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need info on prenancys

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by shyangel333, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    my codie was breed on november,1,2004 , my vet says most dog pregnancies are 63 days but i am curious on how most pits are my vet don't care much for pits so i am comin to you all for your input...thank you shy
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    why did you breed her if you don't know that answer??
  3. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    well i didn't breed her intentionally

    i was in town and my neibors boxer some how got in her kennel i had no intention on breeding her and she only goes in her kennel when i go to town.....i do love her she is my kid and i never thought another dog could get into a 6 ft kennel in the first place and i had he sceduled at the time to be fixed in 3 weeks i recall asking for help not judgement and in the future after the pups are born i am getting her speyed...because i do love her.... so if you have the info i need i would appricate it.... not because you want to make assumtions with out the facts...thank you shy
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    who knows the cut off time for termination of litters? im guessing its too late?
  5. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    i was asking how long is a pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i was asking how long is a normal pregnancy.... not to abort them....i would never take the life of a living creature....i love my codie!!!!!!!!!...and babies that is comin from her!!!!!!!!!!
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Honestly, if you love your dog and her offspring, (Which I am sure do) you just might want to reconsider aborting the pups if it is not too late. It is more humaine than you might think.
    Take it from someone who does pit bull rescue. The stats on puppies coming from BYB (Back yard breeders) are not not at all in their favor. Last year in my state of RI over two thousand pit bulls and pit bull mixes entered shelters. Out of that number 80 percent were euthanized thru no fault of their own just idiot owners that gave such reasons as: "Oh I am moving and can't take the dog with me", Oh he/ she does not like being home alone all day, Oh its too much work, Oh, he/she messes in the house, Oh he/she is the wrong color, Oh my parents Won't let me keep him/her, Oh, he/she is stupid, and what about the loosers that fight these dogs or use them as bait dogs??? They get dogs from people who do not screen the applicants. People just breeding for a quick buck!!
    Think about the welfare of these puppies. THE LIST GOES ON AND ON!
    Then its up to rescue people to take on the HUGE responsibility of finding a decent quality home. Due to idiot owners allowing their pitbulls to get into trouble the media has made it almost impossible for us to find such homes. The people who love and own the breed are usually fostering or have enough of their own shelter dogs or have gone to a reputable breeder and have gotten a puppy and can not take on another so what do you think happens to these dogs?? DEATH!!!' Or even worse, they get into the hands of the wrong people wanting them for fighting or as I said before bait dogs. Its horrible what these wonderful creatures endure!!!

    So darn sad. I can't tell you the number of dogs I have helped save. I also can't tell you the HUGE number of dogs that I WAS NOT ABLE TO SAVE!!!
    Largely due to back yard breeders.
    If you do decide to adopt out the pups, please make sure you SCREEN THE APPLICANTS and have them sign a spay/neuter contract.... Don't let your puppies become one of these horrific stats. And believe me it happens in EVERY STATE. Get your dog fixed, accidents do happen but its up to us as responsible parents to do whatever we can for our pets.
    Good luck to you and your dog.
  7. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    hmmmm recall stating in my first forum was how long is a pre

    i couldn't ever do that no matter what ........if the vet is right she is due today like i said when i asked for input in the first forum on it i stated she was mated november 1 i was just asking how long is normal pregnancy ....so in my opppion weather it be day one or today when they are due abortion in all asspects is inhumaine... it weird i was told about this website and how good it is.. on getting the right info and yet i haven't got it.....so far some one has ?? why i breed which i did not intentionally do and now the advise that i should abort my puppies.....the info i requested was inconcern for my baby who is about to have pups and i am worried so i was asking what is the normal justation of pregnancy is... so i know when to exactly expect the pups...i love and care for life no matter if human or animal......so please if you read this alls i want is what i asked for thank you shy
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    inhmane inshmumane. dont even get me started =; this is a wonderful forum with very caring and knowledgeable people.
  9. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    how can me asking a simple ?? end up like this??

