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Home Hospice Care with Tongue Cancer

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by crazy cat, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Hi all,

    My 20 year old black cat, Salem, was diagnosed earlier in December with tongue cancer. The cancer is growing at a fast rate. Salem is unable to eat or drink on his own now and has a feeding tube. I know he will be leaving me soon and I'm beside myself, as he has been my best friend half my lifetime. My question to all of you is that while I am trying to make Salem as comfortable as possible before he goes, I am concerned about the massive amount of drool (mixed with some blood) from his mouth that causes a black, caked on mess around his lips and gums. I am constantly wiping his lips and chin with a wash cloth to remove the drool and caked on gunk, but this hurts him, but I have to do it.

    Can anyone reccommend something I can topically put on his lips and chin that would make this gunk easier to clean off so it doesn't hardend and stick to his lips and outter mouth? Salem has difficulty swollowing and doesn't groom any longer, so I am responsible for his grooming.

    It was reccommend that I flush his mouth with warm water and a syringe, but Salem won't let me that close to his mouth, and I'm afraid he would choke since he can't swollow very well.

    I was thinking of using some sort of water repellant substance around his mouth, like an all natural chap stick without petroleum products, olive or vegetable oil, but I don't want to make a bigger mess.

    Any experience with this, or safe suggestions? I'd call the vet, but they are closed today...could wait till tomorrow, but thought I'd ask you all.

    Thanks for your help. Any other suggestions you might have regarding tongue cancer, home hospice, etc., please do share. Sorry, no picture of Salem posted, I'm new on the board and have not figured out how do post pictures yet.

    Crazy Cat
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have a friend whose cat was suffering with oral cancer. She mercifully had her Rena PTS a month ago when she stopped being able to eat. Rena was 16 years old and with my friend since she was 16 herself. She took care of her at home until it got to the point where she could no longer eat on her own. Rena's sister (littermate) had taken to keeping Rena groomed so that wasn't a problem. But finally my friend felt that she owned it to her friend to let her suffering end and let her go :cry:

    You do what you have to do - but you need to keep the wellbeing of Salem in mind. I know it's letting go is a terribly difficult thing to do - we've all been there and had to make that decision for a much loved pet. But you need to ask yourself if Salem's quality of life is at the point where it's just not fair to let her continue. Are you keeping her alive for your own wellbeing? The ultimate gift we can give our dear dear friends is to let them be free of pain and illness.

    I have no advice to offer you regarding home care for the cancer - I wish I did. It sounds like she has had a wonderful life :) I hope my cats can live to see that age.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome. I'm so sorry about Salem. Petroleum based products like Vasoline or Aquaphor should be sufficient to keep his chin and lips waterproof. I recommend using baby wipes like Pampers hypogenic unscented wipes are very soft and effective instead of wipe cloths which may be harsh and abrasive. If the chin gets red, scaly, and inflammed, it's ok to use diaper rash products like Desitin, but I'd check with your vet first before using those products. I wouldn't recommend the olive or the vegetable oil. My toddler had cradle cap when he was an infant and I didn't know he was allergic to olive oil (hives break out), and it's very messy to apply as you know. I can tell Salem is a very loved cat. *HUGS*

    To post some pics:
    Some people like to use Photobucket and others Tinypic. I like Snapfish. It's easy to use. Sign up for free, download your pics there. They appear as little icons. Click the small icon and the picture becomes enlarged. Right click the image and click "copy image location". Come back here. Click the Img tab, then paste the copy image location and click the Img tab again. Voila.

    Here's what others wrote:



    From EternalFlames's post:
    Posting images is simple. Just get a photohosting account with a place such as photobucket.com

    Upload your picture. At the mentioned site, it gived u 3 formats for the picture. 3 codes. u want the code with the at the front. Just copy and paste the whole code into your thread window.

    Simple as that Smile Good luck and cant wait to see the pictures!

    For a free avatar, pic under your name read this thread:


    Or just pay Auspet $9.99 through Paypal and they'd host the avatar for you. Good luck and have fun. Can't wait to see all your pics!
  4. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thanks for your responses regarding Salem and posting pics.

    Yes, I am very aware of Salem's quality of life. Every morning I wake and wonder if today will be the day. This has been going on for several weeks now. I do know that soon he will need to be PTS as his passing in his sleep is not likely. He is too healthy otherwise. The cancer will cause him to suffer extensively, and I will need to put an end to it. He still goes out too pee, he still loves on me, he isn't wincing in pain, but each day I know we come closer to the inevitable. I do not want him to suffer. I love him far too much to put him through that. But the whole experience is hard to gage, and seems surreal. He will be leaving me very soon.

