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$2900 for a pit bull pup?!?!?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by GlenC, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    I ran across this web site <<PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT ALLOW PERSONAL WEBSITES PROMOTING PUPPIES FOR SALE TO BE POSTED HERE, THANK YOU FROM THE MODERATORS>> while looking for pictures of pits. They are selling thier pups for $2900 each. Is this normal from a big breeder like that?
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    I know it's not unhead of...but there's no way I can see paying that much for one of those...I suppose to say you paid as big a wad of cash as you're dog is wide...a 132 lbs pit?..those dogs are pretty overdone..
  3. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    They just do not look like "normal" pit bulls. They looked mixed with something. However, I just could never see me paying that much for ANY dog. What is the going rate for a good bred pit? Sorry to say I have never known any breeders other than the dreaded back yard variety. And the most I have seen them charge for registered pits is about $150.
  4. someday

    someday New Member

    I'm just taking a guess..
    but i believe a good show quality is between $800-$1500?
    Anyone help me out here?
  5. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    I could see paying $800-$1000 for a show quality dog. But what about us poor folk who just want a good family pet. This is a mute point as I already have Dozer and just LOVE him to death. I am just curious about the price of the beautiful dogs.

    Also what are the pros and cons of spaying or neutering a dog you have no plans of breeding?
  6. someday

    someday New Member

    I think a well bred pet quality depends on where you get it...I could see $300 pretty easily.
    But of course my girl too was from a byb, against my better judgement, but I couldn't leave her..luckily she's turned out absolutely wonderful...

    I don't think there are any cons to spaying or neutering if you aren't breeding. Of course it prevents unwannted puppies. Spaying a female eliminates the possibility of uterine and ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the risk of breast cancer. You don't have to deal with messy heats. Neutering a male reduces the risk of both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. It also keeps them from going nuts everytime a female is in heat within a 10 mile radius.
  7. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    haha.....can they really smell/since a female in heat from that far away?
  8. someday

    someday New Member

    well..probably not..but it sure seems like it..
  9. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    Another dumb question. I am origenally from Calif. And the winters where I was never really got COLD. Now I am in Oklahoma and it gets down right COLD here. I was wondering about having my pit outside when it is cold. Right now I am able to keep him inside in a kennal and take him outside to play with him and let him do his bussiness. However once he is full grown he will have to be an outside dog. At least until we buy the house we are in. The landlord said I could have as many dogs as I want outside (2.5 acres) just no dogs inside :-(
  10. someday

    someday New Member

    I have mine indoors, I couldn't stand to not have her with me all the time, but I know people on here keep their pits outside. He should be fine so long as you have proper shelter and bedding for him. I'm sure some others on here will have some tips on how to set it up.
  11. GlenC

    GlenC New Member

    Awesome thanks. I would really prefer him to be inside the majority of the time.....and he probably will be.....IF I can have any luck house training him.....Ive never had any luck doing that :-(
  12. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I Bred a litter of show quality amstaffs earlier this year and only sold the pups for $350.00, This was a loosing venture for me and cost me more than I recovered from the sale of pups but I kept a male that would have cost me about $1200 to buy. I wanted people to be able to have great dogs at a fair price. I had a big stud fee to pay though, and owner of the stud said I was crazy for selling them at that price but oh well, only two out of nine pups left with full registration, as the others we sold with "Limited Registration" and on a spay or neuter contract.

    There can be a huge difference between a $150 dog and a $1000 dog.
    The best pits I have ever seen can be purchased for $800-$1000 and "Mugleston Pit Bull Farm" dogs cant even touch them.

