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Running waterfountain beside cage?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hello.. I was wondering if anyone has some sort of a waterfall/fountain near their birdcage? I was thinkin of buying a decent size water fountain and get a few (bird friendly) plants to arrange around the cage... would the water be soothing and maybe create a bath place for the day she ever journeys out of the cage?? just a thought... cause right now she has one BIG white wall behind her and seems kinda boring i wana make a jungle theme in my house...
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i never really thought about it mind you if it was me a water fountain would make me need to pee just with the sound running water makes hehehe.

    Sounds like a good idea i suppose you could always try and see what she is like but you would be best doing a search and finding what plants are safe for your bird and what are not...

    Good luck and let us know what you decide.

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I already have a website with safe/unsafe plants.. so I am alright in that catagory... hehe I thought about the active peeing thing with running water too but hell she poops every 15 minutes can it get any more often LOL
    anyways im going fountain shopping so ill let you guys know when i buy one..
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :lol: LOL, I think he was talking about you!

    The thing I find with running water is that once you get used to it being there you can just tune it out, that's what I do with my aquarium filter.

    Sounds like a neat plan. Good Luck!
  5. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    oh I hope that I cannot tune it out, I just LOVE the sound of running water, soo soo soothing.. hehe..
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    LOL, It's not so soothing when you're running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!
  7. mogsmom

    mogsmom New Member

    but their not "running" they just go wherever, ahh the life of a bird...


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