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Well..I lost my last post..Had a question about my new baby!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by applechickbsn, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. applechickbsn

    applechickbsn New Member

    Her name is Gracie. We bought her at the animal shelter about two weeks ago. She has a clean bill of health from the vet :eek: and we love her dearly!
    The problem is we know she is a terrier mix, but we have no idea what the "mix" is! She's 10 weeks old, has a terrier face and brindle coloring...
    Here's a couple of pics....can anyone help us? Or at least tell us about how big she's going to be?
    Thanks in advance for all your help! :D

  2. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    oh my god, she is such a cutie. I really don't know if I could help you determine her mix. But my first thought when I saw those pictures, if you look at just her eyes, she looks like a pug.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I second that on the pug eyes. Dont know what else though. How much does she weigh now?
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Could be mixed with border terrier

    They look like this


    Border terriers get to be about 11-15lbs
  5. applechickbsn

    applechickbsn New Member

    I just weighed her this AM and she comes in at 4.5 lbs, but this is after she has eaten breakfast~so I'm not sure.
    We were thinking a mix of Border Terrier (definitely) with ?

    Had the idea of the pug too...but the brindle coloring has us confused.
    Guess she's a "wait & see" huh? :D
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My first thoughts were pug, brussel griffon, or aphenpinscher(sorry don't know how to spell it right). Of course border terrier too, now that I see it.
    I would guess about 12 to 15 lbs or so.
  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    She is most certainly a pug mix. some mix them with dashounds, beagles, chihuahuas. She is a cutie.
  8. applechickbsn

    applechickbsn New Member

    Thanks for the compliment...
    after I read your post, I did a google search on pugs and pictures of....
    I do believe you may be right! :y_the_best:
    In addition to the cute face, in which I can see both terrier and pug, Gracie's little tail curls up and over, just like the pictures of a pug I saw....
    and she snores...I didn't now if it was puppyhood, or the little smooshed in face, but I guess it's the little smooshed face, huh?

    I'll keep pictures coming and maybe we can all stay together in watching this tiny delight grow into whatever she's gonna be! :D
    Thank you all so much for your help!
  9. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    yea their noses makes them snore. They are the cutestest thing. well shes got the ears tail and face of a pug she's so cute.

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