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This made me so angry ...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginny, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Someone I know told me about someone who has 3 staffordshire bull terriors. A member of the family apparently thought it entertaining to tell the dogs to attack a cat which was in their garden, so all 3 did. (Not the dogs fault, but people like this should NOT be allowed to have pets.)

    The cat belonged to an elderly lady, so she has now had to endure stress and upset, along with the cat being traumatised and having to go through operations during it's recovery.

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    that is horrible....I hope the woman keeps her cat inside after this since she has uncaring neighbors. But any breed of dog would do this...it's the people that should know better
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Its very sad that people find such cruel things entertaining. :(
  4. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I just don't get some people. :( It's a pretty sick thing that they did.
  5. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    that is very sad

    sorry there are people out there like that
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    no, its not the dogs fault, you know things like that really get to me, we had a friend over last week-end that brought his dog dog that is the size of a horse. well Midas has no qualms about being around other dogs and is sitting on the couch and the friend is goading him, "get kitty, get kitty," to his dog, so even though Midas is just sitting there, you could see the dogs minding working, thinking " i have been taught to chase cats and looked like he was about ready to pounce on Midas, I dont hink he has ever attacked one, probably because he has never been able to catch one. I had to tell the guy to cool it. My brother is the same way, arrrggh :x

  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Unfortunately there are some pretty evil people out there who don't think or care and sometimes they even turn out to be your neighbors. Just one more reason not to let your cats roam free. Poor kitty :(
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm a believer that the dog vs cat behavior you see portrayed in cartoons and such is fictional. It's the owners that instill the behavior in their pets, like the above mentioned owner encouragement "get the kitty, get the kitty". I do understand that some breeds are more agressive than others but I also believe that cats and dogs are just like children and the owners are responsible for their AND their pets behavior. If someone came to my house with their dog and incited him to 'get' my cat, I'd have thrown the idiot out on his ear with no apologies at all! I don't care who it is.
  9. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    I totally agree that it is the owners at fault. Having pets is a luxury, and one you don't have to choose, and that's why I always get so angry when I hear about people not caring for them properly.

    I'll never ever understand how anyone could hurt or neglect their pet. We have 2 guinea pigs, one of whom lived with a girl before we took him on. She had 2 together, but decided after a while she didn't like them, so didn't feed/clean them out. Georges friend died of starvation, and George came to us with no hair left. He would freak whenever I had to pick him up. Now, he has a wonderful friend who's been with us for a couple of years, a full head of hair and the most incredibly large bottom!!! He's still not overkeen on being held, but at least he's calmer when I clean the cage everyday.

    It just really pisses me off - I mean, if she decided she couldn't look after them properly then why not do something about it before? I cannot believe someone could sleep at night, knowing that they were outside in a dirty hutch with no food! Still, a happy end for George, he even has a bath now and again! :lol:
  10. kiss__me

    kiss__me New Member

    That's disgusting.
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    that was so sad... some people need to be beaten with rolled up news papers........... lined with lead.
  12. luna

    luna New Member

    people that gode animals into doing things like that should be beaten with somthing a lot harder than a rolled up newspaper. they need a wip or something like that.those dogs probibly never would have attack that poor cat if those idiots haden't told it to. i seriously doubt that any dog would hurt anything unless it was told to.

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