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biiiig news with our rotty charikiee!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nakoma_star, Jan 1, 2005.

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  1. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

  2. goob

    goob New Member

    You're lucky they didn't kill each other. Any sensible dog owner knows not to let two unfamiliar dogs alone together, and someone breeding should also know that females in heat can be more aggressive than normal if they are not ready to breed. As for ideas.... get your dog fixed, it takes a lot of knowledge and responsibility to be a good breeder, and you do not appear to have much of either.
  3. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

  4. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    Sorry to say hun but you can NEVER predict what a dog in heat might do let alone a dog when its not. And how can you say the other dog would not fight back? Its instinct to fight back when attacked. The whole point was the dogs should have never been left alone together. Being a dog breeder I see many mistakes on how you are going about this and it just seems irresponseable. Also if she is your dog it should have been YOUR decision wether you bred her or not.
  5. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Yes, could be the female is either proestrus and not ready or has past the time for mating (estrus). By "gotten her" do you mean you witnessed a tie or just that he was mounting her? Since they were left unsupervised you may not know. What day is she on in her heat cycle?

    Instead of getting defensive remember YOU asked if anyone had any ideas. Breeding is not something to be taken lightly. And when you say "we" if you are not talking about yourself then be more specific as to who "we" is, as it sounds like you are the uninformed breeder. I really hope that whoever is breeding her is informed and experienced and has done appropriate health testing on theses dogs.

    No, this is not necessarily true, it depends on the individual dog. Some females will only select a particular mate or two.
  6. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Being up to date on vaccinations are important, but an experienced breeder has a lot more than just vaccinations to consider.

    Does your step father have all the pedigree papers in order?

    Did your step father take both dogs in to have their hips evaluated and have the results filed with OFA and/or PennHip?

    Both of these are equally important when breeding. There is so much more involved than just pairing a male and female dog together and producing puppies.

    Are you preparred for the birthing of the puppies when the time does come? And the possible huge expense that could come along with it?
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member


    I'll just tell you and perhaps anyone else who is thinking about taking on breeding of large working breed dogs like Rotts...

    FIRST I'd like to mention I was going to breed my APBT's back when I first got my female and wasn't interrested in health testing or anything like that...and the APBT's are not registered with anything but the CKC so...no pedigrees etc... I got bashed and about a year later after some research I decided to NOT do APBT's but to find a breed I liked and would like to IMPROVE who needed it etc... I found Boerboels...I'd already been researching breeding dogs in general for about a year beforehand...then I got the Boerboel and have been researching that breed in terms of "breeding" them for roughly 2 years... SOOOO...three years of research and no puppies... In FACT I'm working on breeding my FIRST litter here this summer or so and I'm STILL nervous about knowledge needed and tests on my dogs for health problems etc... Both are healthy and one is waiting for her Penn-hip the other has the prelim. Both are superb examples of the breed but I'll be responsible for up to 12 puppy lives for their ENTIRE existence...even after they are sold I will be responsible for keeping in touch, possibly taking some back should the owners not be able to keep them or re-imbursing money should the dogs not be healthy...

    BREEDING dogs is not something to take lightly... Breeding the "dangerous breed" dogs is something to take more seriously than most anything...just KEEPING these breeds takes more responsibility than most people posess... You KNOW this or you wouldn't have suggested that any bashers should keep quiet about it... Please...make sure this is a one time thing and if your dog (or whoever's dog it is) is not prego...then don't try again until you've done more research...you AND your family.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    BTW anyone who does not breed dogs responsibly either from lack of education or lack of morals disrespects those breeders who take great time and energy and loss of both money, time and emotion in order to do right by the breed they've chosen to work with and spend their lives on improving.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How old is the female? Why did you decide to breed her? Is she a pet or a show dog or a working dog? Was the male selected to complement her traits?
  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Ok so because he is a sweety of a dog and so is yours your saying this is reason enogh to breed?????? Wrong

    Just because she was keen to allow him to mate the first day does not mean that he actually did anything as females egg the males on and tease them.

    Yes she maybe pregnant but do you know everything about any problems in either dogs history.
    Can you go back down the blood line 6generations and see if there was any problems i bet not.

    What responsible breeder or owner leave to dogs unattened while the female is in heat and expect everything to go fine.
    If you thought anything of your girl you would have done this properly.

    What about health checks are they all done?
    Shots are they upto date?
    Worming treatment are they upto date?