    how can me asking how long is a normal pregnancy....end up in givin me advise in aborting puppies that i believe are due now....i just wanted a simple answer so i am informed on the exact expected date ....that is it..geeeeeeeshhhhhhh!....i am sure you and many are careing people i ain't judgeing that....i only came in here because i can't find the info i was looking for any where else...a friend said i could get it here....i ain't a back yard breeder my dog became pregnant unwillfully i plan on keeping my pupps and having each and everyone speyed and neutured ...i never thought it would be this hard to get the information i really need!!!!!!!!
  10. camfather

    camfather New Member

    What is a bait dog?
  11. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Of course its too late to abort if the pups are due. It takes 63 days. And theres nothing you can do about it now but make sure you take your Codie to the vet to have her pups. She is young and I would worry. Didn't you say it was her first heat?
    Make sure you take great care for those pups and bring them to the vet and get all their shots and stuff. Please make sure you screen the people that you are giving your puppies to.

    By the way, this is a very good forum for information and help. All these people here do whats best for their dogs and give what facts they have and what OPINIONS they want. So take it or leave it, thats the way this forum is. I found it to be very helpful.

    Goodluck with Codie and the birth of the puppies.
  12. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Cam, a bait dog is used against another dog intened to use for fighting to test that dogs gameness, ability and what not.

    Shy you need to be on guard any minute those pups will be here.
    If you dont go to the vet make sure you have a five gallon bucket filled with water, as the pups are born......drop them in it.
    LOL :lol: im just kidding you. Good luck..... and be more carefull, we dont need anymore unwanted mutts in this world, but I sure would take em all if I could.
  13. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    inref to the forum

    thank you max.....she is ready to drop ...and my hands are extended...i am just waiting for a plop :eek: ......thank you shy
  14. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    OK here is some great advice:
    SCREEN YOUR PUPPY APPLICANTS WELL!! Here is a copy of a very solid adoption application. SCREEN SCREEN AND SCREEN!!!
    DO VET CHECKS ON YOUR APPLICANTS! Make sure their animals are already spayed/ neutered.
    Give those puppies deserving homes....

    Good luck.

    Dog adoption application:

    First name:

    Last name:

    Street address:




    Home phone:

    Work phone:


    License number:

    Date of Birth:

    How old are you?


    Do you live with spouse/partner?


    How many adults 21 & older in your household?

    How many individuals under 21 in your household?

    What are the ages of the individuals under 21?

    Do you agree that this dog is to be kept as a household pet & not used for medical or experimental purposes and it shall not be used for breeding?

    Family Info:

    Please introduce us to your family: (names, interests and ages):

    Please introduce us to your pets:

    Do you have other dogs?

    How many?

    What breed?

    Spay, neutered?


    If you have had other dogs in the past, let us know of their current disposition:

    Still have the dog, died of old age, fatal disease (what type)

    Gave away or sold to friends, relatives, or acquaintances

    was hit by a car,

    was stolen,

    specify what happened:

    What other type of animals do you own?

    Do you live in a house, apartment, trailer?

    Do you own your own home?

    If you are renting, provide the name, address, and phone number of your landlord for verification:

    Please describe your home:

    Is the home in an urban, suburban, rural setting?

    Do you live on a busy street?

    Please describe your neighborhood:

    Do you have a fenced yard? How high and what type of fencing?

    How large is the yard?

    What type of food do you currently feed or will feed your dog?

    Where does/will the dog(s) sleep?

    Dog living situation check all that apply:

    Dog will be a house pet living inside with family

    Dog will be in a basement or garage

    dog will live outdoors

    dog house will be provided

    guard dog for business or residence

    Other: Please specify

    How many hours a day will the dog be alone?

    When home alone, dog will be kept
    A) in a crate
    B) wire cage
    C) inside dog pen
    D) kennel indoor/outdoor, both
    E) tied up outside on a cable run or chain
    F) Dog will be loose indoor, outdoor

    How will you exercise the dog?