    I dont know what part of OK you are in but where im at, it is WARM this year.
  13. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    i recently had a litter of adba,ckc,ukc registered rednose pups with strong show and pull champion bloodlines and sold them all for 600 a puppy ( the mother was free to me but her littermates were sold for 300 or less and the father cost me 750 including the shipping fee from las vegas to mobile). they werent purple ribbon and i don't show or pull with them yet. i have found that most people sell themselves short when selling registered pups and it depends more on the presentation and the breeders patience than anything. of course if you dont have gorgeous pups it wont work...when people see my pups they imediately say something like "these look much better than these other pits we were looking at for 150/200/300.etc"also a decent website helps.
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Those aren't pits at all, but people will pay for them. That much, who knows why but they do it. A good dog will usually cost between $500-$1000, pets quality is usually sold at a lower price by most breeders. Now you can pay that much and more from bybs, some people like to spend big, some will pay for that look even if its not pure and others just like the dogs. You could pay $600 for a pup who's the same quality as another litter thats only $300 but thats choice/exposure so looking around and checking out as many breeders as possible is a good way to go. Most breeders don't care about making money anyway, they just want their pups to forward the line/breed and for the pet quality ones to get a good home not trying to be greedy or peddle. They usually lose a lot of money due to housing, feeding, vet visits, showing, sometimes a stud fee, ect. A dog being registered doesn't make them quality or valuable or better then a dog thats not registered, its what the breeders has put into the dogs. Even for a pet its your best bet to find a really good breeder and there are many who sell them at a fair price, just takes some looking. I know OK has some really great breeders with some really nice dogs. My dogs grandsire resides there.
    My dogs are outside dogs and it can get pretty cold here, just make sure your dog has proper shelter-a good dog house, and pack it with lots of straw and your dog will stay nice and warm, if it gets really cold and the water freezes be sure to melt it.
  15. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    they arent normal pitbulls I forget where I found it but they have been shut down in the past but recently came back, although they are suppose to be telling people they are a mix breed I believe if I remember right they are mixed with bull mastiff or something like that, I will look into it and see if I can find the link to the article I seen on them
  16. goob

    goob New Member

    They charge that much because people will pay it to get what they want. Unfortunately, people don't understand what makes a dog functional, and think that being lowslung and bulky like that makes a dog more powerful and pit bull like. In real life, these type of dogs have poor wind, tire easily, and lack agility. They can barely make it for a stroll around the block, nevermind an hour doing what the breed was made to do. But people don't know that, and want what they feel is most impressive, so they'll pay whatever it takes to get it, and these breeders just capitalize off it. It's not right, but that's how it is.

    Spaying or neutering a dog greatly reduces the hormones put out by their reproductive system, which can decrease or eliminate a lot of negative aspects of intact dogs. Left to themselves, dogs will naturally seek to propogate, so altering them takes away that urge, and makes life a bit easier for their owners (and maybe the dog too, as some believe they must feel a bit of frustration when intact and never bred -like males when seperated from females in heat- though it's never been proven). It will prevent heats from occurring, males from breaking through windows or gates to get to females in heat down the road, getting irritated by seperation, etc. These things are mainly of benefit to the owner, but I'll admit I'm glad I don't have to deal with our girls going through heats, nor with trying to disuade "gentleman callers" from our porch :roll:

    In addition, it also has some health benefits, and there is little negative to the procedure. There is always a risk when a dog is put under for surgery, but anesthesia today is far more advanced than in the past, and between that and pre-op blood workups, problems are rare for how many dogs get the surgery. Some female dogs develop slight leakiness of urine after spaying, but this is also common in older females even when not spayed, and can be treated by meds to strengthen the bladder muscles. The only other negative is that when pediatric (before 6 mos) spay/neuter is done, it is believed that the bones continue to grow a bit longer than dogs altered at/after 6 mos, because the sexual hormones never come into play and tell the growth plates to close. This results in slightly (a few centimeters in the studies) taller, leaner dogs than dogs done at the traditional time, but there is no proof that this causes any problems, and many dogs have had pediatric spays/neuters with no long term problems resulting. At this point, I would still opt for the usual 6 month age given the choice, if it were my personal dog, but I'm all for pediatric spay/neuter on rescue pups.

