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12 year old, recurring illness ... HELP!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginny, Dec 27, 2004.

  1. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    My cat Jasper has suffered on and off with rhinitis since christmas 2003. Cutting a very long story short we got to the stage where once he started sneezing/snuffling etc, I'd give him a 10 day course of antirobe, and within about 3 days he'd improve. Once the course was over he'd be fine then for anything between 3 and 7 weeks.

    In November though he became really ill .. got to the point where he stopped eating and hid away. The vet gave me a 10 day course of clamoxyl injections for him, and then he had a 10 day course of antirobe straight after and was then great .. until today. He's now stopped eating again, drinking more just like he did just before he got really ill in November.

    The vet wanted to do chest xrays, but hasn't actually heard anything 'suspicious' there. Jasper's had bloods, had a nasal xray too. (the vet thought he had a tumour, but it's possible polyps.) I don't want to do loads of tests etc as I've known for a year now that he has this ongoing problem with his nose, but with the recent eating problem too it's getting serious.

    I'm just interested to hear others opinions on this. Obviously I'll be going back to the vets on tuesday if he doesn't eat tomorrow, but I'd love to hear from anyone with any opinions or advice. He's never been the most healthiest of cats, even at 6 mths old I had to watch what he ate. It's really hard to know when to 'give up' and stop trying to find a miracle.

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had a cat that was unhealthy since day 1 - her spay she developed lumps in the incision and had to be opened again to have the lumps removed, ongoing skin allergies throughout her life, Heart murmur (don't rmember the grade level), then she developed CRF at a young age (approx. 7...she was misdiagnosed for some time). I too didn't know when to let her give up :cry: I didn't want to let go cause she'd be fine for a long time then boom go downhill....get fluids at the vets and be fine again. This went on for years....what would I do now if I had to do it again - honestly I don't know. It's hard to know - but when a cat stops eating and acts depressed you really have to ask yourself if the cat is trying to tell you something. I know it's hard....and I don't know what I would do if I was in your shoes. Maybe I'd get a 2nd opinion and hope for the best...or I'd let my pet be the judge of just how much more she can take.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about Jasper and have no advice to offer except *hugs*. I hope you find a solution. Does Jasper have a humidifier?
  4. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Thanks for your replies. Well, update on Jasper.

    Yesterday he was really bad, and basically hid away so I called the emergency vet twice throughout the evening. Ended up there this morning (£125 as it's a Bank Holiday .. eek!) for a consultation and a steroid and antibiotic jab. He's perked up since and is eating tiny amounts of stuff like tuna and chicken warmed slightly.

    He's booked in for a chest and nose xray on thursday to see if his rhinitis has done any more damage to his nose, and also to make sure nothing has spread to his chest. If the xrays show nothing much different, it's probably time for him to go on antibiotics daily for however much of his life is left. If the xrays show something then I have made the decision to let him go before he suffers anymore.

    I'll keep you informed.

    Thanks for listening, even just typing it out is like talking about it .. always helps.
  5. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    I lost Jasper yesterday...


    Well, after the past few days of worry I made the decision yesterday to let Jasper go. He went to the vets for the day to have his nose and chest xrays, and the nose one showed a lot of change since his xray last summer.

    The vet and I chatted and we agreed that although he could go onto steroids etc, it would just be prolonging the agony. I had to choose the kindest option, even though I am devastated.

    I'm missing Jasper like mad, as he was always around unlike my other cat Cassie who just sleeps on my bed all day! The house seems so quiet. My eyes are stinging like crazy, I barely slept last night .. I know it'll all pass but hell it's bad.

    So I'll take this opportunity to say what a fantastic cat Jasper was, and his twelve and a half years were mostly great for him. I will never forget him and his amazing character and will always love him dearly.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. We are all here for you when you need a shoulder. Jasper sounded like an amazing friend. :(
  7. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Thanks, I'm so sad. Looking at recent pics of Jasper he looks so healthy .. it's amazing what can be going on inside that body.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. At least Jasper is no longer suffering. *HUGS* :cry:

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