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Boogers new condo/tree house

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Ok, as promised...pics! :D



    Booger sound asleep last night:


    Hubby's new toy, an RC tank and it's HUGE. Hubby tied Booger's green fuzzy toy to the back of the tank tonight and had her chasing it all over the house LOL :mrgreen:

  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    you will never get booger off that!!! i wish i could get affordable cat trees here. they cost $300+ that tank is awesome. someone had a petrol powered rc car at the park yesterday [a 50 yr old man to be exact]. kuma was trying to chase it :lol:
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Just keep an eye out in the pet stores. Every now and then you'll find a good sized one at a really good price. This one was only $119 USD...something that size generally runs $200-300 or more. That's why hubby couldn't pass it up. It was just too good a deal and the last time we saw one this big for about that price, we went back a week later and the store was sold out of them and never got them back again. The tag on this one has a website, maybe you can find a dealer through them. Their site is http//www.northamericanpet.com

    Also, some people make them and sell them on ebay, you may want to look there now and then.

    Oh, hubby absolutely LOVES his tank. The thing is so huge and sounds just like a diesel engine hehehe. Booger likes it too! She comes running everytime he fires it up hehe
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Great toys! Booger is going to be occupied for many months! Nice Tank! My toddler would have a blast with that one!
    Kyles, can you repost pics of gorgeous Pepe on the beautiful cat tree you made? I couldn't bring up your old pics since they are no longer on-line. Did Pepe's fur grow back some since the last cut?
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats awesome! My cats would love one of those. :D
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member


    his fur has grown back but he needs to be clipped again. hes developing chest mats again :roll: it seems to be an ongoing thing. i plan on upgrading their scratching box.
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :roll: guys....they are ALL like that i think....playin with their toys!!! but of course...what right do i have to say one word about it when i spend most of my time on a kitty forum?? and not only that...volunteering for kitties, playing with my kitties, buying toys and food for my kitties, thinking about my kitties, watching my kitties...oh dear....im exhausted... :shock:
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Ok, that 'Hit the bug' ad banner has GOT to go. That scurring roach just creaps me out everytime I see it LOL

    I was amazed at what a great deal we got on this condo. We found it at PetSmart. They usually only carry one brand of condo's that are really expensive but every now and then, they have in stock an off brand that's much cheaper. Not as well made, but serves the purpose.

    Kyles, thats a really nice one too. Did you make that? I've been wanting to make some myself.

    I had a bushy long hair kitty and the tummy mats were a constant battle. I feel for your baby, it's tough. You have to brush daily and you'll still have matting espically with the fine hair on the belly. I used to lay my baby on her back in my lap and using a safty razer, shave them off with short quick strokes. When my baby had enough, she would hop down. But then she'd come right back and lie on her back on my lap for me to continue. I sware she knew that I was helping her and would just let me know when she had enough and then come back to let me finish it.

    sorry, I'm babbling...I've had a couple of glasses of wine tonight LOL
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's a great cat condo! I bet Booger loves it :D

    Kyrre only got this small one:
    (look how tiny he were, awww...)

    Now days he only uses it to sleep on. And when he is playing with the catnip mouse on the fishing pole he got from you Cassie, he always drags it inside the condo. He never does that with any other toy... It's hillarious to watch as the pole gets in his way, dangeling between his feet :mrgreen:
    You should definetly (sp?) start making cat condos. If you're in to it, then it would be a fun way to make some extra money!

    And btw: what bug banner? I can't see it even with my ad-block off... Lucky me! lol :wink:
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if anyone has a handy person around you can find cat tree/condo plans online and make them yourself
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Great looking condo. Love the picture where Booger is hanging over the edge. :p
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i think id have to heavily drug pepe to get him to lie on his back without 2 people holding him down :shock: luckily he likes the clipper better, which is really strange.
  13. bonxie

    bonxie New Member

    That was really awesome!

    That was really really awesome! Both the tree and tank. Even Bente's and Kyles's look fun. My poor cats nap on the fridge and flipped the small RC car in no time!

  14. luna

    luna New Member

    :0017: :0017: :m39:
  15. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    im going to buy one of those condos when i get my taxes back...it looks like soo much fun for them

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