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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by unika, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. unika

    unika New Member

    My 8wk old toy poodle little girl is not eating right and she poops every hour but it is a slimey yellowish poop...not hard at all..very much like liquid... she does not seem to like any type of food I have even given her nutri--cal but that does'nt work either........she also gets very dirty on her behind everytime she poops or pees.....please help me!!1 I don't want to shave her I like the way she looks like a big fluffy white pillow but I am getting desperate.. can someone help! I bought that vita-gravy for her food but she just licks it off....
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Has this puppy been to the vet yet? The loose stool could be from abrupt food changes since you are trying different foods in an attempt to get her to eat. At any rate, I would definately have a vet take a look at her right away just to be safe.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yeah, take her to the vet for a thorough check up. You should have done that when you first got her.
    When you give a dog too many choices of food, it upsets their stomache and gives them the runs. Stick to the food the breeder was feeding her. Once she is eating fine, if you want to feed her something else, the transition needs to be slow. Mix her food in with the new for 2 weeks is what I do, gradually increase the amount of new food to the old. If you have to sit with her on the floor and put the kibble in her mouth. It may take awhile but hopefully she will start to feel comfy enough to eat it. How long have you had her?
  4. unika

    unika New Member

    I have had Bella for 2 1/2 weeks ... I tried giving her at first the food her breeder gave her but she wouldn't eat... so now I have her eating it again and she eats okay but not alot.... what should I do about her getting her behind all dirty everytime she poops????
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Unika, I got your private message, thank you. I can't private message anyone anymore. So I will answer you here. My toy poodle is growing into a mini height wise, she is 4 months old now and already 10 inches. She is somewhere 4 1/2 lbs as of one week ago. I also have an 8 year old mini named sasha.
    For furry dogs like poodles, you need to do a sanitary trim. Trim the hair above the tail and around the anis. Also the hair on and around the vulva. Being that your poo is only 8 weeks old(you got her when she was 6 weeks?) that is soooo young for a toy to be separated from its mom. Barely weaned probably. But you can't bring her in for a pro grooming until she has had all of her puppy shots and possibly rabies shot too. I have always groomed my own poodles. It would be wise for you to buy a good clipper set and get a book by Shirlee Kalstone. Poodle grooming. You will save alot of money doing it yourself. Start trimming the face feet tail now, so's she will not be hard to handle later on. Do you plan on keeping her face fuzzy or shaved. I would get her used to being clipped. You can always let her face hair grow if thats what you want, but get her used to the clipper now.
    Also toy poos should eat at least 4 times a day. I would put a bowl of food down so's she can eat when she needs to since she's not eating much. Later when about 4 months old you can start her on a schedule, giving about 1/4 cup each meal 3 times daily. a
    bout 7a.m.,12noon and 5 p.m.
    When you clip the bum hair laeave about 1/4 inch hair so's it does not cause itching. Heres my baby Lilly.
    http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?j=t ... b902e9b1ea
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Got your second P.M. I have two teenage sons. No small kids. Lilly is the 4 month old. She has very long legs but not too long. Her body length matches her height. She is supposed to grow to be about 7 or 8 lbs. You know poodles are very smart right. It seems alot of times when a poodle is looking at you what they are doing is sizing up the situation. its like you can see their little brains ticking away. My 8 year old has sad eyes, I always thought it was because she was abused. I don't know.

    Hey you want to see a picture of my poodles bum, so's you can see what it should look like, LOL Let me go find a picture ok.
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ok here is a picture of my mini poo's bum. Its basically what the rear end should look like. Her tail is not docked. Its long. Is your pups tail docked, (short)? Here it is;

    And to do her justice, here she is from the front.LOL
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You can talk to me here, I can not post any replys to you in the private message area, I can only read them. So we can talk here. I know bummer huh. But everything we say here may help someone else. Just keep offereing her food until she gets comfortable eating and knows where to find it.
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ok, in case you need more. I just woke up Sasha, she's all rumpled with her hair but here's another. She was bit annoyed knowing I woke her up just to pop up her tail and snap away at her bum. LOL The above picture It had to make smaller and it did not seem to take but now it appears it has. Rember to leave just a tad of hair there otherwise it irritates the anal area. bet you can't wait to learn about expressing anal glands to huh. What color is your pup. I'd love to see her.
  10. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    nice bum!!! I wish I could keep my pup still enough to take a picture from the front never mind the back. LOL

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