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Animal abuse...what possesses these people?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I was listening to the news earlier today and the police arrested a 17yr old boy for stealing 5 puppies from a local shelter and lighting them on fire :m3: !!!

    Two pups died, one survived (I saw a pic of her with a fully bandaged leg) and the other two were fine (the kid was caught before he got to them).

    Jeeze...I just can't imagine what would possess a person of any age to do such a thing to an animal...especially baby animals. It just makes me so mad, I get ill thinking about it.

    If I even had an inkling that my son would even consider something like that, I'd have his butt in a shrinks office so fast my insurance card would be smoking.

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Its a scary world. I get so mad hearing things like this. :x
  3. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    obviously his parents havent a clue...poor puppies..this kind of news makes me sick to my stomach.
  4. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    These things make me sick, this reminded me of something I read on the dog forum , this post upset me a lot ......


    How could anyone do something like that to a helpless animal, and CockatielCrazy87 after everything you've been through nursing pantera back to health and now this! You are a very very kind person for claiming him as you own and offering to pay the vets bill, its very admirable :y_the_best:
  5. luna

    luna New Member

    i say we burn the kid and see how he likes it. he is soooo lucky i have no say in what they do to him
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I hate hearing things like that, too. Makes me want to cry. We also hear stories like that occassionally on the news. I can't possibly fathem why anyone would want to harm an innocent animal.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    i say we gather up everyone who has ever abused an animal and then treat them the way they treat their animals.
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm a true believer in Karma...doing unto others is not an option nor solution. They may piss me off, shock and anger me but their actions would never give me permission to mirror it.

    The best we can hope is that the horrors they inflicted will haunt them to the point that they change.
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I just don't get it. Where in life do these people learn that it's okay to harm any living thing? And, I'm not even talking about pulling legs off of bugs (which I think is awful) - Do they have an override switch in the common sense part of their brain that they turn off?
  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I seriously think that people, no matter how old or young they are, who are able to torture a living creature like this, MUST have a brain damage of some sort. It just HAVE to be something, either physical or psychical, otherwise they can't be called human... Hell, I don't care what kind of "excuse" they have, this is just sick! :x If these were kids, I do hope of all my heart they get help as well as punishment. If not the chances are big they'll pass it on to their future children, and this mental illness just goes on and on :cry:

    And CockatielCrazy: thumbs up for you! How are the poor dog doing?
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    People who do things like this to animals..are usually said to be practicing for other victims...sick sick sick
  12. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    That makes me :(

    I will never ever even try to understand how anyone can treat animals in this way. Cruelty to animals & children is something that triggers off feelings in me that are so strong it's incredible. Personally I think upbringing can play a part in it - if kids are brought up and taught how to care for and respect animals then I believe they won't ill treat them. If parents aren't interested in pets, or have the 'it's just a cat/dog' attitude that may be passed right onto the next generation.

    I may be wrong, I'm sure there's the odd occasion where a well brought up child goes off the rails. But on the whole, it's what we teach our children.
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Yeah, there was a website that listed all known serial killers and traits they had in common, including things they were known to do as children and torturing/killing animals was a common trait among many of them.

    What really worries me about this kid is that #1: he did it alone so he wasn't showing off to impress his friends (which is what usually motivates teens to do stupid things) and #2: He was 17 freaking years old! It's not like he wasn't completely aware of what he was doing. This boy has some serious mental problems that need to be addressed!

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