    Do you have homes lined up for the litter?
    How prepared are you for something to go wrong during the pregnancy or during whelping that puts the dam and her litter at risk?
    Are you prepared for the worst that something should happen to mum that you will hand feed lets say 6puppies maybe more around the clock keep them warm make the go potty?

    Do you have the money for regular check ups during the pregnancy and after the whelping?
    Do you know anything about breeding and pregnancy in dogs?.
    Do you know the length of a females heat cycle?
    Do you know the gestation period?
    Do you know the signs of things going wrong?

    Sounds to me like you don't really care what anyone on here says all you want is people to say ooooh puppies congratulations well hope you get that put not from me.

    You and the owner of the male put those dogs at risk of serious damage to each other or worse.

  12. Sara

    Sara New Member

    HERE HERE!!!!
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. Well I'm not going to go off the deep end here. But come on...that was very irresponcible. Two large breed dogs with temperment problems..dog agression, ect..

    SO you had them vaccinated? Ok, what about hipp, eye, temp, ect... there are soo many other things you have to consider other than just "oh she's been vaccinated!!" Woopie, there are penn hipps, OFC, temps, genetics, diseases, and other problems.

    And yes, if she was inheat, and you left her ALONE with a male, there's a great chance she's pregnant. In that case, I wish you the best of luck....
  14. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If she went into heat the day before you have probably done her some damage as her cervix will not have been open fully and technically he would have had to force in and this would have ruptured her cervix so chances of her getting pyometra are high if she does get this are you aware of the signs to look out for would you know if she is ill.

    if he mated her the day after she came into her cycle the chances of her being pregnant are low.

    Have you ever thought this is why she growled at him as she was not ready.
    Also since this is her first time both owners should have been there to supervise the dogs as leaving them alone could have ended in disaster as a female will try and turn and bite the male and her pulling could have caused serious damge to her and ended his career as a stud dog if thats what he is..

    SO my opinion again is both are irrisponsible and i hope she will be ok and if she is indeed in whelp that her and babies do well.

  15. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    Once again being a dog breeder i am fairly offended by your reasons for breeding and your lack of education. When i very first decided i wanted to breed Chinooks I took three years to study up on it before I even considered it. It took alot of time and money to find a female dog worth breeding with Noah (my first Chinook) and that was Bright. They both were put through health tests and kept in top condition. I only breed my females twice a live time Bright was bred once when she was 7 months over 3, and when she was 5. We ended up keeping her best formed puppy Shine. It took until she was 2 to finally have her all set to find her fit for a breeding dog. It took me anouther good year to find anouther male dog Hulk to buy. We have yet to breed Shine and Hulk and Bright is no longer a breeding dog and just a fixed house pet.

    This is breeding that takes time and money and genetics. Seems to me like what you are doing is impulse breeding and i don't like it. Its not like Rottweilers are a endangered breed of dog so why breed? I don't see why you did this in the first place other then to have some puppies and make some money off it.
    But good luck
  16. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    Post deleted due to obscene language.
  17. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    and excuse the fuck out of me but both these dogs were bought from breeders and we do know the fucking history of the dogs, you know what you all need to fuck off, everything that needed to be done was done I didnt fucking ask you to come here bashing me, another thing no we arent breeding them because there sweet were breeding them to make money, which is naturally what breeders do, we nkow how to take care of the puppies and everything else this is not the first time we have bred a fucking dog, our dogs are akc ckc fucking registered, we can make quite a bit off of the puppies and we need the money....... oh and you said something about leaving her unatended? SHE WAS NOT WATCHED EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY AS I POINTED OUT IN AN EARLIER POST!!!! THEY WERE CHECKED UP ON!!!!
  18. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    So now i get the picture you can make abit of money from the ses pups and you need the money say that says it all.
    The reason for breeding this dog is to make MONEY.

    Well good luck because you will find if you put money into your dogs health during and after the pregnancy the money you make back from the litter is not what your expecting.

    You may find it hard to register these pups since they are AKA and CKC registered parents.

    Another thing everything was done done correctly when breeding 2dogs both owners need to be there to supervise as a fight can and usually does break out wether the male is a softy and won't fight i can tell you now i have a male shepherd that does not fight with dogs yet if another dog attcks him he fights back simple as that its there instinct to protect themselves.

