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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by banglekit, Apr 11, 2004.

  1. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    Need help got a 9 week old begal kitten she barley eats and wants to sleep all the time, she was brought to the vet for numerous tests but they found nothing. she was vomitting for the first few days when we got her that has stopped thank goodness, but are very worried shes not acting normal? breeder is no help and neither is vet, need asstance
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Awe, your poor kitty. Is she loosing weight? Does she drink okay?
    Maybe you can get a second opinion from another vet?
  3. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    YES she is loosing wieght she is very bony, she does drink water we are trying everything we give her poland spring water, we hand feed her pedialyte about twice a day, and bought her eukenuba kitten she seams to like it but eats very little maybe 10 kernals a day or less. we brought her to two doctors and neither of them could find anything, we just recently changed her type of cat littler to yesterdays news which is suppose to be 100 percent newspaper we figured it was the safest?
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm sorry your kitty is so sick and also that you are having trouble finding a good vet. You may want to try a 24/7 emergency vet clinic. They have some of the bests vets there. Those people really know their stuff. It's more expensive, but at least they will be able to help your kitty. At this rate your kitty can't keep going on like this. Kittens can go downhill so fast and needs proper vet care. I hope your kitty hangs in there. (edited for a spelling typo)
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I wonder if you could get her to eat some Nutri-Cal. It is a nutritional paste often used for sick or recovering animals.
  6. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    thanks so much for your help, we are preseantly giving her nutri-cal
  7. savannah

    savannah New Member

    Hi, I just wanted to tell you I have 2 12 wk old kittens and at 9 wks they were around 1 lb 7oz.they do not sleep all the time however,Cats do sleep alot tho.also did you change the food they were eating at the breeders? That should be done slowly,that could make him sick.also the change just moving to a new home can cause stress.I would try canned
    kitten food most cats love it! mine chow down on it morning and nite and hav dry food down at all times that they eat during the day.I really think the kitten will eat canned food.
  8. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    No good

    :cry: I tried all still no good kitten seems to be getting worst I an now bringing kitten to the vet Hopping for the best
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    I hope they find out what's wrong this time. My heart goes out to you. I also have a bangle- Serena (Rene).
  10. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    Back from vet

    :roll: Ok more test (Aids test negative.Luk negative) now waiting on a test results called CdC ?or CBC it's another Blood test
    I will find that test result out at 4 pm on April 13 also vet also gave a shot that will increases her appetite :?

  11. nern

    nern New Member

    May its a CBC (complete blood count)?
    Hope everything is okay....I will keep her in my thoughts.

    Be sure and keep us posted.
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Poor baby girl! I'm really glad you took her to the vet, though. I'm sure she is in very good hands and getting the best of care. I wish your kitty all the best. Please keep us posted.
  13. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    bACK from vet day 2

    Ok :wink: the test day two(CBC)came back vet found that she has a virus so I must now give her shots of an antibiotic
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Why would the vet prescribe antibiotics for a viral infection? I thought antibiotics are for bacterial infections.
  15. banglekit

    banglekit New Member

    you are right

    :? You are correct she does have abacterial infection the shots i must give her 12cc of a suline with 8 mg Gent. How did she get this infection ?

  16. vene

    vene New Member

    She's so adorable! What's her name and is she gaining any weight and feeling any better?
  17. banglekit

    banglekit New Member


    she seems to be eatting some what she is 1 lb 11oz at 9 weeks I need some one to send me a link to how to give a kitten injections with pictures step by step please help also we named her teakeytoe
  18. banglekit

    banglekit New Member


    :D Ok she is doing much better with her injections of antibiotics she now seem to be a little piglet eating us out of house & home but now she seem to pee anywhere yesterday she pee in my Bed and it was a lake I have to keep a close eye on her :x :arrow: [​IMG]
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    :eek: Hooray!!! I'm so glad she's doing better. You're going to need to use a waterproof baby blanket/sheet if she keeps giving you presents.
  20. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm glad to hear she is eating now.

    I realize you were just at the vets, but if she's urinating outside of the litter box she may have a UTI (urinart tract infection). I'd take her back to the vet to have this checked. It's not expensive to treat. It could also be due to other medical problems and even behavioral problems (i.e. being upset with you about the injections), but it's best to rule out medical problems like a UTI first, before you try anything for behavioral issues. If she does have a UTI they can be painful and she will associate her litter box with pain and opt to urinate elsewhere.

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