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Bathtime Fun-I Think Not!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by :o)rosie:o), Jan 10, 2005.

  1. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    At 5months Rosie still hates the bath. Ive tried putting a toy in with her but this didn't help. I've tried rewarding her with treats & I always reassure her but it's not working well. she dosen't mind it when im rubbing in her puppy shampoo so much but she hates having water poured over her. She dosen't whine as much when im bathing her any more but shes always trying to get out. I've even tried sitting in the bath with her-no good. Any suggestions would be great!
  2. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I wish I had the answear!!!!!!!! I bath Winnie in the sink and she doesn't like it. I end up just a wet in the end as she does. Oh well, I just laugh the whole way through.
  3. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    Lol. I think ocasionally I get more of a bath than Rosie lol! Makes me feel better that im not the only one!
    How old is Winnie?
  4. ShowandAgilityPaps

    ShowandAgilityPaps New Member

    Sometimes I think just doing it regularly helps. All of my dogs and cats are totally fine with baths and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I do it so often.

    What are you using to rinse her?
  5. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Winnie is 6 months old and 6lbs. If I leave the water running just a bit she tries to drink it. That's when I rush like heck to rinse her. I use the tearless shampoo. I read another post that someone uses regular baby shampoo, I been meaning to pick some up and try. Do you guys have any experience with that. I should maybe bath her more ofter to get use to it more, but I'm afraid too many baths may dry her skin out. As far as what do I use to rinse her, well maybe I didn't understand you right and I don't want to sound like a smart--- but I use water.
  6. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    We bath Rosie usually once a week depending on how dirty she is. We use Harry Cooper no tears puppy shampoo. Im not quite sure what you meen by what do you rinse her with. I just fill the cup up with water & pour it over her to rinse her off if thats what you mean.
  7. ShowandAgilityPaps

    ShowandAgilityPaps New Member

    <<<As far as what do I use to rinse her, well maybe I didn't understand you right and I don't want to sound like a smart--- but I use water.>>>

    LOL, that is pretty funny. I should have been more clear. I meant, are you using a cup or a long spary hose? If you are using a cup it may be taking you longer than need be to bathe her. I've found bathing with the spary hose speeds up the process so much. There is a good spray hose called the Rince Ace Shower Deluxe that sells for about $20 bucks in pet catalogs.

    For pups, I simply put them in the tub, spray them down in about 10 seconds. With the water off, I gently put some puppy shampoo on them and massage it (not rub it). I talk to them and make it as cheerful as possible. I stay away from the head and ears while they are still young. Then, I can rinse them well.

    If you are leaving the water on it may be too loud for the pup. The shower hose I think is quieter for the dogs, although if the dog isn't used to it, he may be put off by it at first. If you are using a cup, it may be taking longer than the pup has patience for.

    I also start using the blow dryer as soon as possible. The dogs and cats LOVE the dryer. I bathe my pups every week to two weeks to get them used to it. As they get older I start washing their face and ears in the tub and start using conditioner (cream rinse). As their coat grows the process takes longer, so it's nice to have them stand patiently from start to finish.

    As far as bathing drying out the skin, I think it is the opposite. I think a good shampoo and conditioner helps the skin. I bathe my adults every 3 days most of the year and in the summer (for about 2 months) I bathe them daily. I only have 3 dogs.

  8. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    Rosie's 1st bath I used the hair dryer but she hated it. I put it on the lowest setting but she still didn't like it. I don't know wether it was the noise it makes or the air thats blown on her. Now I just towel dry her & let her run in the yard to have a shake & to dry in the sun (depends on the temperature)
  9. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello All,

    I also found it hard when Abbey was young to bath her, but now the groomer tells me she is great! When she was little and I bathed her at home, I would put her in the tub with water in it to about 3", I also put down a bath mat, as I heard this make them feel more secure, than just standing on the enamel. Anyways, I would spray her down, lather her up, rinse her off. This would take 3 minutes tops, then towel dry and blow dry. She didn't like the dryer at first, but now it is fine. I think they become used to it.
    Now I take Abbey to the groomers every 4 weeks for a bath and tidy. They bath, trim her nails, pull her ear hair, trim around her eyes, bum, and feet, and she looks so nice when I pick her up, and only for $30 (CAD)
    To me it's worth it! And she seems happy at the groomers, and the groomers is so nice, it looks like a spa, it really does.
  10. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    O.K. now I know what ya mean....LOL I do use the sink sprayer to rinse Winnie. I never thought the running water could be scaring her. She is getting use to the dryer, the first few times she was sooooo mad at me, but the first time she played in the snow and came in with the snowballs all over her she loved me when I took the dryer to her. After she is dry I put on her little PJ's and she is so warm, she goes to sleep. She will be going to the groomer next Wed. so everything will be taking care of on her. I do pluck the ear hair, and I have tried to clip her nails I'm just afraid I may clip to much so I just do the very tips.
  11. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    Abbeys-mum I've never thought of a bath mat. That might help :eek:
    Do you just use a regular baby bath mat?

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