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For those with Shih Poos...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    What made you decide to get a shih poo instead of a purebred shih tzu?
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    For me.. it was two things. I wanted the poodle mix because of the hyper-allergenic issues (supposedly poodles are the 'best' in that category) and I thought the shihpoo face was better. I am not a fan of the "flat" face that shihtzu's have.

    Just my own personal opinion tho....
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I agree with Monster as far as the face is concerned. I'm not a huge fan of the smushed face that the shih-tzu has, nor the long muzzle of the poodle.. this mix was the perfect combo :D

    Also, I really like the poodle for their temperament so I knew I wanted something "poo"... :lol:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I preferred the looks and temperament (I met numerous shih-poos before deciding on getting one) of the shih-poo over the shih-tzu!!!

    It was just personal preference, that's all! :D
  5. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    I know several that have them ,they say it was because they thought they would be the best for them because of the allergies .They had a hard time choosing though .between which poo
  6. News

    News New Member

    Is a nervous Shih-Poo normal?

    My female Shih-Poo, just seven months old, is very intellignet, warm and affectionate. She loves most people. Unfortunately, other people threaten her for no apparent reason. She growls at them, wimpers, cries, barks and generally freaks out. She's been though affection obediance training with my wife and responded well. We're baffled at what could trigger such fear. Since you're familiar with Shih-Poos I thought you or someone out there may have a similar issue and hopefully a solution.
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think the more you bring her out the better she will be with people. Dogs like these need extra socialization.
    On the other hand. Dogs have a very keen sence of whom likes them and whatnot.
    With tempermental dogs(any) it could be a trait that she has gotten from her parents. All of the shipoos I know of. (All online friends) Most all have not said anything like what your'e going thru. I have a problem just the oposite. My poodle is scared of other dogs. I trie to bring her near other dogs, besides my other two and she gets very skiddish growls snaps, barks. She is 4 1/2 months old. I have to keep bringing her around other dogs. But when you are looking for other dogs, they are hard to find. I would suggest bringing your shipoo to every sort of area that you can with other people. She may be the type of dog that needs to be around a certain individual more than once to feel comfy around them, some are that way.
  8. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello All,

    I have a pure bred Shih Tzu, and I love her to death.
    Originally I wanted a shihpoo, due to my allergies to 98% of dogs. But, as I found out, Shih Tzu's are somewhat hypoallergenic as well. I usually get all kinds of red bumps, but absolutely nothing from Shih Tzu's. I also, knew of a few poodles that were quite barky, and shih tzu's are not known to be barkers, this was another reason why I show the full tzu.
    Abbey does not bark at all in the house, she will growl quietly if she see's something outside.

    Either way, way out the pro's and cons and you will find out what is best for you!

    Good Luck,

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