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Question for groomers

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Rene, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hello my question is Sebastain and Jasmine are Yorkies, their bangs are getting long and in there eyes any suggestions on how to keep them back with out a rubber band?? maybe i should trim them?? is there doggie mouse or gel?? I want to be able to see their cute faces and right now their hair is there not to mention it must be kinda hard to for them to see

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well the only other way besides a band is to trim them. Have your groomer show you. Or if your brave brush it forward and trim around and above the eyes about an inch. or more depends how long you want it. Start on the longer side then work your way shorter if needed.
  3. karma

    karma New Member

    That's about it!
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Thanks guys i'm not brave at all i wont even clip there nails i gave the groomer a call they are only open 1 saturday a month and i missed it so i guess i will be using bands till the first weekend in may :cry: I do bath them and blow dry them about 2 times a month but they have to go to the groomer or vet for the nails i'm scared for some reason.

    thanks again
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Don't be afraid. The more you mess with the hair the more comfortable you will be. It is a great bonding between you and your dog too. I guess you don't express the anal glands either Huh. Come on you can do it.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Umm didnt know i was supposed to do that :oops: Just courios why would i do that????

    Also i love Sebastains long hair but i'm thinking of going short evertime he pee's it gets on his side i have to wash him 24/7 :roll: he doesnt mind thank god he loves the bath and blow dryer Jasmine is just starting to like it :D
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its mostly small dogs. But just feel around the anis if its rounded feeling he needs it. Or doing the scoot or but drag. Bad things can happen if they get clogged. If you don't feel anything and he's not dragging then he's fine.
  8. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Thanks i will have to watch for that jasmie drags her butt across the ground once in a while They are both going to the vet tommorrow to get their ears checked so i will ask them to check and show me what to do

    Thanks again
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    You definitely need to ask about expressing the anal glands! (especially if jasmine drags around occasionally). My poor Bailey had that "issue" before..... eeeeeek...... I posted about it on the other board. I'm not sure I want to relive it again! :) =;
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh, its not that bad, just do it at bathtime. It take a minute. Its kind of funny the look Sasha gives me. She would have bitten the vet and tech for invading her though they had to hold her mouth carefully between the techs arm pit. She's good for me though. Just not trusting of others.
  11. Alabamamom1

    Alabamamom1 New Member

    #-o I feel dumb. I need to know how to express Rome's anal glands??? I have been looking on the other board for MonsterBailey's post but can't find it? How do I do it or what is the topic under on the old board. Yikes! I know that I need to. As soon as I read this post it was like a lightbulb went off. (Hey where is the lightbulb emoticon?...anyway) Please help.
  12. karma

    karma New Member

    I think that if you want to learn to do your dog's anal glands, you should have a vet show you. It's not something that's easily picked up from reading about it, and if you don't do it correctly, you could make your dog much more uncomfortable.
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OH alabamamom,

    I don't know how to express his glands, I have the groomer do it...(Karma, don't worry I wasn't giving any advice, just personal stories). My story on the other thread had to do with having to take him to the vet cuz he was CRYINGGG when he went potty.... (it was like he had hemorrhoids!) and the big ole' mean vet with the GIGANTAUR BIG HANDS looked at me and said "Umm, I'm going to have to examine him digitally"........ :shock: ..... (((((SCREECH)))))).... I couldn't run out of that room fast enough! The poor baby! When they let me back in the room, Bailey had this devastation about him, and the look in his eyes that pretty much said "please please don't leave me with him alone again" :cry:

    Needless to say... he gets EXPRESSED monthly now! LOL :oops: You definitely need to ask your groomer or vet about it. If you are already taking him to the groomer regularly, I'm sure they can do that for you also.
  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    My vet calls it 'milking the glands ' ,he showed me how to do it .uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! I take mine ot the vet ...but it is a certain way you squeeze the glands so they get all that stuff out and push and ucky ,ucky ,ucky ...let them do it .That is why they spent years in school is to learn how ...I don't wanna !!!!!!
  15. karma

    karma New Member

    Also, there's internal and external expression. Many dogs can be done externally so that they don't have to have Monster Bailey's experience.

    I should add that not all groomers do anals, and not all vets think that groomers should. Many feel that it's best left up to vets.
  16. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I agree with karma .I do not think a groomer should do it .That should be you or your vet .It is personal and also very important that it is done right and by a vet .
  17. Alabamamom1

    Alabamamom1 New Member

    :-# So....is it very expensive to have it done? I will be more than happy to let my vet do it. I like my groomer, but the vet we use also does grooming so I might try to let them do both at the same time?
  18. karma

    karma New Member

    A friend of mine took her dog to the vet's just for anals- I think she paid $15. It only takes a couple of minutes.
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My vet showed me and they got a kick out of watching my reaction. I think its no big deal to do. I'm not squeamish. Heck , if I could change diapers, I can handle a little bit of boop. I used to do alot of baby sitting, then came my boys. That was 14 years ago. But I'm still strong. :eek:
  20. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Oh, I can just imagine in vet school when they're teaching about expressing the glands....."Now this is one time you get to enjoy watching the face of the parent...." ............"pure entertainment".......


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