    Also another thing on the money matter can you afford all the vet checks for the puppies before they goto there new homes plus take out insurance as all my dogs goto there new homes with 6weeks insurance can you afford there shots and worming will you give the new owners a contract stating if for any unknown reason they can not keep the dog you will take it back or ifsomething was to happen to one of these pups when it leaves you will you be prepapred to give the new owner there money back or replace the pup.

    None of you have research this matter and i really don't care if you don't like the idea of everyone bashing you what do you expect when everyone here is disgusted with the fact these dogs well left to there own devices.

    Now answer this what would you have done if a fight had broken out and lets say the male killed the female would you ask the owner of the male to replace your dog.

    What if your female killed the male would you offer to replace the dog could you live with the quilt of knowing how stupid it was to leave the dogs alone.

    A professional breeder will not leave dogs unattended wether they are best of friends or not they are there with them at all times and when they have mated they are seperated and taken back usually 2days later again kept under supervision.

    So this is how it is since your breeding because both dogs are sweetys and you know you can make money from this litter your a back yard breeder clear and simple....

    Another thing can you cull any puppies that have cleft lip or pallate as they never survive since they can not feed?
    Can you cull a puppy that has fliud on the head?
    Do you have any idea of what correct breeding entails?

    Again this is all about money well if you make back what you put in your the best breeder on this planet as no breeder makes what they spent taking care of the dam and her litter.....

  19. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sorry Mike I skipped your post and went right into my own...missed the last bit if miss high and mighty's post as well to point out... MOST breeders...the good ones anyway do NOT breed to MAKE MONEY...yes it's nice to come out ahead...for the next go-round and whatnot but making money is not a good breeder's first thought...

    For your information...anyone's really.... I chose to breed Boerboels because they are RARE, on the verge of becoming extinct in terms of working ability and I beleive the world deserves to get a shot at seeing what these dogs really are made of...I love the breed and I don't want to see their working ability go down the drain...THIS is my primary reasoning for breeding them...PRIMARY...my SECONDARY reasoning for breeding them is so that I CAN HAVE THEM... I will be selling puppies however...not to just anyone who can come up with the asking price...and even to those who can't if they can provide the home I WANT for my dogs... making money? ... My breeder who helped me get my dogs and is helping me begin breeding has taken a loss for at LEAST 3 years or more and is only now beginning to break even in this business...and she's barely doing that... SHE'S hands down the best breeder of Boerboels in the US...culling heavily in her breeding program she only takes those with the BEST hips, BEST bloodlines, BEST temperment for the breed and does so with GENETICS in the FRONT of her mind. She sells puppies to the best homes not to the richest people and sells them in good Concience. She's imported SEVERAL dogs and gotten SEVERAL dogs that didn't make the cut and re-homed them all in a responsible manner... She takes back her puppies should the owners decide not to keep them...and finds new homes for them...she'll make a LONG drive out to pick up dogs in an emergency if necessary and vets them all responsibly... THIS is who I plan to follow in terms of my own breeding program. I will never have more than 4 breeding dogs at the same time and NONE of my Bitches will welp more than 1 litter a year no matter how many heat cycles they have...

    THREE years of studying, working to find the right dogs and breeders (found one and stuck with her I feel QUITE fortunate) to work with... I'm even looking for buyers already for puppies that I'm only EXPECTING to breed for in the following months...been looking for buyers or homes for them for a year or so already!

    ON THAT NOTE...want to mention why I decided AGAINST breeding pits, not just my own (that speaks for itself for most anyone who is responsible)... THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM... too many in rescue for me to, in good concience, bring any more into the world for anything but my own desire to have them... I CAN GET THEM from rescue myself and help out MANY Dogs in need... That said... I think you need to step back for a moment and realize that we are speaking for the dogs on this matter...

    WHY DID YOU BREED AGAIN??? (or try) The MONEY????

    Hope your puppies don't end up on the front page or in the evening news as it seems you likely will sell them to anyone who can come up with the cash or it wouldn't be worth it to you... Got a pet store in mind already to take them for you??? UGH...talk about Ofending...the language was only a MINOR bit of offense in the context of the REST of the post...
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Disgusting. This is what BAD breeders do. Responsible breeders are not in it for the money. Anyone who produces enough pups to make money is endangering the health of their dog. Most GOOD breeders are happy to break even on a litter.

    I hope you at least check your pup's homes well so they do not end up with idiots who don't know how to handle rotties and end up contributing to their bad reputation as "dangerous" dogs.
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