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Kitten has sneezes, should I worry?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Milly's Mum, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. Milly's Mum

    Milly's Mum New Member

    Milly (4mths] has just come to live with us. She has had a runny eye and ear discharge which the vet is treating. However although her runny nose has cleared, her eye and ear are improving she still sneezes a lot. She is a really happy contented kitten and eats, sleeps and plays normally. She is a ragdoll X. She came from a home with lots of other cats and has had her innoccualtions. Should I be concerned?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the sneezing could last for awhile if she had a nasty URI....I'd wait it out to see if she can get over it on her own. A healthy kitten/cat can usually shake off a URI on their own. If the eye/nose discharge comes back then I'd get her checked again. Could also be allergens on her fur - you could always wipe her down with a damp washcloth and see if that helps.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi Milly's Mum, and welcome to the forums! =P~

    It sounds like Milly has an upper respiratory infection. URIs are very common, especially in cats that have been living with lots of other kitties. Since you say the vet is treating her for the eye and ear problem, you probably don't have to worry about the sneezing too much. If she's on antibiotics she should be better in no time. All the same, give the vet a call and let them know that she's sneezy, just to be sure they're aware of it and able to get her additional treatment if they think it's required.

    Be sure to monitor her eating and drinking. When cats can't smell their food, they often stop eating. Her health will decline quickly if she stops eating.

    Best of luck, and please stick around for a while! We would love to see pictures of little Milly!
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    I hope Milly is feeling better by now. Having a humidifier or giving her a steam bath every few years should help clear her sinuses. Please post some pics of this little beauty! :eek:
  5. Milly's Mum

    Milly's Mum New Member

    I thought I'd try again with some pictures of milly! Just for practice (and to show my wee baby off!) :eek:


    Hope these work! :wink:
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    She is just adorable! Really pretty coat on her! :kiss_heart:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I've always wanted a Ragdoll. Milly is simply gorgeous! Her fur is so soft and plush! Does she go limp when held? :0011: :mrgreen: I've been making pillows for Ten Lives Club and I bet she'd melt right into the cream and white pillow (not pictured), but I just had one made for Rene:


    *note- I didn't post this to make money for myself. I lose money in this process. :mrgreen:
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    She is absolutely adorable! :love_y_t_much:
    I love her color, her little pink nose, her beautiful eyes.... Just everything about her!
    I'm not saying this just to be saying it. I don't think I ever have fallen so completly for a kitten I've only seen on a picture before :oops:
    (Maybe I just miss the good ol' times when my Kyrre was so small..? lol :mrgreen: )
  9. Milly's Mum

    Milly's Mum New Member

    Hi Everyone

    Thanks for all the helpful comments about sneezes. Its lovely to know others think Millly is as loveable as I do. She just flops in you arms like a baby when cuddled. She doesn't like being on her own at all and always manages to cuddle up on next to you no matter what you are doing [including having dinner]!
    MIlly was back at the vet today. Her sneezes are coming from her eye infection which is not clearing up after 3 weeks of ointment. The vet has changed her eye drops to Clingagel and she has a weeks course of anti=biotics. It is possible she had an infection from her breeders [which had at least 30+ cats] before I brought her home. Should I get intouch with the breeder and let her know of Milly's problems? I have never bought a cat from a breeder before, any previous kittens have been from farms or rescued animals.
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


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