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My 8 week old Silky won't eat

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CRSydney, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. CRSydney

    CRSydney New Member

    My eight week old Silky won't eat anything, not even treats. She also doesn't drink any water. She is still peeing and pooping. She has thrown up twice too, bright yellow stuff. She has just travelled 1300 miles to get here over three days. Could it be separation anxiety? Worms? She was at the vet a week ago for shots...Someone help please!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Give her Nutrical to get her sugar level up. Toy breeds can go into pass out if they don't eat. Are you feeding her what the breeder did? With my pup at first she did not want to eat on the floor. I sat on the floor and I put food in her mouth, she eventually chewed it, and continued. Stick the kibble in her mouth if you have too. If she's really not had anything, try buying some baby food, and warm it a tad and hand feed her. if she does not eat in the next day bring her to see the vet again. If she is geetting little amounts thats good keep offering it. She needs to eat at leats 4 times a day.
  3. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    8 weeks old is very young for a toy breed pup to already be taken away from her mother. Most breeders will keep them until they are eating very well on their own, though the trip could have caused her some stress. It's really important that you get her some Nutrical and rub some on her gums and inside of her mouth. Like Puttin said, it will help keep her blood sugar up. Throwing up bile means that her stomach is empty, because it is essentially just stomach acid. It usually isn't a problem and will go away once she eats, but if she's not eating really soon I would take her back to your vet.
    Keep us updated and I hope your pup feels better soon.
  4. CRSydney

    CRSydney New Member

    Thanks for your help

    Thanks for your help...We finally got her to eat Nutrical that night. Then we tried some wet food instead of dry food and that did the trick. The vet said it was probably just the stress of the trip. She's now a full blown terror. Thanks again for you help.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thats great news. Glad he's doing well.
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Glad to hear Your babies doing fine now.
  7. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Glad to hear she's eating, I remember my pup would only eat out of my hand at first. I use to make a game of it to get her to eat. She would eat out of my hand then only one at a time when placed on the floor. Then I would line her kibble in a row on the floor leading into her bowl. Whatever it takes that's what I say!!!

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