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i have some question to ask please help me thank you

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by qnapr, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    Hi wanted know how close cant you mate related dog exp.brother & sister or cousins etc.. also is the chip a good idea and would it harm the dog. when is it a good time to mate you're dog after her first period?
  2. goob

    goob New Member

    Breeding close relatives increases the chances that any problems in the dog's background (for example, 1 in 5 pit bulls tested for hip dysplasia are found to have bad hips, this is a trait that is passed down through genetics) will be doubled up on, and brought to light in the resulting pups. For this reason, close line or inbreedings should ONLY be done by experienced breeders, who know their dogs lineage well and know what problems exist in their dog's lines. Even they sometimes get defective or dead pups, but they at least have the knowledge to minimize the damage.

    Microchipping is a permanent form of ID for your dog, hard to remove, and can be checked by anyone with a scanner to do so. It also serves as proof that the dog belongs to you if it is ever lost or stolen. Good thing to do :y_the_best:

    A dog having pups after her first heat is like a 12 yr old girl having a child. It is difficult on the dog, and nutrients that should be going to the dog's growth (pit bulls are not fully grown until 2 or even 3 yrs of age) go to the pups instead, which affects the dog's health negatively. Such a breeding can have a lasting effect on a dog's health, and it is believed may even shorten their lifespan. Dogs should not be bred until at least 2 yrs old, and there are other considerations that should be taken into account before breeding any dog as well.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Breeding relatives should only be done when genetics involved are well documented and when done by an experienced breeder...

    Breeding dogs after any HEAT should only be done after lots of research has been done on breeding and on the dogs' backgrounds and bloodlines... Breeding before the age of 2 should not be done IMO.
  4. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    thanks for the repies

    thank you for your replies! i learn something new everday about this dogs and i love it. I new you could not mate related dogs but i had to prove a point to someone who swears he nows it all :D buy the way did you ever heard of innavo dog food it supossed to be the best is that true
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    It all depends on the dog...there are several "bests" out there... Innova is one... Nutro is another... Diamond is up there... Chicken Soup is there...there's all kinds of different TOP foods...it just depends on the dogs really... as far as "best" goes... I'd have to say RAW is likely THE best way to go if done properly of course...it can be quite bad and dangerous if not.
  6. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I recently made the switch to Bil-Jac Kibble.

    Inbreeding can and is done with great results, even as close as mother son, but dont consider it as an option for you as it is only done under circumstances sara and goob explained.

    Never breed before TWO years.
  7. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    i have a new question

    how long after the dogs first shot does it go for it second?
  8. goob

    goob New Member

    Usually 2-3 weeks. A puppy should be kept away from strange dogs and public areas where other dogs go until their last set of shots as well, as it can take up to that set for immunity from the shots to set in.

    The reason for the staggered vaccs schedule is because pups get natural immunity from their mother's milk, and that wears off anytime between 8 and 16 weeks. The vaccs will not boost their immunity while the natural antibodies are working, they really have no effect at all unless given after the maternal antibodies are gone. Since you don't want a pup going completely unprotected for that 8 week window, you give them starting at 8 weeks, 2-3 weeks apart, hoping to catch them with the vaccs soon after their natural immunity wears off. You still don't want to take the chance of them catching something if they come into contact with it during the window between natural and vaccination induced antibodies.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    When did they say that? Sometimes people read what they want to...Related dogs can be mated, one of my dogs sires is from a father/daughter breeding and his dam is from a son/mother breeding so it can be done. I also have some dogs with redboy in them, a very tightly inbred line. Bloodlines come from linebreeding and inbreeding on a foundation dog, you better make sure its a good foundation and you know what its doing.

    I feed Diamond High Energy and I've really liked it, I'd like to maybe try some Canidae as I heard its a really good food, but I don't like the fat content, I think it has too little for my dogs.

    A good time to mate your dog is when they are at least 2 years old, proven, healthy, you have adequate space for your keeps and GOOD homes for the others, all research has been done, an equal or better stud is available.
  10. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    thanks for the help

    I justed to thank-you all for taking the time and answering my questions!
  11. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    worried - breeding befor 2 years old???

    my codie was outside in her kennel while i was in town shopping i was gone 2 hrs i didn't relize she was in heat the fence is 6 ft high and my neighbors boxer somehow got in and well i don't have to give the detail when i got home he was there....codie was in her first heat she is due now with the pups and she will be a yr old the 15th ...now that i have read this forum i am worried... i had no intention on breeding her i had actually had her sceduled to be speyed in november when she became prego she is a staffshire terrier she is very much one of my kids...and after these babies are born she will be speyed...is her life going to be shortned now????....the vet says she is in good health but honestly i don't trust his judgement he is not a pit lover at all....and i have one more ??? how long is a normal pregnancy for a pit...thank you shy[/b]
  12. camfather

    camfather New Member

    Re: worried - breeding befor 2 years old???

    I would look for a new VET :|
  13. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    isn't always that easy!!

    the closet vet besides him is 60 miles away.....
  14. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Well, Just because he doesnt favor the breed doesnt speak about his ability to diagnose and treat you animal. There are not that many differences in this and most every other dog pregnancy out there except one thing.......it is YOUR dog.

    If his "bedside" manner is just terrible and you think he is not treating you dog like he should because of its breed then drop him, other than that I would trust him.

    Is the owner of the other dog going to help you with vet bills and placement of puppies or anything? (puppy support)
  15. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    no i seriously dought the neibor will help

    i understand what you are saying i really would drop him but i can't....as for the neibor i have try to get their dog from them because he is neglected to be honest i think they put him in there because they didn't want him but when i came home and they were tied up i was furious and there was a big fight....so well there is a lot more to it on them....and he is a very good looking boxer.....
  16. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    need some help

    ok my pup got its first shots i wanted to know can i take her outside & walk her on the floor or should i wait until she gets her second shot then take her outside

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