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puppy toy poodle breath

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by bella's mumsie, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. bella's mumsie

    bella's mumsie New Member

    Hello All! I have a 8week old toy poodle and she has horrible breath. I know puppies usually have puppy breath but this is pretty bad... any suggestions? Also I have given her nutri-cal today do you think her appetite will get better she does not like any type of food .. AAHHH Help
  2. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Have you tried to give her a Greenie bone or something similar? I have heard great things about them, but haven’t tried it yet since my puppy won’t be here until next week. I bought a small one for 89 cents at Petsmart. They are minty. There is also a lot of other stuff in the pet store for a dog’s oral hygiene, like those breath strips that dissolve. Go look around and see if you can find anything.
    Sorry, can’t help you with the eating thing.
  3. bella's mumsie

    bella's mumsie New Member

    thanks so much lucy!!! Maybe I will try the strips..ehat kind of dog are you getting?
  4. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    You're welcome! We are getting a maltepoo (maltese/poodle mix). I am sooooo excited!
  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    try gioving her a little boiled chicken, rice with chicken broth. when i start my pups i give them a dry bowel of lamb and rice purina. and 2 Tablespoons of lamb and rice Petigree canned food they love it.

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