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Is he old enough?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. I've had cats my whole life, but this is the first time I've had Kittens while out on my own....know what I mean??

    Anyhow. Garfield is now 13 weeks. his "nuts" have "dropped" or showing and he hasn't started spraying yet.
    Is he old enough to neuter so he doens't start spraying and breed?
    He's a maincoon kitten btw.

    Boots his sister is the same age. But she's smaller than he is. He's almost double her size....Do you think she's old enough yet to be spayed?
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I think all cats are different, but I would wait a bit longer if I were you. I'm sure that's what your vet will advice you to as well. At our vets office thet prefer to wait until the cat is around 7 month old, Kyrre got neutered when he was almost 6 months.

    I have no idea about the spaying... All female cats our family has had, has always been on birth controll pills.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm jsut scared he'll start spraying and end up like Tom....
    He was born and grew up (till I got him) outside....
  4. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I'm not sure if there is some standard age range that is ideal or what your vet would say, but at the shelter where i worked, they went by weight, not age. As long as the kitten was over 2lbs and eating fine on their own, and otherwise healthy, then they would go ahead and do surgery.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Copper was neutered early...I don't remember when. But he still sprays.
  6. 2BlackCats

    2BlackCats New Member

    Hi, I dont want to hi-jack your thread, but I have the same situation. My kittens are 3 months old, and are not yet spayed/neutered. We have intentions on taking them for the surgery within this first month of the new year. 7 months old seems a little old to me to wait.

    My male has been caught once trying to "hump" our female and they are still young. I know that his testicles have dropped....but she is still too young to go into heat...yet. Im sure that she will go into heat before I expect it, so we arent going to let them get any older that maybe 4 months....and one of them is definatley gettting fixed. Depending on the cost, we may do one, then the other.

    I wouldnt let your cats get too old, or you may wind up with an unexpected litter. Im sure that you could call a vet, and ask. They would tell you how old. I know that around here if you adopt a kitten from the shelter it has to be fixed before it goes home. So maybe your kittens arent too young.

    Spraying, I dont really know much about, other than they just say that neutering lessens the likelyhood that your cat will spray. I dont think that its a for sure thing. They do "say" the younger you neuter your cat, the less likely he will spray.....it may all depend on the cat though too :?

    Im not a cat expert either though. These two kittens are the first cats that I have ever really owned. Any other cats we had growing up were my parents responsibility. I just got to have fun with them, not worry about thier health issues!!
  7. eman

    eman New Member

    my cat was spayed when she was 4 months old, at the shelter. i dont think age matters, it is how much they weigh.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    If your vet is willing to do it now I would go ahead and get it done.
    My vet now does spays/neuters at 12wks of age. One of my males and one of my females were done at 16wks (which was the earliest my vet would do it at the time) and recovered much faster than the cats I've had done at later ages.
    Here is a link regarding early spay/neuter studies on cats:

    http://www.winnfelinehealth.org//report ... euter.html
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Check with your vet Sams.
  10. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    I have two male kittens..and i had them fixed at about 7 months..neither boy had started spraying..but they had started to get a tad aggressive and one of them started pinning down his brother in a mating type position..so i took them in..

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