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Hi I am new to this site

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by HereinDecatur, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    Hi I am new to this site and what I have seen so far I will be back often I am the owner of 2 dogs. Tramp is our 6 year old Golden Retriever Irish Wolfhound mix and “CW” is our rambunctious 13 week old Yellow Lab Border Collie mix. Tramp was a stray who we found wondering the neighborhood 5 years ago. He was underweight for his size, full of burrs and roundworms. I called the local vets(we live in a smaller town so there is only two) to see if anyone had reported him lost. After two weeks noone claimed him so we adopted him. Had all his shots updated and worms taken care of lots of food to put back on the weight. He is now very large and very happy and healthy and has personality plus! Our newest member is a 15 week old yellow Lab Border Collie mix whom we named “CW-D”(this stands for continuos wave of destruction) but we just call him “CW”..lol. We got him from a neighbor whose Yellow Lab had 9 puppies. The mother dog would not let them nurse after they were 5 weeks old, so the owner kept all 9 in a rabbit cage and only let them out a few hours a day. I had seen this and my heart went out to all of them. The owner said if she did not find homes for them in a week they were all going to the shelter. (knowing how overcrowded the shelters were I knew if they were not adopted what would happen) I knew I could not take all of them but could at least save one. I asked around and found homes for 5 of the nine. “CW “ is a handful now starting his adolescent years but will be well worth it in the end :y_the_best: . I would post pictures but do not know how yet. :(
  2. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Welcome to Auspet! and good for oyu for finding homes for the little puppies and taking one on yourself. i love the puppy's name, so cute and i'm sure accurate! i have a 5 year old lab and she was a continous wave of destruction as a puppy as well. again welcome!
  3. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    Thank-You! I am sure I will have alot of questions in the future about "CW". Could you tell me how to post pictures?
  4. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    Hi :D Your dogs sound wonderful.

    I use tinypic to post pics on here. Just go there and follow the directions and then when the urls come up cut the one with the IMG on each end and then past it here and your pic should show up with your message.
  5. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    Ok thanks! I will give it a try in the next few days. hopefully there will be photos posted soon! :D
  6. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    ok I am trying the picture
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum! Your dogs are gorgeous. :D
  8. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Oh! Your puppy is soooo cute and your other dog, wow so pretty!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What awesome dogs! Welcome to you!
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    What pretty dogs! But what's that white stuff they're standing in?? LOL
  11. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    aw Tramp looks like a muppet lol (thats a good thing :D ) I don't think i have ever seen a dog quite like hime before. Your other babies beautiful too :D
  12. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    CUTE PIC :eek:
  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    how cute!! looks like they have bonded. tramp looks like he has the coat fo that weather!!

  14. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    OHHHHHHHHH! I love your dogs! I have to ask, because of your screen name, do you live in Indiana?
  15. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    thank you all for the warm welcome. Chinooklover Tramp does look like a muppet..lol..and Sarge'smom yes Indiana heart of the midwest..lol Here is a better pic of Tramp and Cw cozy and warm after their romp in the snow..lol..


  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member


    Doesn't that last photo make you want to ask, "How can something so small destroy so much....?"
  17. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I live in Fort Wayne! Finally, someone who lives close to me!!!

    Jaimya- that last picture looks like a baby Nala!
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    He does look similar!
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    they are just adorable, I think tramp looks like a wookie :D CW does look like a baby Nala
  20. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am finally making dog food change

    hopefully :D , As everyone knows of the many trials and tribulations with Jake and his diet, I decided to make a change with Wylie. (she wont have anything to do with the raw diet)

    I havent wanted to do it because I have had to change her food many times over the years, after a few months, she just doesnt like her food anymore and 2 years ago I tried purina proplan and she just loves it, but since her gastro incident costing $$$ and really want a better dog food so I got her last night Eagle Pack chicken sample. gave her handful and she really liked it, so I mixed some in with her food, and she ate it up, so we will see.

    and where I get jakes raw, they sell 3000# every 5 days :shock:, what a business


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