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I met the meanest dog...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    And you'll never belive what its breed was....

    Can anyone guess?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm thinking something that everyone usually loves. Collie? (Like Lassie...) Or a Lab?
  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I would guess a Lab also. I once saw a show on TV that had an attack trained Lab and it was so strange to see that behavior comming out of a Lab.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I will guess chihuahua. Reason being there's this lady at PetsMart that's a sales rep for Nutro and she brings hers in with her in a carrier. All it does is snarl, growl, and show fangs. There's a warning sign that say, "Beware Of Dog" that the dog bites. It's the meanest little pecker that I've ever seen.
  5. Angie

    Angie New Member

  6. someday

    someday New Member

    lab? maybe a beagle?
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Wow! yall are getting good!

    Yes, it was a LAB. A chocolate one at that...

    This dog was a birthday present to a good friend of mine. He's wanted one for the longest time. So his wife got him one. You'd think the dog had rabies and was trained to attack the way it acted...He's a year old and very handsome boy. But man does he have an attitude!! He bites and lounges at you!!! They have him on a chain in the back yard, and have no idea what to do with him. The people they got him from claimed he was a great dog! very protective of his family though....yeah right!!! The dogs on crack!!

    ITs apparent he's been abused, wasn't ever socialized or loved...poor dog. They have no idea what to do with him now....thy have to put his food in a bowl and shove it to him with a broom handle.....and fill up his water at a distance with the water hose shooting in the bucket.

    He will bite, and he lets you know it.....

    It's very sad. The best thing for this poor dog is to be PTS...there's no help for him. I hate to say that. But after seeing him. There's just not. They don't want to take him to a shelter becuase he'll be pts.....but what else is there to do? Let him live his life the way he is?? I mean its clear the dog has some serious emotional and brain problems. I think he's been hit in the head so much that its effected his brain.

    When your inside, you can look at him out the window, and he's growling at himself....
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would say they either need to have him PTS for his own good, or find a very good trainer that deals with serious aggression issues to board him and train him. That would probably be very pricey. If they are serious about that, I would try to get in touch with Patricia McConnell or Suzanne Clothier. Do a phone consult and see what they recommend. But you're right - he can't live the way he is now. It would be more merciful to put him to sleep. Sometimes the right course is more painful than the wrong one.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    or send im to Cockatiel, like shee needs more animals, but reading her posts sure sound like this dog needs someone like her to help

  10. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    When I worked at animal control i can remember going out to the dog kennel for special holds and going passed a cage with the most beautiful and MEAN golden retriever!! I couldn't believe my eyes! He just HATED people and had obviously either been abused, had mental issues, or both. He had been held there for several months that i was there. I never looked up his case number to see what his story was, but i'm guessing the owners eventually surrendered him cuz he got PTS. Then i also remember this super cute tan puppy that came in, maybe 6 months old. Totally adorable. The poor thing was brought in on a catch pole cuz he was taken away from his nasty owner who had been physically abusing him and who had broken the poor pups tail. You could not get near this puppy and it was so unbelievable. The first 2 days I approached him in his cage and tried to feed him he snapped at me and made it pretty clear he wasn't interested in people. By the 3rd day I could feed him without trouble and even got to take him outside for a walk on a regular leash and he was fine as long as no one else came near him. By the end of the week, he was the sweetest puppy ever and had come to trust people again and one of the Vets decided he was worth saving, so he was neutered, given his shots and frontline, and put out for adoption. For 3 days I kept going out to the kennels to see him and slip him treats and he was soo happy. Then I was in the clinic and i saw one of the kennel workers dragging him into the clinic to be PTS cuz he had bitten a customer that was trying to look at him with interest to adopt. The only thing i can think of that happened, was maybe he no longer trusted MEN, or the guy looking at him reminded him somehow of his previous owner. I was so upset cuz i knew all this dog needed was love and patience.

    If that lab has a mental disorder, there's not much you can do but PTS. But if they cant pay for a professional to come and work with him, maybe they could confine him to a cage for awhile so that they can get close to him without getting bit. Then he sees who feeds him and cares about him and won't hurt him, not a pole. Of course they'd have to probably get hold of a catch pole to do this, not sure where to get them. Maybe Ebay. Then pratice using it before trying on the dog. Sometimes they can be tricky. Just a suggestion, hope everything works out ok for them!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't know. I thought about taking him. Only, I have a deep gut feeling and I've seen it far too often. The best thing for him is to put him across the rainbow....I know it sounds horrible, But honestly I don't think theirs anyhope. I have no idea how they got him there and on that chain...honestly...

