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Help with a new puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by leeshie, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. leeshie

    leeshie New Member

    I just adopted a doggy from the animal shelter. His name is Dolby and he's a 10 week old, 10 pound jack russel, beagle mix. He is the sweetest thing. We picked him up Thursday afternoon and he hasn't really eaten since then. We put down a pack of wet food and a bowl of dry puppy chow but he just sniffs them and walks away. When we went to my mother-in-law's house for Christmas Eve dinner, he sat patiently on the kitchen floor, wating for table scraps. I'm curious about how I can get him to eat the dog food rather than begging for people food.

  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    He may have been fed table scraps in his previous home and that's what he's used to and/ or he doesn't like the dog food that you offered him. I would try going to the pet store and picking up some of the D. Van Patten's dog food that comes in the big sausage roll looking thing. I've never seen a dog refuse that stuff. It's a good quality dog food and it even smells good, like jerky. I used to use it in the animal shelter for dogs who acted hungry but didn't seem to wanna eat anything. Also don't allow him near the table while people are eating or he'll always be expected something or waiting for some food to drop on the floor. Good luck, he's a cutie!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would choose a quality food that you want to feed him. Put it down for him and DO NOT offer anything else. Do not give into his begging at the table. He should eat when he is hungry enough and realizes nothing else is coming.

    However, if he doesn't eat after a day or two, please post again and we'll see what else we can think of to try! And if he seems sick at all, do take him to the vet.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    This might not help with the begging thing, but maybe with the eating dog food. When he tries to beg for food give him a kibble, then switch over to feeding him in his bowl, maybe he just isn"t used to eating form a bowl? But don't get me wrong, he still needs to learn begging is not ok.
    Otherwise I think the others gave good advice, switching his dog food to something "tastier" and not giving him anything until he learns to eat it.
    but he is really cute!
  5. leeshie

    leeshie New Member

    Thanks to all of you for your helpful advise. Dolby is eating now. He just got up one morning and decided to chow down. After reading several posts on here about dog foods, I do think that I am going to switch him to something else. Maybe Nutro? I've seen a lot of you say good things about that brand. and I've done some research and have found it's not that much more expensive.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh my gosh!! he looks just like my sisters Shiner!!! Let me find a photo....

    He he he..haven't mastered setting the date on the camera yet....LOL...these were all taken the same day!! Everytime you turn of the camera a new date appears!! LMFAO!!
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    A beagle...even a cross who won't eat??? Mark this down because once you get him eating it's likely you'll have to watch that weight of his...what a doll!!! Beagles are famous for overindulging though...so...do your best to keep him from getting FAT once you've taught him how to eat of course... Can't wait for more pics!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yes. Shiner is definately on the pudgy side now....
  9. leeshie

    leeshie New Member

    Aww, how cute Shiner is! They do look so much alike. Dolby even has freckles on his tummy like Shiner.
  10. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Please don't just change foods. mix a little into what ever you want to feed him with what he has now. sure don't him sick/.

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