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need advise quickly please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by catlady, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. catlady

    catlady New Member

    :? My daughter took me to one of her friends homes to check their dog. It is a blue tick hound/ blue heeler mix. His stomach is so swollen that the neighbors thought that it was pregnant. The dog eats very little, is drinking some. His ribs and backbone are protruding.
    She wormed the dog, gave it laxatives but nothing has worked. I told her to take it to the vet. It's stomach is not plyable at all. I feel sorry for him.
    I asked her about his toilet habits, but she says he goes into the woods to do that, so she doesn't know if he is urinating or having bm's.
    Any suggestions.
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what you just said
    if shes done all you have described and it hasnt worked then its out of her hands and the vets need to take over.
  3. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Wow, this really sound serious. I don't understand some people. It is so obvious that this dog needs medical attention. I know some people don't like the idea of spending alot on vet bills, but it doesn't cost anything to call the vet and at least get a professional opinon as to what may be wrong.
  4. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    When I first started reading your post, I immediately thought "worms". But you said the dog has been wormed already. How long ago? Is the dog still passing worms? If it was recent, then it could take awhile for the belly size to go back to normal if it was that bad. Also, once when i was working at the animal shelter, we had a white female pit bull come into the clinic with a large belly and everyone thought she was pregnant, even the Vets thought she looked pregnant. When her stray time was up, i pleaded with the Vets to save her for adoption and not put her to sleep because she haad no visible wounds and she was the SWEETEST pit i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Very calm and quiet but extremely affectionate and not dog aggressive. I called her Christmas, cuz she came in during the holidays last year. Well the vets decided they would give her a thorough examine and make sure she tested negative for heartworm and all that. During thier exam, they found that she was not pregnant at all, nor was she full of worms. But all that roundness was actually fluid that was building up inside her. She had to be PTS and I wasa heart broken. The point of telling you that is that the dogs big belly could be anything and you won't know for sure unless you take it to the vet. Just cuz the dog has been wormed, doesnt mean that thats all it needs.
  5. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    Im thinking the same thing
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my dog builds up with fluid and she has liver disease - routine of diuretics and prednisone for a few days and she loses the fluid. These people need to find out what is causing this - if it is fluid it could surround the dog's heart and lungs and that's it. Poor dog
  7. catlady

    catlady New Member

    I have bad news

    :cry: I am sorry to let you guys know that Thunder died last night. She never took him to the vet and he died quietly in his sleep.
    To answer some of the questions: She wormed him after I told my daughter to have her do it, about a week ago. She didn't know if he passed any worms or not.
    I really feel sorry for her adopted son. He was upset at losing his best friend.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Thunder. Whenever there is a serious problem with an animal, they need to go see a vet. It's the humane thing to do.

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