    JW's been bit three or four times by him. and that was trying to feed him.... The dog obvioulsy has problems. and I'm not sure at all that a trainer would even be intrested in looking at him. He's a HUGE liability and the sorry SOB's that did this too him, need the crap beat outta them...
  12. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Thats horrible its sad how so many horrible people seem to get ahold of these dogs. What is the point :x
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My Brie would have turned out like that if I hadn't taken her. Luckily she was only 6 months old and a little dog (dachshund) so I could put on the leather garden gloves and catch her. I had no idea that not socializing a dog could do that. I unknowingly socialized Zoey by showing off my baby and therefore taking her EVERYWHERE! But at least Brie was young, and really wanted to be loved. She still has some issues...but has come a long way.

    On another note, I saw some really sad "lawn ornaments" (word learned on this forum) while looking for Sioux-Zee yesterday. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS??? I saw everything from a lab to a chihuhua (sp?) tied up! I know I go to the extreme, but geez! It just makes me sick.
  14. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Uh my Pit when he goes out to do is business is tied... He'll jump our fence if not and he enjoys himself outside TIED... I hope you're not saying people shouldn't be "tieing" dogs...especially such a harsh judgement when you don't know the situation... My pit is never left outside when we are not home and when he is put outside if it's yucky out he only stays long enough to do his business... Seriously...don't judge because people tie dogs out... At least they're not running the neighborhood eating neighbor kids you know...? Not mad just wanted to let you know if you walked by my house you'd likely see...what you call or consider a "lawn ornament" if it's based on the fact that the dog is tied... He's far from being a "lawn ornament"...

    As far as the lab goes Sam...I would have him PTS...he's GOT to be miserable the "growling at himself" is something that brings tears to my eyes...I thought he was fixable till you mentioned that... he's NOT right and should be put down for the safety of HIM and the new owners etc...
  15. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I don't think anyone was judging people who tie their dogs outside for short periods of time, or to do their business, I think it's when people leave their dog tied outside 24/7 that is a problem, and I think everyone would agree. I mean, why have a dog if all you're going to do is leave it tied up all day and night? Then, it is basically a lawn ornament. When my husband is working in the lawn we'll tie our dog outside, or if she has to go to the bathroom and no one is outside to supervise her, etc. There is a big difference between that and what is being discussed with the chocolate lab.
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    [/quote]On another note, I saw some really sad "lawn ornaments" (word learned on this forum) while looking for Sioux-Zee yesterday. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS??? I saw everything from a lab to a chihuhua (sp?) tied up! I know I go to the extreme, but geez! It just makes me sick.
  17. Sara

    Sara New Member

    That post came out backwards...LOL... Sometimes I hate those little buttons at the top... LOL... Preview preview Preview right?
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I have to agree on the lawn ornament deal... You can often times tell when a dog is out to get some fresh air and excersize, and then there's the dogs that "LIVE" outside....

    What Sara was trying to say is, Don't label an owner for having a dog tied out. Unless it's there everyday, with absolutely no attention and you witness it everyday....

    It is very mean...but then agian at least the dog isn't running the streets....
  19. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Lesser of two evils I guess...

    My BF's boss is a real strong animal rights type...not so bad like PETA can be (mind you I said CAN) but wants the best for them and gets only shelter animals etc... Anyway accrossed from his shop was a puppy, APBT tied...with a crate as his house... He was there for days...this was a business and I assume it was a watchdog that was being raised to do his job...tied out on a chain (little one) but it was right in the parkinglot/alley between these busy businesses.. I called on them... The dog was gone the next day... Peggy, the boss I mentioned above... She told me she saw the dog too but decided AGAINST calling on him because at least he had a home and obviously someone who cared about him... Sooo... It's a tough thing to think about... One extreme to another...weighing things out like that... that comment just made me think of the whole scheme of things...

    I don't beleive in the "junkyard" dog theory or way of keeping dogs but...ya gotta think of what the dog COULD be dealing with so...Hmmmm
  20. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    I was attack by a lab before and have seen others with aggression issues most people blame it on sloppy breeding but i don't know all i know is i have been seeing more and more aggressive labs lately.

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