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cat loosing fur, please help.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by doug.net, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. doug.net

    doug.net New Member

    Hello, just found this brill site, question is about one of my she cat's She is about 9yrs old, i have noticed she is loosing fur under her tummy, she has been spayed a long time ago but the vet did not find all the bits needed to be removed so, every time other cat's are in season she is too, she never gets pregnant because she has no bits to get pregnant with, she has had her flea treatment but wondered if the loss of fur could be somthing to do with the old tomcat she was last with, i have posted a like to a photo of her tummy where there used to be loads of white fur, now you can see her pink skin, if this gets no better she is going to the vet, but if you people think it is just a case of fleas, looking at her now i see he flinching and bighting her tail. thanks all.

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0803/ ... 010032.jpg
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    has the vet checked for various parasites such as mites?

    Is she stressed at all? You mentioned a tom cat...maybe the tom being around is stressing her out so she's fur pulling. The foster cat I have now is a fur puller from stress and her belly looks a lot like this - she also pulls fur off her back legs.

    I'd see if there are any stress factors going on. And I'm curious...about this "bits" thing. What exactly did the vet leave in? And why? Now that she is an adult maybe they should go in and do a full spay...maybe her actually being able to go into heat and having toms around could be stressing
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i agree with Mary, could be a stress thing....however

    u mentioned flea treatment? like a bath?

    i dont trust any 'treatment' unless it's Advantage, Program or Revolution. All things kill fleas for a month be it the eggs, the adults or both in Revolutions case.

    If u arent using one of those, then it's possible it is fleas, and she's having an alergic reaction to their bite.

    do u see any little black granules? flea dirt, it's dried blood that turns a dark red when u wipe over them with a moist cloth.

    if in doubt tho, a vet check is always a good piece of mind :) good luck
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome. Did your vet do a partialy hysterectomy leaving her ovary or ovaries intact? She may be allergic to fleas or the flea treatment she was given. I hope this site helps but the best course of action is a visit to the vet for proper diagnosis.


    Good luck and please keep us posted. BTW, what's her nameand can you post full body pics of your furbaby? :m7: :qm1:
  5. doug.net

    doug.net New Member

    never thought of stress, regards to the hysterectomy, the problem was one of her ovaries was deformed so the vet said she was unable to remove it all. the flea treatment is from the vet's (small pouches that are snaped and administered behind her neck) it could be because of christmas and the new year we have had a lot of people around , she spent most of the time hiding under the bed, she is normaly a very shy cat. Will keep you informed of just what was making her loose her fur.

  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Pretty girl! I hope she gets well soon.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    could very well be the holidays if she's a shy cat. Can you get Bach's Rescue Remedy in the UK? This is an all-natural calming product you can add to her water. I use it on my foster cat and it has helped her to at least stop pulling at her fur...she's still very timid but at least not balding anymore
  8. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    If your cat spent time in hiding during the holidays, she may have been dragging her tummy on the floor??? Or it could be stress.

    Our older cat Anna....(she used to be a big fat fatty...and not she is just a fatty)...but her fat sack used the drag the floor and she has less hair there than everywhere else.
    Just a thought.

    Welcome by the way!

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