    I will call my vet tomorrow and ask about the products that you have recommended. I just want to keep him as comfortable as possible for his remaining days. He is a very dotted on and loved boy.

    I have tried to post an Avatar pic of Salem and myself here with this post. I do not know if it will work. If not, I will try again. Please be patient as I try to figure this out.

    Thanks for you responses. Think good thoughts for my very good boy. He has been a very, very good boy for many years. I know there is a special place for him after he leaves me, and I will see him again.

    Crazy Cat
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    So sorry to hear about your sick baby :( Our shepard gets chapped lips and a dry nose when the weather gets cold and I put a bit a Bag Balm on his lips and nose when this happens. Its sposed to be for preventing chapped cow udders. You can buy it cheaper at Walgreens than if you go to a pet store. Its in a little square green tin.
  6. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thanks for your kind and compassionate words and your suggestions for Salem's mouth. I am familiar with bag balm and completely forgot about it as a possibility. I have a tin of it somewhere. I will ask the vet about this. I never thought of pets getting chapped lips and noses. My dog typically has a dried-on crusty, mud nose from digging in the back yard. I haven't been able to break her of that bone burrying habit.

    Crazy Cat
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about Salem :cry:
    It must be very hard for you to decide when the time has come to put him to sleep... Just try to remember all the good times, and comfort yourself with the fact that he had a long and happy life. He is a very handsome cat btw.
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have some people on another board that recently went through a "cat food" problem on their cat's mouth LOL her mom bought cheap cat food and it built up around the cat's lips and caused an infection. They had to get some product from the vet to clean the cat's lips off. It was really strange - she posted pictures about it. The food just stuck to the lips and ended up causing a bacterial infection.

    Hope Salem is having a good day today - I had a cat with CRF...so I know it goes day to day.
  9. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thanks again for your words of understanding and encouragement. Yesterday and today, Salem has taken to hiding under my bed, making it difficult to feed, water and medicate him. This is a sign of his increasing pain. He has always done this when he had crystals and UTIs.

    He had been occupying my large California King size bed with his down feather comforter and kitty heating pad. I slip into bed utilizing only a quarter of the bed, though I don't mind it. He cozies up to me when I climb in. I have towels placed everywhere over the bed to protect from his bloody drool. I have to change the bedding every other day now. His drooling seems to be worsening. The pain medication I have been injecting into him seems to be less effective. I have increased the dose today slightly. He seems to be having more trouble swollowing too. It's very hard to know the right time to take him in to be PTS. I think it is very, very soon, now that the vet's office will be open tomorrow.

    My darn vet clinic has been on holiday vacation for days. There are few pet care or emergency resources open around here during the holiday season. Any facility that is open will not answer any questions or give advice unless I bring Salem in for examination. That seems silly under the circumstances. I will call my vet tomorrow to discuss Salem's decline. I think I will have to make arrangements for Salem during this phone call.

    Please say a little prayer or think a kind thought for Salem for his journey. I have checked into grief counseling for up coming weeks. I think I will need this once he is gone.

    Yes, thanks, he is a very handsome boy. I tell him this all the time. He loves hearing it. He also likes it when I sing to him, which I have been doing a lot of lately.

    Thanks again all. :cry:

    Crazy Cat
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh dear...so sad to hear about your little kitty. just breaks my heart. my kitty otis passed away in march. he was my buddy...and almost twenty. but he was only sick for a day...he went very fast. i am very sorry to hear about his health. i will say a prayer for you and salem. :(
  11. angiew

    angiew New Member

    My heart goes out to you both. Its always painful saying goodbye but at the end of the day you have to do what is right for your pet.
  12. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thank you lynnhaz and angiew. Everyone's support and kind words is so very helpful. Lynnhaz, I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. Those of us who love our pets and have lost them know the deep grief that is felt. This is validating and reassuring, but the grief still must be felt and processed over time.

    Last night I decided that today was the day Salem should pass on. He has let me know this. I am saying my good byes to him. Will make his final arrangements this morning.

    Thank you for your prayers and caring thoughts. I'm sure I will end up posting more later regarding mine and Salem's experiences today.

    Crazy Cat
  13. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Hi all,

    Salem is sleeping calmly this morning. Of course he is drugged. Just got off the phone with a very caring mobile cat clinic that will come out this evening to put Salem to sleep. As much as my heart is broken over having to do this, I feel good about this doctor who will be coming out, and am pleased that I can have this done at home rather than at a clinic. I know it's time.

