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sydney's excessive shedding problem

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hi guys! I took Sydney to the vet yesterday, while i was there i asked the Vet about syds shedding. Its not normal, you just touch her lightly and a whole bunch of hair comes off, the vet even commented on how much hair was coming off by me just holding her for her. So she gave me some liqued pill things with Omega3 and fish oil, etc.. I sure hope it work and if it does i will continue adding this to her food and maybe even to my other dogs food. But i dont want to continue purchasing from the vet b/c it is expensive, so whats a good kind that i could get at Petco or some other pet store? Also does anyone know how long until you typically start seeing results?

    Does this stuff really work?

    Thanks everyone, and happy new year!
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    What do you feed Sydney? (and what breed--still new here-lol) I noticed a huge difference in my girls' coats when I switched their food. But they're short haired... but still, it does make a difference. Also, Dr's Foster and Smith has some food additives that can help a dog's coat. Can't remember what it's called...my Mom uses it on her Poms. Their stuff is all great and they stand behind their products. Their website is www.drsfostersmith.com.
  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Sydney gets Eukanuba low residue, its the only food she can eat without throwing up. A while ago she ate a bottle of Alieve and now she can only eat the food since she has a sensitive stomach. Sydney is a big mutt, she is lab/shep/boxer/pitt mix, she has short hair like a boxers and pitts.

    thanks for the website :)
  4. goob

    goob New Member

    You can use human fish oil supplements, it's usually cheaper, and human grade is better than most pet supplements anyway. If you want to stick with supplements for animals, this is one that was recommended to me: http://www.seapet.com/VitaminE.htm

    Anytime you supplement with fish or flaxseed oil, you should give vitamin E as well, because the oil goes rancid quickly, and the body needs extra antioxidants to digest the oil. 200-500iu a day is enough.

    Figured I should also add that you can give up to 1000mg of fish oil per 10lbs of body weight if you're giving the human stuff. I give it to my dogs, and have noticed an improvement in their coats and skin. My APBT is around 55 lbs, and gets 2000mg (3000 if she's been out exercising a lot, as the fish oil is also supposed to have anti-inflammatory effects) fish oil plus 400iu vitamin E each night.
  5. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Did your vet do a skin scraping for Demodectic Mange Mites?
  6. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Sydney is also loosiong hair on her chin, chest and parts of her legs, it is also red. However it doesnt bother her and she doesnt scratch or lick the areas. We didnt test for mange yet b/c we think we know why this is happening. I have a large palm tree in the back, and squirells run up it all the time. Syd constantly tries jumping up the tree. She jumps about 6ft up and tries to grab onto the bark, then slides down it. I believe this is causing the hair loss and redness b/c it is exactly the same spots she comes in contact with when jumping on the tree. The vet gave me some spray to spray on the areas and i now supervise her outside to make sure she stops jumping on the tree. If in two weeks the areas are still red I am suppose to take her back to the vet to see if it could be mange. Hopefully it isnt.

    Thank you for all the suggestion, im going to a health store tomorow. After giving her these pills the vet gave me her shedding has seemed to have gotten better, so looks like it is working, im very happy. :)
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    You could try Brewer's Yeast tablets or Missing Link supplement for dogs. It comes in a gold foil pouch at the pet store.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    And you could put up a fence around the tree (assuming you own the tree). Here's a photo of fencing around the tree where our previous dog is buried:

  9. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Jaimya, i thought about the fencing and its a good idea, but i learned when syd was younger that she will climb a fence if she wants something bad enough. I'm worried she will try and hurt herself when im not watching. When she was younger we were at the dog park, they have those 7ft tall chain link fences. Well i ran to my car for a sweatshirt and left her in there with a friend, and i looked over at her when i got to my car and she was halfway up the fence, climbing it to get to me. I couldnt believe it. She does it at my moms too.My mom has a paddle tennis court that has a fence all around it. Sometimes i put the girls in there with there toys if i cant supervise them at my moms,cause she has a pool that doesnt have a fence around it. Well everytime i leave syd in there she gets out.

    I think if i had a fence and she saw a squirill run up the tree, she would do anything to get to it and that scares me. sydney is crazy but i love her so much. Luckily I am only renting this house so soon I will move and not have this problem, hopefully.

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