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New parakeet, Older parakeet bonding

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by PAINE, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. PAINE

    PAINE New Member

    Help Please. We have a female parakeet (Annabelle) that has been in the family for about two years. We took it from my mother-in-law two weeks ago as she had no desire for it any longer.

    Yesterday my wife bought a new 2 week old male parakeet (Liam) and brought it home with a new cage. We put the cages next to each other for several hours, and then moved Annabelle and her toys out of her cage and put them and her in with Liam. They kept their distance for a while, but last night before we covered the cage they were both next to each other on a perch swing.

    This morning my little girl noticed that Annabelle was poking Liam with her beak. Liam is still on the perch ,and Annabelle is not moving about the cage for food. There is no sceaming or loud chirping

    My wife is convinced that they are not getting along and that she should take Liam back.

    I feel that they were just getting to know one another, but I don't want either bird to get hurt so I found this forum to get advice.

  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi are you sure your new bird is only 2weeks old as if this is the case it should still be with its parents as it is not capable of feeding itself as they don't leave the nest until 4weeks of age and the male keeps feeding them for a further 2-4weeks after that...

    The new bird should have been in the cage on his own and away from annabelle but not to far that they can't hear each other for between 2-4weeks this is the period where you can keep an eye on the new bird and make sure he has no illnesses or viruses that can pass on to your older bird.

    If annabelle is not eating this is a sign she is not happy with this new bird in the cage this is also another reason introduction should be done gradually.

    Also another reason to keep them seperated for a few weeks is so the new bird can get used to its new surroundings just putting 2birds together can cause one or both to go into shock or stress them which on both counts is fatal to a bird..

    If you would like more information or help please feel free to ask away..

  3. PAINE

    PAINE New Member


    Thanks. I could be werong about the age. The Parakeet was purcahsed at Petco, So I can only assume is was of age to be sold. Annabelle is having a ball eating away.

    Liam is on his perch very stoicley pondering.
  4. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    keep them in there own cages an older female can be very possieve of her surroundings seeing as she has been by her self for over 2 years she will need time to get used to the new bird esepciaaly if the new bird Is another girl
    keep us posted
  5. PAINE

    PAINE New Member

    Okay, I should say that they aer both in a new cage, and appear to be getting along. There is one event taking place that I am not sure about.

    Occasionally, Annabelle will be on the same perch as Liam, and will start putting her beak in liams mouth and sort of peck at his mouth. It seems very play playful.

    What does this mean?
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    All birds do this when they are bonding but in this case if the new bird is stil only young annabelle may feel she is the mother and needs to look after the new bird..

    If the new bird turns out to be male by the time he has reached sexual maturity they will do this all the time since he will need to provide food for your female and any chicks they may have.......

    Even 2 females or 2 males will do this its like they are kissing but its regurgitation of food to the other bird..

    So again this is perfectly normal..

  7. PAINE

    PAINE New Member

    That's good. We weren't sure if it was hostile or not. At times it seems as though it's more of an attack.

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