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Need Help, Searching for any answers

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyKatPat, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    I am at my wits end. My cat has been sick since Dec 24th. URI with a secondary infection. (This is actually a very long story but I need to get to the current problem) Secondary infections supposedly cleared and now he still has URI symptons - actually a severr head cold. After 2 weeks in the Vet and a visit to an Internal Medicine doctor he is home because the IM Doctor says he just needs rest to clear up his congestion. WELL - my cat sounds like an old man snoring and is extremely lethargic and after he walks a little he sleeps sitting up. He only eats when I feed him smelly tuna and follows me like a child for warmth and affection. When I tell you he's been on every medicine and IV and force fed and they keep telling me it takes time for this "head cold" to run its course. But it's been since Dec 24th and I am so besides myself - any suggestions- I am heart broken. By the way he never opens his eyes much since he's been home. It's all too strange. FYI He had conjuntivitis/ulcers -all seem to have cleared but he is still SO congested. HELP
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I hope everything works out. It sounds like you're doing all you can.

    When I got one of my cats, she was very sick. She had An URI. We treated her. But, she had chronic sneezing for weeks after that (and I mean major sneezing attacks all day long) - I talked to the vet and they said she was doing well, but she had to let it clear up.

    It's been about four years since that and my cat still has the occasional sneezing attack. But, it's not bad and she's healthy. I just have to clean up the walls from time to time. I guess that's the price of love!

    I hope that since you seem to be keeping on it and are activly working with a vet, that all will clear up.

    I know with my cat it took time.

    Have you considered a second opinion? Maybe there's more help out there for you....
  3. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    Thanks for the reply. I actually was a bit comforted reading what you wrote about your cat although I am sorry you had to go through this also. Was your cat congested? He seems so congested and then he sneezes. I've seen 3 vets and 1 Internal Med Doctor. My Vet wants to see him today but now I wonder if this is going to upset him - Sunkist is his name - more. I am so torn as to what to do. I am not even sure if he's used the litter box, I have 3 other cats. Did you cat sleep alot? Thanks again
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Does your vet have you giving your baby any meds? did your vet offer home hospice advice?

    the only thing I could think that you could do on your own other than what your vet should have done/offered is to take kitty into the bathroom a couple times a day and run the shower hot and the steam should help the breathing somewhat for about a half hour each time. Offer food right after because the steam should help clear the nasal passages because kitties won't eat what they can't smell.
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I was thinking about the whole steaming up the bathroom idea and I thought, maybe you could do it sort of like how I take care of my rats. Rats are known for having respiratory issues, so I've had to do this more than once. What I do for my rats is, I boil a small pot of water, add some Thyme leaves(contains Thymol, the same ingredient in Vick's Vaporub) Oregano also works if you have no Thyme. Then I bring the steaming pot over to my rat laying in a basket and let them breathe in the steam. When it starts to cool and the steam is not so intense they will hang their head over the edge of the basket and stick their face right in the steam to breathe it in. This really helps. For a cat, you could try doing a similar thing with your cat in a good size carrier. Place a towel over the carrier to cover the vent holes and keep the steam in, then sit with your cat and place the steaming pot just at the front of the carrier. Just make sure you sit there and don't let kitty touch the hot pot. Hope that helps and your kitty feels better!
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    My cat was congested for quite awhile. She actually had full-blown pneumonia. She was put on Clavamox but apparently was allergic to it. So, she stopped eating. We had to change meds. and syringe feed her for a few days. Her eyes were very watery for several days.

    After being on the anitbiotics for awhile, she did start to clear up. She had sneezing attacks for months. But, her labored breathing did improve. At first she was breathing through only her mouth. The vet was alarmed at that and we did get her clear enough to close her mouth.

    Since it was four years ago, I don't remember how long it took her to clear up. I do know that it took months for the sneezing to quiet down to only a couple attacks a day. She still sneezes all the time, but she's not congested.

    I think Cassie's idea of the shower and hot water is a great idea. It may relieve your kitty. Maybe after your cat is cleared up, you can offer some really smelly food.

    When my cat wasn't eating, we took canned food and mushed it with water. We put it in a syringe (with no needle) and we forced it into her. After about two days she finally ate on her own.
  7. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    You are all very helpful - THANK YOU! I have to run to an appointment and will be back with more info. At the Vet they hooked up a vaporizer and he got worse - same with the nebulizer(spelling?). They even tried the nose drops - 3days on and then 3 days off and then back to the 3 days - still congested. Clavamox didn't work. Zithromax didn't work and finally Tetracylin worked to clear the secondary infection. Sheesh!
    Thank you again and I will catch up with all of you later - THANK YOU!
  8. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    Hi - When I got home from work yesterday Sunkist ate and drank more water than usual so I was happy. Then he just slept. His eyes are still shut most of the time even when he's eating and brownish discharge seems to be draining out of both eyes. I guess he just needs time - tomorrow will be three weeks. I spoke with the Vet yesterday and he said I could bring Sunkist in but I didn't want to upset Sunkist - maybe he is starting to feel better and I would set him back by getting him upset and taking him to the Vet. Well see - thanks again
  9. Ginny

    Ginny New Member


    Have you ever considered getting your cat xrayed?? My cat had similar problems and after a few months of antibiotics he went in for xrays, it definitely helped the vet to see a lot of what was going on inside. I know it's kind of a last resort, but it may be something to consider if it keeps recurring.

    Hopefully you won't need to do this, it sounds like there's improvement which is great!

    Good luck.

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