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Repeating voice making them go crazy?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I have been reading a lot about recording a CD with your voice repeating the word... and I did it.. its good cause takes a lot less energy.. haha but as I sit here it is making me go insaine,, so I was wondering if you think it makes the bird go nuts? And woudl it be best to do it while they are super active or lazy and sleepy?
  2. mogsmom

    mogsmom New Member

    I thought the same thing too, except I didn't do the cd thing I just said the same words over and over again and i'm not sure if he liked it... Don't birds like to be talked to, with different words that is..

    I figured if every time my husband came over and sat by me and kept saying, hello, hello, it would probably drive me nuts too!

    I want him to learn how to talk I just don't want to drive him nuts at the same time lol, then he'll really start screeching!
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Budgies and cockatiels can say simple words like hello, Goodbye and baby but they don't have the capacity to say multiple words like larger parrots.

    If cockatiels do talk its more like a croaky sound rather than actual words you have to listen very hard to understand what they are saying and with budgies its only on very rare occasions and usually only with the males will they say any words at all.

    To teach a bird to say words you must start off with one word lets use Hello for instance and repeat this over and over again its better if you can get hold of a cd or tape with another bird saying it as birds learn from other birds through the sounds they make when talking.

    Once they have mastered that word you can then move onto another word like goodbye or whatever else you would like it to say again you will need to repeat this until it gets hold of the word.

    But again they may never speak .

  4. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Well actually my male cockatiel Cockatiel can say a pretty good number of things heres his main vocab. Oh Baby, Ooh lala, Chippy, Good Boy, Hi Hi, Bye Bye, Kitty, Love You, he also whistles the AG song, he whistles like men whistle at women, and makes laughing noises and sneezes and alos chewing noises. But his words are scratchy but its pretty easy to make out. My female cockatiel Hope only says Pretty and Lala but these are on rare occasions and usualy just whistles songs mainly disney. Cloudy my younger male cockatiel says Oh baby , Cloudy, Slayer, and Hi and bye thats about it and doesent whistles any songs but whistles the whistle Scooter does. My budgies don't really talk much except for Highlight who says Pretty Bird and Hey Hey.

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