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This is just disturbing

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by CockatielCrazy87, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Ok I leave in Lineville PA and i just got word of the law that should be coming about with people having to muzzle their pits in public from own of my best friends Tyson. Tyson owns 5 pits of his own four adults and one puppy annd spayed an neutered and some of the sweetest dogs I have ever come across. He owns three females and a Male the females are a brindle and white named Hope, a white named Chilly ( the puppy), a Black named Elvira, and the male is a blue/black named Misfit. He loves his dogs but unfortantly lives in a not so good neighborhood for Pits.

    Get this a few days ago all the problems started with Ty and his pits. He usually let them out in his backyard every mroning around 7 to do their business and come back in. Well Saterday morning his usually peacful home became the place of a great fight. The neighbors started screaming out their windows obsenities and throwing things at his dogs!!!! I think they just wanted a rise out of Ty's dogs but instead it just scared them back up on the porch practically leaping for Ty to hold them. This all happened with Ty outside with his dogs!!!! So he decided from now on just two walk his dogs to go their business even though he still gets heckling and angry stares he still walks his dog. OK so Monday roles around and he gets a letter in his mail and it reads this this came to me from a email from him.

    Dear Sir.
    This letter is in regards to tips I have gotten that you are harbering viciouse breed dogs in your home area and taking them out in public. I believe these dogs two be PitBulls a fighting breed dog and a danger to all of those around including yourself. I am new to the neigborhood but have heard enough from the others two know that you have been harbering these dogs for the 3 years you have lived in this home. I and all of the rest of your neigbors do not feel at all safe with you owning these dogs and are planning on writing a letter to the county requesting the euthanization of at least two of the dogs. I know this may seem drastic but there is no need for that many pitbull's unless you are fighting them unlawfully. If I see any dangerouse behaviour from these dogs you can bet they will all be put down. So I would either move your dogs or lose two is not all to death. Well all have children around here but you and we do not want the same fate of tons of other children who have been mauled and killed by these dogs be the fate of our own. This is a sickening display and I would like it to be put to a stop ASAP! Thank you for your time.

    Your Nieghbors

    Now this pissed both me and Ty off seriousely and he was in tears for his dogs safety. And so I went to city council with Ty and asked if it was ok for us to make pro Pit flyers and put them on doors and they okayed it. This is what our flyers read.


    To Whom It May Concern
    This is a flyer regarding threat letters Pit Bull owners have been recieving. PLease we do not judge and lable your dogs so don't label ours. Pit Bulls are being proved in society to be great pets and loving family members. PLease just look at all the movies and things that are putting Pits in a good light rather then a bad ha even Petey from the little Rascals was a pit and i don't see him tearing them open. Fact is theres all these good examples of pits but this communty refuses to see it and just see what has been pressed into their minds by other images of viciouse attack dogs and could blooded killers. You seem to think only a Pit can kill a child or maul one forget about every other breed those breeds would never hurt a hair on a childs head.....WRONG!!!!! Any dog is capable of killing or mauling a person not just Pits. I suggest you educate yourselves more so before you go about threatening Pit Bull owners. I have checked the guidlines and there is now law at least here that says you can own four dogs let alone pits. So please stop the threats.

    A Pit Lover
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    So... Do you have Addy's we can send our own information too?

    A baby was mauled to death by a Pom... The story is even on the Dogbite law web page... If there is only a muzzle law in your town then your friend should not be getting threateningletters...

    How many dogs can you have within the city limits there? If he has four of his own and then more he is breaking the law if the limit is set at four...that could be a big problem.
  3. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    That is creepy! I think the threats would be more illegal than having one or two dogs over the limit. Part of me would want to move out and the other part would stay to spite them!
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Yes and all of me would want to contact the authorities and let them know I received a threatening letter...what to do??? Or next time I go out and get heckled I'd note the address and make a report that so and so was verbally assaulting me...that is a crime you know...verbal assault can get you a hefty fine...and so can cruelty to animals I bet in your area...throwing things and whatnot would constitute.
  5. Tori

    Tori New Member

    Can he go to the authorities about the threats.Sometimes I just hate people.
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    OMG this is the best part, the letter writer is so right, Pit Bull couldn't just be pets you know, if he has more then 1 he must be fighting them. No good reason at all to be owning that many Pit Bulls. Ty must not only be a dog fighter owning THAT MANY Pits, he must also be Crazy out of his mind!! Unbelievable. Wait I own that many pits...haha

    I would contact the authorities about the threatening letter, it really makes no sense at all. Putting TWO down? For what? If they are concerned about their "safety" how would killing two make them any safer? There are still two vicious Pit Bulls left in the neighborhood, if he was fighting them how is killing two really going to help? Stupid is all I can come up with. I really love the way the jerk says "haboring vicious dogs" Like they are criminals are something. I think the Pro-Pit flyers was a very good idea, you should include pics of those from the little rascals and from present day.
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Maybe put little faqs on their doors every other day or something...

    Helen Kellers beloved pet was a Pit Bull... First war dog Stubby was pit type... First hearing aid dog in AK was a Pit named you guesed it RCA the original RCA dog was a pit not a JRT... The list goes on and on... pics of the pits and kids are a good think you can give the neighbors... the APBT was America's dog for WWI...bully breeds period were...English, Bull Terrier and APBT... What do people think??? I remember a time when I was afraid of them...(I'm afraid of all dogs I don't know though)...but as a breed...I also would never have heckled and thrown things at them though...or threatened their owner either... CRAZY.
  8. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Yeah the limit in the city for dogs in one home in his town are six. So really he's perfectly safe but he's stiling getting harassed by neigbors.
  9. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    This is bordering criminal harassment! Im sorry for this owner, more sorry for him buying a house in a neighborhood of such BUTTS!!

    BTW, Where is Spenc? You out there Buddy? Hope all is well.
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I was wondering the same thing.
  11. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    What a great way to greet new neighbors!

    It sounds like one ignorant neighbor getting the whole neighborhood worked up (makes you wonder why he moved in the first place).

    I'd go to the authority's with the letter and make a report about them throwing thing at his dogs and making threats. If they continue with the threats you can always get them on harassment at the least.

    Here in Toronto they trying to enforce BSL and some Non-Pit owners are taking it to the extreme. People have had their dogs kicked, punched, one owner was physicall assulted and a dog had a cigarette put out on its back.
  12. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    but the pits are the monsters.. Lord forbid i get tried like that.. it would take everythin to get me off the bastards.. put a ciggerate out on my dog.. okk
  13. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I know what you mean. The owner that was assulted (she was all of a 100 pound, 5'2" woman) was accused by 2 men of having "killer dogs". While she was being assulted he "killer dogs" (as the assailants put it) sat off to the side watching. Makes you wonder who really should be banned for being "dangerous".
  14. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    that is really disturbing....putting a cigarrette out on a dog, or kicking it etc. If someone tried that with me, trust me, it would be showtime. You dont touch me or my family (and that includes my dog).

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