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Did your kitties enjoy Christmas?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. How did you kitties enjoy it.

    Socks and Mittens loved their presents and had a great time with them.

    Here are Socks and Mittens having fun.

    Socks seems to like the bag more than the presents.

    Kitties resting after all the fun (Mittens resting with a mouse under her nose).
  2. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I think that Hunter had a good time. We didn't get back home untill late on Saturday night, but I sang to the little ones and they got extra wet food!
  3. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie went mad on xmas day im sure he knew he was running round scarting the door to get im my room normal he dont he got hes toys and treats i gave him a few in the moring and then my mum gave us loads of turkey for him so he was spolit rotten!!
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    the boyz loved it.

    i go them this huge kittie condo thing, and they havent scratched the furniture since!!! they've been leaping on and off, having a great time with it.

    they amazingly left the tree alone! i thought Raz would be up in it... but nope. :m30:
  5. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Great pictures!!

    Luna enjoyed the extra activity around the house. She loves watching the opening of the gifts, and we had fun trying to get her to unwrap a few little toys that we got for her. We made a little stack of tissue paper from shirt boxes for her to lay on and/or destroy, which she enjoyed doing:


    A relative gave her this cat toy from the Sharper Image, it's remote controlled and it waves around a little mouse on a string. She was intrigued by it, but it was no comparison to the kind of vigorous interactive play that she's used to. She does like sitting and watching it, and will occasionally bat at it once or twice:


    All in all, she enjoyed the increased sounds and activity of christmas and really really enjoys hanging out under the tree. It was cute when we discovered that she wanted to incorporate the tree into our daily play sessions... she likes to crouch/hide behind the tree, and jump out and pounce on whatever toy-on-a-string we're using at the moment. From her perspective, what good is something that provides excellent cover, like a xmas tree, if you can't use it to get an advantage over prey?? :mrgreen:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Awesome pictures Lunaguy and Sunset!
  7. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    oh yes all the cats enjoyed christmas except for of course my little antisocial Pantera who spent most of the time in my room on my bed eyeballing anyone who took a look at her lol. But the others absolutly loved it. My animals thrive on our family get togethers and love the presents and snuck table scraps lol. Addy's kittens especially had a timewith my 4 younger cousints and neices and nephews they played till they passed out lol.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    The morning started with Rene getting stuck in the duvet cover and she mewed, not meowed to be free. As soon as we got her out, she went right back in. :roll: She must have known it was X-mas day. :mrgreen: Pumpkin and Monty made rare appearances when guests arrived. :shock: There was some kind of cat conspiracy going on. They knew there were goodies for each of them so they hung out with us all day and night. :eek:
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I think Booger was a cross between confused (with all the company/activity) and dissappointed (with all the boxes under the tree that she loved to climb over and hide behind, now gone). My mother in law gave her a fun little interactive toy that she's enjoying somewhat. And she got some treats but she wont eat them. I've learned that she'll only eat really stinky treats LOL. She did enjoy playing with the empty boxes. We left them lying on the floor for her over night. She really liked that. :lol:
  10. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    My cats loved Christmas. They played in the wrapping paper and destroyed (or lost) most of their toys already! (That means they liked what they got!)

    I can't post pictures yet since I'm off from work and I don't have a computer at home (I'm at my mom's right now).
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Sounds like a lot of exciting and different things going on with all your kitties and Christmas. Some of it pretty funny.

    Luna looks like she is having a good time. She's probably wondering what in the heck is that mouse thing supposed to be. Cute. She looks pretty happy lying on the tissue paper. :)
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    BTW, great pics! :eek: :eek: :eek:

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