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Very New Dog Owner

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Stan Marsh, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. Stan Marsh

    Stan Marsh New Member

    Actually my mother just bought a yellow lab. I will definitely do some research on here but can anyone give me any quick diet tips? He seems to have the runs.

    I am bad at guessing weight but he is 14 months old. I truly think my mom over fed him and needs to learn to measure out servings but I'm a little more into stuff like that than her.
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    Overfeeding could be the culprit..but if she just got the dog...My guess would be new food..switching a dog's food quickly can definetely cause the runs. But there could be a variety of causes...I would keep an eye on the dog for any other symptoms or if the problem persists take him to a vet.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I agree with the other poster. If your mother switched foods too quickly this could be causing the problem. As you stated overfeeding could also cause this problem.
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh please tell your mum not to overfeed. labs are notorious for getting tubby. the lab pup down at my park is overfed and it looks like a giant yellow football.
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    LOL @ Kyles

    This also could be stress from moving into a new home. Give him time to settle in. Where did she get the puppy?
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    lol its just so hilarious to see this tubby lab pup tearing around the park! shes as mad as anything :lol:
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    It could be the change in food, or stress, but I think alot of labs have very sensitive stomachs and have a very difficult time with both stress/change and food/changes. But also make sure it isn't sick, ie the diarhea really comes from parvo. Labs(and other big dogs) have problems with bloat too. I hope your baby gets better.
    Oh and about the fat lab thing, one of my friends has one and he (the dog) stays with me quite often he is definitely one of the fat labs! I walk him for 2 hours a day, when he isn't staying at my house (when he is he gets only 20 min walks) andin the last 3 months since we have been doing that, he has lost 10lbs! He is only 5, but appears to be at least 10, because he had to walk so slow because he was so fat, but now he is getting so much better!!
    I had a lab mix, but she was the type with the sensitive stomach and very high metabolism, she could never gain weight.
  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    At 17 months Duke weighed 77 Pounds and his Vet had me cap his weight at 80 pounds. As a big couch potato inside dog I only feed Duke a bit less than two cups of Eukanuba low fat food a day. No scarps or other treats. Obesity in Labs, a every other dog, will cause a lot of problems particular joint problems.
    Labs are extremely social animals and I am guessing the change in environment and food is the cause of the diareah. Give him lots of love and less food.

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