    Will you bring the dog to a dog park (public area where dogs can run and play together off leash)

    Family Interest/Reactions (please share each family member’s answer)

    Why do you want a new dog?

    What are/will be your responsibilities with your pets?

    What activities do you do with your current pets?

    What is it about this breed that makes you wish to own one?

    Who plays and/or takes care of the pets/dogs the most?

    How would you handle someone teasing your dog?

    Has your dog or any dog you’ve ever owned bitten
    anything or anyone?

    If so, what were the circumstances?

    How did you react?

    Have you ever had any problems with your neighbors over your pets?

    Have you ever had any trouble with your Animal control Officer in your area?
    If so, please describe:

    Potential situations with your rescue dog (you don't need to give detailed answers - just think about how you'd react to the following situations and share your thoughts with us)

    What will you do if your new rescue originally gets along with everyone and after being home for a few days has a problem with one of the family?

    How will you react if the dog does not like all of your children’s friends and/or is too playful for them?

    How will you deal with the situation?

    What will you do with the dog when you go out of town?

    What would you do if your new dog got into a fight with your current dog?

    What would you do if the new dog started marking the house?

    What would you do if she/he ate your good shoes?

    What would you do if she/he kept getting into the garbage?

    What would you do if she/he were chasing your cats?

    How far could you drive to pick up a dog?


    Please supply the name and phone number of your current veterinarian as well as your past veterinarians. IF you don't have a vet, please provide the name of your employer, clergyman or anyone not related to you who can attest to your character.


    Additional information you would like to provide about yourself and/or the dog you would like to adopt:

    Are you willing to be responsible for the animal you are adopting for its entire life approximately 12-20 years?


  15. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oops! angie for some reason i thought it read december and the pups were only 30 days :oops: either way abortion is something people should think about if its not too late. anyway reason for this post is this, can someone make mypettherapydog's post a stickey on all the dog forums? alot of people storm out of here in a huff when they get the truth so if a stickey was made saying 'owners of pregnant dogs read here first' at least theyd read that post first and take note of all the questions they need to ask when its ready to send the pups on their way. cause i highly doubt 100% of the people that have been on the auspet forums with accidental pregnancies, have ever asked those questions to future owners.
  16. goob

    goob New Member

    63 is the average time, though it can be a few days earlier or later without reason for alarm. Have her had her x-rayed or palpated to see how many pups there are? There's always a risk of problems with a puppy having pups, so I hope you've talked to your vet about what circumstances you need to bring her in under.

    And for the record, pregnancy in dogs (and cats) can be terminated right up until they give birth, though ethics always come into play when the dog is further along, as there are instances where the pups are developed enough that they must be euthed after being pulled. I think there are plenty of instances in which termination of pregnancy is the better solution to a dog having pups, even some where late term termination is warranted.

    As to aborting pups being unhumane, no worse than the tens of thousands of other dogs killed every year for lack of homes. The story at this link is a fairly accurate protrayal of a large percentage of pit bulls that are born (in one county in California alone, an average of 600 pit bulls and pit mixes are killed every week): http://www.petadvantage.net/mypet/rescu ... age38.html