    Will have to wait this out until this evening. Meanwhile, I'll be loving on my boy, and will have to start the day as usual...but today does not feel usual by any means.

    Will check back again later.

    Thanks again to all of you who have posted your kind words, and those who have sent private messages of ongoing support.

    crazy cat

  14. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry :cry: I'll be thinking of you and Salem tonight, and I hope he doesn't feel fear or pain as he goes. It's a good thing they come home to you, it will be a much better way to go for your boy, rather then going trough a stressful car ride and strange smells at the vets office.
    I'm so sorry for you :cry:

  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :cry: soo soo sorry. i remember the grief. i cried and cried. still so vivid. i cried so hard. still do from time to time when i think of it. i have filled my home up with the most wonderful kitties since otis died. i got max two weeks after he passed away...not as a replacement...but because my brother in law wrote me a two page letter about how i have love to give other kitties...that need to be loved. so...maxie cat came into my life. he is the best thing i ever could have hoped for...very special to me. and then...two more...mikey and christopher. both rescue kitties. mikey is my lover kitty, and chris is...evolving....so adorable. i can tell he wasnt happy in the past. every day he changes. im so lucky. it does take some of the grief away. when otis died, it was the most painful experience. pure, deep grief and sadness. i though my heart would break...

    i will keep you two in my prayers...
  16. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thank you lynnhaz, Bente, and everyone. Salem was put down peacefully at home Jan 3rd at 5:30 PM. I held him in my arms on our bed as he passed. It seemed to happen so fast. I felt the life slowly leave his body. It was devistating, and was the second most difficult experience of my life. The first was the death of my yonger sister after she battled complications from diabetes for four years.

    My days have been difficult as you would imagine, but I'm getting by. I watched home videos of Salem all night after he departed. I cried a lot for the next few days, and I still do from time to time. I still expect him to be in a room of the house, or in the driveway when I come home each day. I just keep telling myself, "he's gone."

    He is better off now. I know this. I had 20 wonderful years with him and for that I am lucky. He was very loved, as was I.

    Thank you again everyone.

    Crazy Cat

  17. angiew

    angiew New Member

    So sorry to hear of your loss. It's not much comfort but he is now at peace and not in any pain.
    God knows why we do this to ourselves, we take these beautiful creatures into our lives, love them to bits fully knowing that their life span is so short compared to our own and that one day we will have to face the inevitable and say goodbye.

    He had a good long life for a cat and was well loved and cared for - remember that to get you through the bad days.
  18. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but he is at peace now.

    I nursed one of my cats over the past 2 years, he had cancer in his nose. It's very distressing when we lose our pets after many years together. It may be a cliche but time does heal.

    Take care,
  19. crazy cat

    crazy cat New Member

    Thank you Ginny and Angiew for your kind words. Ginny, it sounds like you know how difficult it is to see your baby suffer from cancer. Especially cancers that are so visible and painful, requiring much care. I'm sorry for your loss. I agree that time does allow us to heal, but we never forget the special love we gave and received from those very special pets in our lives. I lived with Salem a very long time. We were incredibly close. He was my best friend. That may seem crazy to many people, but to me, this is real. Losing a best friend of 20 years is certainly one of the most painful things anyone could experience in their life. Many people don't even experience having a best friend for this long. But time will heal.

    I had a small good bye ceremony last night for Salem. I lit a candle, talked with Salem, put his ashes in a pretty urn along with his colar, clippings of his hair, the Christmas card I made for his stocking this past Xmas, and my favorite picture of he and I. I found some movement toward closure with this.

    I do miss him terribly.
  20. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Yes crazy cat, I do understand. When my cat was diagnosed 18 mths ago I didn't really believe it, even though I had seen the xray for myself. Because the cancer was slow growing I just convinced myself it was something else. It's only recently I've accepted it.

    In a strange way I find it a bit comforting now, to know that I did absolutely everything I could. And the fact that I did persevere gave Jasper and I two more years together, and it was only the last month or so that's been the worst for Jasper. I'm very lucky, I have THE most wonderful vet who I've known very well the past 2 years as I had Jasper, and another of my cats ill at the same time. She's a very experienced and caring lady, and with her support and advice I definitely got through this euthenasia a lot better than I have in the past with other vets.

    I do hope that you are feeling a little better. Your little ceremony that you had sounds lovely!

    Take care,

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