    As far as health benefits, neutered male dogs generally show a lower rate of prostate cancer, and no incidence of testicular cancer. Females altered before first heat had almost no incidence of mamary cancer, before 3rd heat was still much lower than not altered at all. Spayed females can't get uterine cancer. They also can't develop pyometra, which is a uterine infection which occurs after a heat, and can kill them (at the very least, they'll need spayed, and then it's a much more serious and complicated surgery than a normal spay). That's about it.
  17. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    I think pay 2900 is way to much

    I payed 800. for one of my blues and 500. for the other now im paying 800. again for another blue but i see that they usally go for 800.-1500. some with champion blood line some wihtout the ones with champion blood line cost anywhere from 1000.-2000.
  18. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I don't mean to sound stupid, but I will be honest, I don't know anything about breeding I have always been involved in rescue work. Last week, I went to the Westminster Dog show for the very first time, I finally got to see "Perfect show quailty American Staffordshire Terriers".
    I was amazed. What georgous dogs.
    Anyway, my question is this: How does a breeder know when they have a litter of "Show Quality" dogs? What traits are you looking for?
    Again, I don't mean to sound stupid and I know many of you will think this is a stupid question, but I am just trying to learn. Around here, all you will EVER see is Back Yard Breeders.
    I also know that Goob and True_Pits can help out on this question too.
    How does one not get stiffed by a Back Yard Breeder? Obviously, I would because I would not honestly know what to look for in the pup. Say I decided to get a puppy to show (not that I will at this point in my life) but where would I begin and what type of dog would I wish to purchase?

  19. Sara

    Sara New Member

    First off for a pet quality dog from a good breeder...I'd expect to pay shipping depending on what kind of home I can provide. As a soon to be breeder myself...the quality of home to me is more important than the money in my pocket. Selling top quality dogs and pets to those who can afford it should break me even... if I come accrossed an excessively good home but where someone can't pay more than shipping and a couple hundred...just shipping, can pick the dog up but only pay a couple hundred...can pick up but can't pay any but provide a perfect home for the breed and are responsible and willing to have a contract...free even...

    Breeders can't KNOW beyond a doubt what puppy will be pick for show quality till the dog has all his adult teeth and is pretty much grown...out of the awkward stage anyway... No one has a full litter of show quality dogs no matter what they tell you and at 7 or 8 weeks of age it's iffy to start guaranteeing show quality pups from a litter. Many breeders if breeding for their own show quality animals will keep a hand full of good candidates based on conformation as puppies (at 5 weeks of age you can have a good idea what you'll have later on in a general sense)... AS far as temperment goes...that's easy to pick out with a stranger doing assessments for you and discussing findings etc... You want a patient dog, and a willing dog... easygoing for a show dog... The road can be stressfull so a nervy dog isn't optimal for showing... Anyway the group of puppies a breeder keeps to pick out "pick" show dog will mature and the breeder can sell the ones he/she decides not to keep as a show dog... This is generally the practice by breeders... People who just want show dogs often are better off by buying adult or almost adult dogs to ensure that it will be show quality once fully matured.
  20. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    AHHH, not stupid, What a good question, I think sara answered it best:

    Some will make these claims, but many a breeder/owner of a would be show dog has nervously waited through an akward growing stage of changing bites and toplines. Here is all anyone who has a "show quality" litter can accomplish, the mating of champions born of champions and a well researched understanding of pedigrees from both sire and dam. In this instance more often than not you are going to have great consistant pups. Not all will be show quality, for various reasons including as sara mentioned, attitude. You can have a great looking dog that doesnt have what it takes to show.

    I sold dogs that could have shown as pets. Only two of the dogs in my litter have full registration. I own one and my brother in law owns the other. So sometimes pet and show can just be a matter of how much someone paid and what kind of registration they recieve. This bloodline is guarded, I have the only intact male from the sire.

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