    At the very least, you need to realize that these pups are YOUR responsibility, and that their lives are in your hands, so you need to do everything in your power to ensure that they don't end up like the dogs in the link. Someone's posted a copy of a good adoption contract for you, and the pups should all be spayed/neutered before you send them to their new homes, to ensure that they won't grow up to produce their own "oops" litters, or worse, end up in the wrong hands and be bred to death by uncaring people. Your vet may do pediatric spay/neuter, if not, most humane societies/shelters do, so look into it there (if you can provide a general location, someone here may be able to suggest a place for it to be done also). If money is a concern, have anyone taking a pup give you the money for the surgery in advance to pay for it and have that be their adoption fee. There are worse fates than death, and many pit bulls live this proof every day, it's your job to be sure your dog's pups won't face them.
  17. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    well i thank you for the infor..but i still don't agree with abortion in anyway...but LIKE I SAID i am keeping all the pups....and i am haveing them all fixed.....and codie will be the first.....and i am one who does agree in screening..and i am sorry to say i am that way because of experience ...my mom sold one of codies brothers to a man...who i used to call a friend....well his dog is in a 4 ft by 4 ft fence and has never been out of it.....i have tryed to take the dog which that is his name dog...and there was police in volved.....i was told not to come back ....but sence there is not a actual animal abuse law in the county there was nothin i could do...no one will help and especally because he is a pit...so the only thing i could do was get the police to talk to him and i got him to allow me to bring him a dog house and hay and he agreed to atleast make sure he was warm...i told the police and brian i would take the dog and he would never see him again if i found out he didn't take some responciblity well he move him some where...and i haven't seen him sence....at first i thought brain was going to be good to him but he never did anything with him and he became agressive and it scared brians wife so they left him at his grandfathers when they moved....if i was to ever find out where he is...mark my word i would take him and he would never see him again....
    that is why i am going to keep all my babbie from this litter....i have the means to take care of them and no one could do it better than me...JUST ONE THING i will not share my bed with all of them...lol....codie is enough
    she is a bed hog...god i live my baby!!
  18. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Who are the parents of Codie? Who breed them?
    I hope you realize the expense of the vet bills if you are going to keep all the dogs. It sounds very noble of you but It's a huge expense. Just this past summer, my dog Katie was running and playing in my fenced in yard and caught her shoulder blade on a wooden chair in the yard.
    My husband and I had to rush her to the emergency vets. That bill alone was over 200 dollars. Then within 10 days, the wound became infected and I had to take her back to my own vets who opted to do surgery with drains placed inside. That cost me over $600.00. Recently my cat became anemic and she ended up on a 2 day hospital stay for the cheap fee of $300.00. Two weeks before Christmas, my oldest dog passed away of old age and I have to pic up his ashes at the vets for the cheap price of $200.00. When I adopted Daisy May out of the shelter this past May, the vet found out that she had a heart murmur. I had to pay $189.00 for the echocardiogram. Then I had to pay for her heartworm test and the pills. She now needs a yearly echo.
    Now think of the cost of all these animals needing to go to the vets for routine check ups, shots, worming, heart worm testing, heart worm meds, etc.. spay/ neuter bills etc.....
    It can get MIGHTY expensive. Especially when problems occur. And as we all know, they do. I could get away with working part-time if I did not have the animals I do. I work to pay for their needs. Each and every time I get paid, I would honestly say at least 1/2 goes out to the animals for one thing or another.
    You may want to check into an organization that can help you with the spay/neuter and shots for all of the dogs. Contact your local humaine society for phone numbers.
    Is the vet delivering the pups? How many did he see on ultrasound at your dogs t pre-natal visit?
    I wish you the best of luck.
    I hope you don't get in over your head.
  19. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    thank you for your concern!!

    BUT no i ain't over my head....i have the means to support my babies other wise i would like some have suggested screening and finding homes.....and the parents of codie...my mother has codies mom...who was speyed last week and codies daddy belongs to my brother who lives out in california.....them mateing had nothin to do with me....but i paid to have my mothers dog speyed so there were no more pups....my family out there has raised bullmastives and bullterriers for a very long time....my mothers exhubby has rescued fighting pits for the last 21 yrs....i my self who was not involved in that had visited the farm 3 or 4 times....i am still wet behind the ears when it comes to knowing alot about the breed...i feel i know enough....me and my husband has made this house hold a positive one for my codie as we will for her children.....
  20. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Goob! :oops:
    I honestly didn't think you could wait until the day before birth to have the pregnancy terminated. Even though this is possible, I would never do it. But thats just me. If I had to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy, it would be as early as possible. Sorry, I should have researched it and I shouldn't have assumed.

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