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Keeping clipped/non-clipped birds together

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey guys.. well My new bird who has his wings clipped is having a hell of a time in his new cage... I am not sure if it is what you call "fluttering" to the ground or falling.. but he makes a pretty big thump, but always climbs back up and tweets away.. my question is I am definatly not going to clip his wings again so should I wait until he can fully fly before putting him in the cage with my other bird who can fly? Cause im affraid that they might play and knock him off..
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi for him to land with such a bump indicates that he has only recently had his wings clipped.
    Where did you purchase the new bird?

    He needs to be kept in a cage of his own for a few weeks anyway away from your old bird to make sure he has nothing wrong with him.

    Once your sure he is ok then you can put them together him being clipped and your old bird not does not really matter as he will learn to keep his balance and be able to learn to land without such a hard thump...

    Its much easier to train and hand tame a bird that has its wings clipped as they depend on you more since they can still fly but not get the height or fly for aslong as they can with unclipped wings they depend on you to help them around...

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I got the new bird from a small pet store.. still a pet store but not a big company like the other bird I got.. Just a small family pet store.. and they said that the wings had already been clipped so I imagine it had been done recently... He seems to be ok keeping his balance its just that my other bird seems to be teaching him "how" to fly then he trys and cant make it LOL, I put a bunch more perches in there for him so he can just hop around.. I guess like you say he will get used to learning how to deal with it, so hopefully I can train him until his new wings grow in... Yeah I plan on keeping them seperate for about 2-3 months.. then I am going to put them into the same cage and buy 2 more at the same time :) I am addicted hehe.. and dont worry I am giving each and every one of them the best care they have ever seen! :)
    Thanks for the help mike, you have been a great source of info and it is greaty appriciated not only by myself but everyone else I am sure!
    Thanks again!
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Kiwi hasn't been clipped for a while and does fine in the cage with Buster who does have his wings clipped. If you're planning on keeping them seperate for 2-3 months then by the time you put them together his wings should be growing in.

    Budgie are addictive, that's why I have 4...maybe more later. My neighbors started out with 2 and at their last count they had 18.
  5. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    haha that is hillarious.. well I thought that by getting another one that it would be WAY too loud, becuase I live in a basement suite.. but they are being very good birds.. and so they might get a couple more friends.. when you have 4 are they quite loud?
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Mine can get loud because they're still talking to each other from a distance. When I had Chick, her and Buster used to "talk" all the time. Chick was the most annoying because when she'd talk she'd squak like a chicken (hence the name Chick) when she wanted to come out, or be petted, or be fed... pretty much anytime she wanted something :lol: .

    I've found that since I've gotten the other two Kiwi's become quite the little talker. Before that he'd usually just keep to himself but now he's coming out of his shell. When you let him out he'll sit on the bottom of the stairs and chirp at the other two and try to coax Buster to come out and play.

    It's really great when the new pair get into little squabbles at 4 in the morning!

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