddenly at any time. I just hope he does go suddenly like that and not do the whole kidney/liver failure thing. I don't know that I could have him put down. I have never had to do that with anything but mice, and that was hard enough. (Picture me clutching a mouse cage at the vet's office, sobbing.)
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    And patches is thinking ha ha ha, while you were scared to death, glad to hear Patches is still going strong at 14!

  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My grandmothers cat is going on 17... Sheaba, prettiest siamese/shorthair mix on earth!
  14. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG--Thank goodness nothing happened to Patches! I get that way when my weiner dogs are hurting. They have had disc/back problems before I stopped them jumping off the furniture and they would come up to me shivering, not looking up, obviously in pain and I would just about pass out! Start sweating and everything. I've called into work sick because I literally was! Plus the folks at work just don't understand! I tried to be honest once and they wouldn't let me use my personal time. So now, I'm the one sick. Just because my kids don't have social security numbers!! Coworkers have left or called in for their 2 legged kids with less problems than that! Ok...I think I got a little carried away there...I just thought of yall would understand! :oops:
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We do understand, Coppersmom. :)
  16. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    So glad you found you cat jami, its so hard to give up our best friends.
  17. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :y_the_best: I knew yall would!

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