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*Cries* My sweet boy Harley is Dead.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CockatielCrazy87, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Harley our Rodesian Ridgeback ( I know thats probley wrong spelling but im so everywhere today im not that worried about it) was killed today :cry: . We let out the dogs this morning for their first bathroom and play of the day. We have a wood fence around our back yard but the dogs are welcome to leave it because they never go any further then the barns especially Harley and Singer. Well we have never had an issue with Harley not wanting to come in to the house before when called but I could clearly see Harley at the far end of the pasture just slipping under he fencing and looked like he was tracking something out into the riding trails. I automatically panicked stilling whistling for Harley to come but he completely ignored me (something Harley never did before) it was extremly weird for him to go so far from the house and so I went and got Topic to ride out on the trails to find him ( the reason being it would be quicker with Topic's help). By the time Topic and I were at the edge of the woods I heard a dog cry and sent Topic out at a canter. We then her a ful blown fight break out amongst what sounded like two dogs. I searched frantically knowing i should have never given Harley so much time to get into the woods i knew it wasent safe. Finally we came upon the fight a large hulking dog had Harley pinned on the ground by his back and Harley was making a wheezing noise like the dog was crushing his lungs. I did'nt know what to do and i could'nt tell who's dog this was. And so I jumped off Topic and started screaming nothing in particular just screaming and then started throwing snow balls and dirt clods at the big dog until he finally let go and kinda turned out me. Luckily out of fear Topic pinned back his ears and acted like he was going to bull rush the dog which was enough to send him trotting away wagging his tail. I looked at Harley who kept on attempting to get up but just would collapse back onto the ground the dog had really tore him up i knew the dog he was our closest neighbors dog a GS/Bull Mastiff mix ( really no competition to Harley). I did'nt want to move Harley afraid he was hurt worse then he looked. And so i ran Topic home and got my dad and called the vet.

    We ended up getting Harley back to the house with my dads truck and a make shift streatcher. We then drove Harley to the vets and he passed away about an hour after we got there when Harley was actually starting to look like he might make just be paralized he went into a sort of seizer and vomited blood and just went limp and died. Here is a list of what happened to him from this dog One severed toe, one broken leg, all his ribs were snapped ( one peirced his lung), a broken back, and a number of internal injuries...... Im sorry if that is to much to know but it just makes me so angry at myself I feel horrible i should have been more on top of him but he never ever ever went this far from the house and it was our property. We have decided to have Harley cremated and spread his ashe's in Jim's old field the people who now own his home says its ok since it was Harley's favorite place to visit and where he was raised. My dad has also decided to press charges this is the second time these peoples dogs have killed one of our animals on our property (we also lost a cat to their Great Dane he killed her right by our porch) so yes this should no longer be an issue. My dad is also planning on taking chicken wire and outlined the back yard fence so the dogs can't slip through anymore unless with one of us with them.

    This has just been a stressful day and I am still crying and just feeling terrible. Poor Singer is just as depressed it seems. Her usual spunky self is now curled up under my bed whining ( somethin she only does when she's been punnished) and has been since this afternoon when we did'nt come home with Harley in toe. Its just not a good time and christmas will not be the same with out that silly dog going crazy of the wrapping paper and new toys running around like a pup again :( . I miss him so much :cry:
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH Sweetie. I'm sooo sorry! Thats one thing about hounds. THey love to track. ANd this is definately a lesson everyone here can learn about...and be aware of. Even though you THINK you know your dog. they are unpredictable and will act on instincts.

    Again I'm so sorry.....
  3. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    I know what your saying once i hound catches a scent of something theres almost always no stopping them.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Ohhh cockatiel, poor harley :cry: :cry: :cry: I just cant stop crying with with all of the dogs passing away here recetnly. I am so sorry you had to witness that, how tragic, you are very lucky you did not get hurt and your horse didnt get sppoked. My prayers are with you and Harley in doggy heaven with all of the other auspet dogs there. Please think about all of your rescues that need you now.

  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :cry: I'm so very sorry. You do so much good for so many animals that it just doesn't seem fair that you had to loose him this way.
  6. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I am sorry for you loss. That must have been a horrible sight. I lost my dog Samantha recently to illness and that was hard enough. At least I didn't have to see her suffer. Seems like the end of the world is coming with all these dogs dying. Two people at my local dog park lost dogs recently too.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry:
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Sorry to hear about Harley. Hon, it wasn't your fault dont blame yourself. Sometimes those Hounds and some small dogs have a mind of their own. I will say a prayer for you tonight Harley is waiting at rainbow bridge for you and right now he's watching over you.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That is so sad, I am so sorry for you, all these deaths lately, I think this one sounds pretty bad too. I just don't know what to say, sorry I am rambling, but it has to be so difficult to watch your dog, I remember seeing my dog when she had eizures just before she died, it is the most horrible awful thing to watch and know there is nothing you can do, and for poor harley to be injured so badly it had to make it that much worse. I am so sorry.
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I'm so sorry about Harley. My condolences to you and to poor Singer. She will need you more, now just as much as you need her.
  11. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Thanks everyone you have really helped *hugs*.

    Singer is still really depressed and im not surprised She was raised with Harley like he was her brother and they were best friends always together and now he's gone :( . Im Leaving here in a few with Snicker to go to his new moms and see if he likes it there and if he does then he's gonna stay. Im thinking im gonna take Singer along with me just to get her out of the house since she does love car rides so much. So I'll be back later this evening.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry!! Poor Harley! Too many deaths. :(
  13. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :m13: Oh no! WHat a violent horrible thing for your baby! I am so very sorry! I cannot believe the amount of loss the members of this board have suffered recently. Thank God we have each other right now. I am so sorry for your loss, I know the pain of it all too well right now.

    Hang in there, and know everyone is here for you!

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