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LITTLE MAXIE is in two studies!!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay!!!! interesting news on little maxie cat.

    as everyone knows....he has struggled with diarrhea all his life. and has been on meds since he was three months old. (i got him when he was two months old.) so after a zillion medications, tests, fecals, a specialist, and my vet hanging in there, we sent his blood down to texas a & m last week, and the results came back all negative!!!! :eek: :D

    they test for everything under the sun....

    so my vet calls me this am...and says he is working on being "board certified" in veterinary medicine, and there are only about 100 vets across the nation that are certified. well, he has two dissertations to do for the certification process, one paper is completed. he wants to do the other paper on max!!! :shock: he said he would pay for any tests...he is going to have an ultrsound, and he is also going to enter him into a study for kittens that have chronic diarrhea, that texas a & m told him about.

    isnt that interesting??? i am really excited!!!

    and on a separate note. this little kitty just came into our RESCUE family yesterday. was on the "e-list" to be put down....he is now in foster care. isnt he adorable??

    his name is nicholas.... :wink:


    by the way...merry christmas to everyone. i havent been on alot...very busy lately...but i miss everyone!!! i will try to submit some photos for the contest though!!
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's great news, Lynn! Little Max is going to be famous, and hopefully his problems will be solved with all this research! He's a lucky kitty.

    Nicholas is so cute. Poor guy looks so naked.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I hope Maxie gets helped out by all this!

    nicholas kind of reminds me of Santa Claus, you know... Saint Nick? He has the big bushy face. He is a cutie and looks like he needs some TLC.
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks you guys...and lucidity...youre right!!! he does look like santa!!! lols :D he is in a foster home with a wonderful foster mother....she took in this kitty...who came into rescue, and ultimately adopted him....his name is "prince charles". :D


    prince charles looked almost as bad as nicholas when he came in too!! now hes furry and has a loving home. btw...he is about the sweetest kitty we have had!!
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That is great news Lynn! :eek: Hopefully they will figure out what's wrong with poor max!

    Prince Charles and Nicholas looks like two cute kitties, but I would have prefered them with the fur intact... lol :D Are they shaved for medical reasons or for the sake of their looks?
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi bente!!! they are shaved for medical reasons. both were strays, put on euthanasia list to be put down. both had terrible matting, dirty, and not healthy when picked up. as you can see, prince charles' hair is starting to grow back...nice and thick. he was a skinny mess when he came in....like nicholas...

    i do think nicholas's feet are cute though...lols, with the little tufts of hair. he was going to be put down this week, when julie rescued him. sometimes it just breaks my heart to read her emails :cry: which are so beautifully composed and detailed about the rescue. i cried when i read the one about nicholas. but...now he has a home, and he will be able to live his life out... :D
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    OH...that's just so sweet. I figured the shaving on Nick was for medical reasons. I was thinking flea and matting. Then I looked at the second kitty and was wondering if that wasn't an elective lion cut (I hate that LOL).

    I bet they both felt 100% better after the shaving. The matting can become so painful. Poor lil Nick...he looks so skinney, but I'm sure that'll change quickly. I just hope neither suffered too badly.

    I had a DLH many years ago and no matter how often I'd brush her, she would get tummy matting. She was a good lap cat and would lie on her back on my lap and let me gently pull back on the mat and use a razor to slowly shave it out/off. I know it was painful for her because I could see her flinch at times. She'd let me shave her for a minute or two, then hop off my lap when she's had enough. Then she'd come right back a few minutes later and lie on her back again. It was like she was saying 'OK, it's feeling a bit better. I'm ready for the next treatment'. LOL

    She was such a sweet cat. I had her for close to 15 yrs. I rescued her during a blizzard on Long Island in mid January when she wasn't more than a month old. Some SOB dumpped her in a parking lot in an industrial area. It's amazing that I even found her.

    Congrats on Max! That's terrific news!
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh cassie, what a sweet story....ive always had short haired kitties, and my bengals dont even shed really. if they do, its very little.

    yes...the lion cut is interesting isnt it? prince charles was soooo skinny when he came in. he was clipped very close....had sores, and matting. i will let eveyone know nicholas's progress.

    MAX HAS AN ULTRASOUND TOMORROW!!!! my vet just called again. they want to do an ultrsound of his colon. and it is at his expense!!!! it normally costs 400.00!!! :shock: im soooo excited! they are even going to come pick him up at my house, and take him to my vets...(its really only five min away) tomorrow while im at work. sheesh!!! what a deal! :p
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    You know, I have to laugh... I bet poor Max isn't so excited about all these studies!!! But, it's for his own good so he'll have to hang in there.

    Good luck with the Ultrasound tomorrow.
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hee hee...i bet youre right about that!!! :-&

    here's the scenerio...

    "little maxie!!! lisette's here to take you to dr. grants!!!"

    max: :roll:

    "maxie cat!!! come here!!! you need to go to the ultrasound!!"

    max: :shock:

    "maaaaaaaaxie!!! where are you??"

    max: :m37:


    max: :m3: :m36:

    "come here little one...we have lots of wonderful things planned for you..."

    max: :m13:
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    rotflmao :m39:

    Mikey and Cristopher as Max is leaving for the ultrasound: <=D>
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats really interesting lynn. You'll have to let us know how the studies turn out. Nicolas is adorable.
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    That's wonderful news Lynn! Max is now an official cat hero! I hope there are no invasive procedures and that the research will help many other kitties. Is he used to going in the carrier and the vets office by now? I guess not, by your very funny post of Max in hiding. :mrgreen: Good luck Max on your ultrasound visit! I thought that's Santa as soon as I saw Nicholas' pic. LOL's. Prince Charles is a cutie too. :y_the_best:
  14. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    ARGH i'm late in replying again

    first off, Nicholas, very sweet kitty... it's such a sin that ppl get this fancy cats and dont realise u have to brush them regularily to prevent mats... that mats can become very serious and twist and twist causing sores on the skin and irritation. not to mention what vermin can live in little fur ball huts like that. *cringe*

    i think every pet owner should have to be 'approved' before ownership.. but that would be in a perfect world.

    now, back to max!

    thats SOOOO awsome!! to get all that stuff done free, and to know he's gonna be 'famous' lol poor guy prolly aint thrilled, but still.

  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Great pics, Lynnhaz. :mrgreen: That's good news about Max. Just be sure that you are fully aware of the "study" that he's in. Meaning ask a lot of questions about how Max will be participating. Such as will they be giving him drugs? If so what kind? What are the side effects, can you pull him out of the study at any time, or did you sign some contract/agreement and so on.
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    :mrgreen: :m39: :mrgreen:

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