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make your cats enjoy bathing?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bionca, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. bionca

    bionca New Member

    How do you make your cats enjoy bathing? Does anyone has good training technique to bath their cats and make them enjoy water? Especially cats that is more then a year old? Please share. I'm sure many would like to know. I know most cats do a credible job of keeping themselves clean. But I’m sure many prefer to bath their cats so that they smell good.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I don't bathe my cats. Only time would be if they got into something really nasty which they don't cause they stay inside.

    My cats smell good as they are :D they don't need help with shampoos to smell wonderful.
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I've been bathing my cat since she was 4 months old. I do it regularly every 4-6 weeks because my husband is mildly allergic to her and it helps control her dander. My kitty is not like most cats tho. She is super tolerant of everything i do to her....including brushing her teeth! She doesn't always like getting a bath, but she puts up with it because she loves me :mrgreen: If your kitty is really terrified of the water tho, I wouldn't try it. It will stress your cat out and you could wind up with more than a few scratches before you're finished. Instead you could try buying those pet deoderizing wipes and just wipe your kitty down regularly with those. Or just use a clean damp cloth. When i bathe my kitty, I use a bucket and i dip her whole body into it(not her head). She is used to it tho and she's not afraid of water. If your kitty doesn't seem too terrified of water, perhaps you could try just shampooing a small area on his back if he will let you. Then he can have a bit of that frshly washed smell, but you won't have to fight with him to get his whole body wet. He may even get used to that so that you can gradually increase the area. You can probably easily do that in a kitchen sink if you have a water sprayer. Just always be careful not to get water in their ears. And TOWEL DRY! Don't try to use a blow dryer unless you want to lose your face! Haha!
    I've posted this pic before, but maybe you didn't see it. Here's my kitty getting a bath. Isn't she a sweety? LOL!!


    GOOD LUCK!! :y_the_best:
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Kyrre is an outdoor cat with long fur, and he really needs to be bathed every now and then. Especially since he is mostly white... When he was younger I had to bath him because he got poo stuck in his fur :-& (he has a very sensitive tummy and can't eat anything but his dry food)

    I think the clue to getting away without scratching marks all over, is to be very patience. Offcourse it helps if you get him used to it while hes still a kitten, but whith alot of careful practise it may work. E.g you might let him get used to being in the bathtub/shower without the water running, let him be in the bathroom when you take a bath, let him play with water from the faucet and when the time comes: let him approach the bathtub/shower in his own paste (or is it speed??) first.

    I have to hold Kyrre the when I shower him, and it helps alot if we are two to do the job: one to hold and one to shampoo/rinse. I would never force Kyrre to shower if it scared him. He is okay with it, doesn't scratch or bite at all, he just doesn't like it that much.... :mrgreen: In fact after his shower a couple of days ago, he almost ignored me completely for a whole day and a half! That was terrible! :cry: It's the first time he has ever payed more attention to my boyfried than me... But everything is back to normal now :wink:
    Be shure not to use too hot water and not to use human shampoo (they sell cat shampoo at pet stores)
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That picture is priceless faeriedust! :lol:
  6. bionca

    bionca New Member

    faeriedust1127, I’m so jealous. That shows how much she loves you having to tolerate bathing. I agreed with Bente that is a real priceless picture. Perhaps I should borrow her to set example for Hugo and others. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I would love to see more pictures of her bathing. For that I have to salute her. Kisses and hugs for her too :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart:
  7. bonxie

    bonxie New Member

    I've bathed them twice

    Oh faeriedust1127, what a pic!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I can tame my kitties like that. They are six month old now, I have only bathed them twice. On the first we forgot to clip the nails so got scratched all over.. and Frankie puked hairballs after that but swear no water got over her head. Didn't get any better the second time, they cried so loud. Thank god there's pets wipes.. !!!
  8. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    All my cats except (you guessed it) Demon takes baths. Handsome started taking baths when he was a kitten and always on my heels and so he actually showers and baths with me sometimes and i just wash him while im in there lol. Rebel was afraid of water at first when i got her but she is a very curiouse cat and so one day i just left the shower running and she eventually took the brave steps into the warm water. It took some more time for her to trust me with soap but now she will climb right in just like Handsome. Gizmo on the other hand is pretty easy and pretty fearless. And so one day I put some water in the tub and brought him in and he hoped right in and ran around splashing and playing and so thats his bath a fun play in soapy water he's just learning to stand still and let me rinse him off so he can go play some more lol.
  9. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Thanx everyone! I told Vianne she's famous :mrgreen: She doesn't think I showed off her best side :shock: I did forget to mention about th hair tho. My usual routine for grooming her is I start the day before her bath by clipping her nails, brushing her really well all over, and then giving her some hairball rememdy gel. Then the next day I brush her really good, give her more hairball gel and then she gets her bath and I clean out her ears. Afterwards, she get towl dried and i will brush her several times as she dries. This helps with all of the extra hair that got loosened up during her bath. So i wind up with super soft and sweet smelling clean kitty...who might be a little annoyed with me until she gets her fur back into place! LOL :lol:


    These pics are actually from a few months ago, so I will have to get some new ones when she has her next bath in a few weeks....her last one was right before Christmas.
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :m39: Am I the only one who thinks Vianne looks a little pissed at being in that bucket? My seriously, that's a great picture and even greater that you can do that! I bathed Copper when he was a baby but have only tried it once since then and almost needed a transfusion. LOL
  11. kiss__me

    kiss__me New Member

    My kitten kept trying to run away from the bathtub when I attempted to give her a bath.
  12. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    i have to bring taz to be groomed because he is 12 years old & is not as good at cleaning his bottom as he used to be & having long fun around his bum doesn't help either
  13. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    lmao that pic of the kitty in the bucket is calendar worthy! or poster worthy hehehe

    i dont bathe my cats... i value my apendages. and it would scare poor Raz to death. :mrgreen:
  14. bionca

    bionca New Member

    AWWWWWW look at her second pic, she is so sweet. Can't wait for her to take her second bath so I could see more pictures. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    Thanks for the pictures I sure appreciate it.
    :bow_now: :bow_now: to Vianne, Kyrre, Demon, Handsome, Rebel & Gizmo they should get together for a bath to set example for all cats. In no time, all cats fear no more of water and begs for bath. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    <Tap.. tap.. tap..>Can't wait for a month or so, to try it on Hugo. Will wrap myself like a mummy before I even attempt.
  15. luna

    luna New Member

    that photo is so cute. i gave my cats a bath not to long ago because buster had (has) a flea problem near his tail and it gets very sensitive. shadow just happened to be there when buster got his so she got one too. suprisingly i didn't get as scrached up as i thought i was going to. they did try to escape so i put their heads under my arm. i think they liked the towel part best.

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