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New Rescue A little male Pit Bull pup

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by CockatielCrazy87, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Yesterday some guy stopped by and dropped off this beautiful fawn and white pup saying he was a christmas gift from a friend but his GF would not alow him to keep him and he brought him here since he had heard of our ranch through a friend. The puppy is beautiful and so friendly and sweet. I named him Elijah but we all nicknamed him Meat-Wad cause he's such a chunk lol. Im excited to have him really and theres pics of himon my site which I posted on my post in the dogs board "One dog lost is anouther gained". But anyways he is a pretty good boy and has already found it fun to nap on the clean laundry :roll: lol.
  2. goob

    goob New Member

    Congrats on your new boy, I'm guessing from your post that you are keeping him permanently?

    One thing I want to address from your post on the dogs board... you mention imprinting puppies, and using them as fighters, so I'm guessing you mean imprinting pups to make them fighting dogs. The pit bull, like sighthounds, retrievers, and other types of dog, has been bred to specialize in one function. In retrievers, it's retrieving... in sighthounds, it's running down prey... in pit bulls, it's fighting other animals. Like many labs will instinctively having some retrieval instinct, and many sighthounds will instinctively chase small animals if allowed, many pit bulls will fight with other dogs if given the opportunity. Some do not, others only do if challenged, but generations of selectively breeding for the traits needed for a fighting dog set in a predisposition towards dog aggression in the breed. There is no training needed to make a pit bull fight, it is something that is either there or isn't. Many pit bulls do not "turn on" (a term commonly used for the point at which they become dog aggressive) until they are mature, which can be as late as 3 yrs of age in some lines, so it can be difficult to tell whether or not dog aggression will rear its head until it happens... or doesn't if you're one of the lucky minority.

    I don't mean to offend you, and certainly am not trying to scare you off, but it's a common belief for people who are not familiar with the breed. No one wants to believe that "something like that" could be bred into a dog, but dog aggression is inherited as easily as any other trait, it just requires a bit more vigilant and responsible owner to deal with a dog that has it than one that does not.
  3. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    eh im not offended
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Basic rule of thumb... NEVER trust a bulldog not to fight and this issue can't be stressed enough. It happens and if you don't take precautions (crate training and separating dogs when not home) you may come home to quite a mess. I was wondering how to breach the subject...thanks Goob... But even my little girl whom I thought was in the clear and "cold" (term used for dogs that are not dog aggressive) but on occasion we had an accident...playing the flirt pole out in the front yard. Our rescue, Honijade's sister got out and came to join in the game...grabbed the tug and Honijade who was raised with our male playing tug with one another since puppyhood grabbed the rope for a game... Lilly her sister threw a fit and Honijade did as always and turned away to end the territorial nips...but one too many nips or a hard one got in there...and Honijade went nuts...we had to pry her off of Lilly it was short and sweet with little to no damage done...but it was traumatic for me. After taking precautions I still learned the lesson that any pit can and will fight if given the chance and no Bulldog can be trusted NOT to fight... Keeping 5 dog aggressive dogs in my home at one time is an easy task so I hope I didn't sscare you off at the thought of having to keep your new pup separate.

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